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New BB Winner will have the most $$$ backing them?

This forum has officially gone full retard. Ed and Tahan have corporate backing? Whaaat? Eds family is the illuminati you say?

Campaigning has been happening since the beginning of BB. Reggie had HUGE campaigning going for her, Fitzy went into the house wearing godamn MLS t-shirts that his family/friends were selling online with all profits going into votes, we've heard stories of certain housemates boyfriends (cough* Ben) getting huge bank loans to pay for shitloads of votes.

This is the game of big brother, get used to it.

FFS this is why we have forums like this, to discuss theories and ideas no matter how bizarre they might be.


But in answer to the points that you raise, you talk as if corporate sponsorship of contestants is the way that the game has always been played.

You then mention Reggie, Fitzy and Ben from last year, a paltry 3 contestants out of a total of 164 housemates from the previous 9 seasons not including this one as 'proof'. And provided some rather flimsy examples as to why they have 'huge campaigning' behind them, with no concrete proof at all regarding either Reggie or Ben.

So excuse me if I think that your points are rather 'retarded'.

I believe that it's different this year because we have at least 2 contestants in one show who potentially have big corporate guns backing them and influencing the voting process - Ed and his AFL connections and Tahan. (This is Tahan's boyfriend David Reynolds' 'community service announcement' that he posted on the Bottle-O Racing team's Facebook page, btw:

And it appears to be a deliberate and concerted effort.

Yes, I realise that 'this is the game of Big Brother' (oh no, really, you don't say!) but you haven't proven that most housemates have had corporate sponsorship of their votes in the past. It probably wasn't as feasible before anyway because it used to be votes to evict in the previous seasons, whereas 'votes to save' would guarantee more $$$ for Channel 9 for specific housemates with the big bucks supporting them.

So it IS a topic worthy of discussion.

If you don't like it then kindly go back to the threads which discuss topics that you prefer, such as I don't know, Ed's magic rock? LOL go along then, scoot :D
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It's funny how everyone cries foul about vote to save or vote to evict when one of their favorites goes home. In reality, it has little do with the system but ok.

Don't get me wrong, Ben was not a favourite of mine. And failing Ed leaving, Ben would have been my next choice. However, I can not believe that the result reflects what the voting public wanted. It's even more scary to think that Tim could just as easily been evicted this week (not much in it). That would have pretty much written off the show for me!

This is the risk and flaw with just having voting to save. It's too easy for good HM's to get evicted, and too hard to vote out annoying ones. It also lends itself to being rorted by HM's family & friends. Having the option of voting to evict and voting to save, would make all the difference.
Don't get me wrong, Ben was not a favourite of mine. And failing Ed leaving, Ben would have been my next choice. However, I can not believe that the result reflects what the voting public wanted. It's even more scary to think that Tim could just as easily been evicted this week (not much in it). That would have pretty much written off the show for me!

This is the risk and flaw with just having voting to save. It's too easy for good HM's to get evicted, and too hard to vote out annoying ones. It also lends itself to being rorted by HM's family & friends. Having the option of voting to evict and voting to save, would make all the difference.

Amen! Makes me so mad! This is the LAST season of Big Brother for me. Alex has just ruined the show completely. I can't believe I am even watching it. I'm too old for this crap! The ONLY way I will watch the show next year is if they bring back vote to evict (even if it's with vote to save like 2007.
FFS this is why we have forums like this, to discuss theories and ideas no matter how bizarre they might be.


But in answer to the points that you raise, you talk as if corporate sponsorship of contestants is the way that the game has always been played.

You then mention Reggie, Fitzy and Ben from last year, a paltry 3 contestants out of a total of 164 housemates from the previous 9 seasons not including this one as 'proof'. And provided some rather flimsy examples as to why they have 'huge campaigning' behind them, with no concrete proof at all regarding either Reggie or Ben.

So excuse me if I think that your points are rather 'retarded'.

I believe that it's different this year because we have at least 2 contestants in one show who potentially have big corporate guns backing them and influencing the voting process - Ed and his AFL connections and Tahan. (This is Tahan's boyfriend David Reynolds' 'community service announcement' that he posted on the Bottle-O Racing team's Facebook page, btw:

And it appears to be a deliberate and concerted effort.

Yes, I realise that 'this is the game of Big Brother' (oh no, really, you don't say!) but you haven't proven that most housemates have had corporate sponsorship of their votes in the past. It probably wasn't as feasible before anyway because it used to be votes to evict in the previous seasons, whereas 'votes to save' would guarantee more $$$ for Channel 9 for specific housemates with the big bucks supporting them.

So it IS a topic worthy of discussion.

If you don't like it then kindly go back to the threads which discuss topics that you prefer, such as I don't know, Ed's magic rock? LOL go along then, scoot :D

Ok, lets discuss your 'theory' then.
How about you explain which corporations are sponsoring Ed and Tahan and what benefit they gain from this. It shouldn't be too hard to follow the money trail left by these "big corporation backed-contestants" right? Who knows, maybe a disgruntled shareholder will speak out questioning their companys huge big brother advertising expenditure after reading the annual report. Imagine the headlines!

"you haven't proven that most housemates have had corporate sponsorship of their votes in the past."
Yea...about that, you might want to first prove how this year is "corrupted by the involvement of big corporate sponsors" before you start talking about proof. Just saying.

Why don't you explain to us how this years campaigning is any different from other years of big brother and the campaigning for housemates in the past, and why this deserved its own thread. From where i'm sitting it's just another anti Ed/Tahan "It's Rigged!" rant.
Ok, lets discuss your 'theory' then.
How about you explain which corporations are sponsoring Ed and Tahan and what benefit they gain from this. It shouldn't be too hard to follow the money trail left by these "big corporation backed-contestants" right? Who knows, maybe a disgruntled shareholder will speak out questioning their companys huge big brother advertising expenditure after reading the annual report. Imagine the headlines!

"you haven't proven that most housemates have had corporate sponsorship of their votes in the past."
Yea...about that, you might want to first prove how this year is "corrupted by the involvement of big corporate sponsors" before you start talking about proof. Just saying.

Why don't you explain to us how this years campaigning is any different from other years of big brother and the campaigning for housemates in the past, and why this deserved its own thread. From where i'm sitting it's just another anti Ed/Tahan "It's Rigged!" rant.

LOL I don't have to explain anything or justify this thread to you or this mythical 'us' that you refer to. Who do you think you are? Who the hell died and made you the BBB forum police???

Sorry but your arrogance simply takes my breath away!

Not to mention the contradictions in your statements when on one hand, you rubbish the idea of big corporations influencing the voting process, but on the other you say that Reggie and Fitzy and Ben12 all campaigned very hard especially with Fitzy and his MLS t shirts!

I mean, which is it, make up your mind, dude!

Is it beyond the realms of possibility that Ed and Tahan may have such financial backing (directly or indirectly as I said in my original post if you cared to read it properly) behind their campaign given as I've already mentioned several times, Ed's and his twin brother's AFL connections and Tahan's racing car driver boyfriend's sponsors?

The fact that you believe that this thread is nothing more than an anti Ed/Tahan conspiracy rant (WRONG, the topic is about corporations influencing the BB voting process, not necessarily about Ed or Tahan but the involvement of sponsors itself) is your problem and the result of your own self-delusion caused by your own personal bias. Perhaps.

Personally I think Ed's a douche but Tahan I don't have a major problem with, although she's not my particular favourite to win. But again, that wasn't my point.

As I said, the reason why i started this thread is because of the way that the voting happened tonight, with Tahan getting the most votes to save after her BF posts his community service announcement on his sponsor's Facebook page, and Ed getting saved ahead of Ben even though he was the odds-on favourite to be evicted tonight, and everyone knows of his brother's campaign to save him and I wondered about their AFL connections to help that campaign along. Someone else commented here that perhaps this sponsorship thing applies more to Tahan than Ed and that may be the case, and I said I'll reserve my judgment until the coming weeks to see if Ed's supporter's campaign is indeed backed by major corporate sponsors that will come to light.

Either way, if you agree that other housemates in the past did this full-on campaigning thing, then what's the problem in calling out the housemates who may be doing the same this year and more importantly, possibly taking it to a whole new level?

May i suggest that you keep your own personal biases to yourself and read posts very carefully in future before you rubbish a whole thread where several people have already replied, so as to prevent yourself from being thought of as possibly a first-class grade A douche bag.

Thanks ;)
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Save Or Evict

The good thing about save is the boring people go and the good people stay

The bad thin about evict is the entertaining people go

The bad thing about save is the annoying people stay because their entertaining

The good thing about evict is the annoying people go

I personally don't mind which but what about you want
Not to mention the contradictions in your statements when on one hand, you rubbish the idea of big corporations influencing the voting process, but on the other you say that Reggie and Fitzy and Ben12 all campaigned very hard especially with Fitzy and his MLS t shirts!

I mean, which is it, make up your mind, dude!

Stopped reading here. Not going to continue to read the drivel from someone that can't differentiate between being promoted by their family or being financially funded by a corporation.

Here, you need to understand what a corporation is because it seems you have no friggin idea.

'-A corporation is a separate legal entity that has been incorporated through a legislative or registration process established through legislation. Incorporated entities have legal rights and liabilities that are distinct from their employees and shareholders'
Bullshit! Don't give me that "so the boring ones go". Ben was a unique character and far from boring! He added to the show. Ed is the most boring out of that lot (don't get me wrong, I like Ed, but he's boring compared to the other nominees)

I honestly don't think that Ed would have left by now under a vote to evict system. This system will get him out easier even with his stupid backing. He almost went at around the 30 day mark. He just seems to have a bit of luck on his side.

It's not exactly because 'the boring ones go' under a vote to save system (although I do think that it does a good deal of the time, particularly at the beginning) but it keeps up the rivalries near the end of the game because viewers take sides. Note that the final 3 last year were hardly the best of friends. Ben wasn't boring but people didn't have any reason to side with him this week.

Look at the original HMs who are in there and the rivalries they have: Tim Vs Ed, Ed Vs Drew, Mikkayla/Jade Vs Tahan, Drew Vs Jade in a recent ep. So the vote to evict system is more likely to eliminate one side of a rivalry on eviction night and the vote to save will more likely keep both of them in.

Having Ed over Ben is a little disappointing I must admit. But if vote to evict was in play, I would think that Matt, Caleb, Ed and the Sisters would still be in there living in harmony. Meanwhile the Tahan, Mikkayla and Jade rivalry would be long gone.
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My appreciation for Tahan has grown slowly over the season to a very high level now. I did not think much of her at first but she is extremely competitive which is something I like.

I liked all the originals left , I just found Ed annoying. For the outcome of the show and the homestretch I think Ben leaving was the best thing for the show.
i too would like to see evidence of this 'corporate sponsorship' you speak of.

all i've seen so far is friends and family supporting the housemates
This forum has officially gone full retard. Ed and Tahan have corporate backing? Whaaat? Eds family is the illuminati you say?

Campaigning has been happening since the beginning of BB. Reggie had HUGE campaigning going for her, Fitzy went into the house wearing godamn MLS t-shirts that his family/friends were selling online with all profits going into votes, we've heard stories of certain housemates boyfriends (cough* Ben) getting huge bank loans to pay for shitloads of votes.

This is the game of big brother, get used to it.

Yep. I agree.

And all this talk is kinda disregarding the fact that people do vote. I'm a big Tahan fan and I vote. She gets lots of votes, so she must have big corporations backing her? Please...
Stopped reading here. Not going to continue to read the drivel from someone that can't differentiate between being promoted by their family or being financially funded by a corporation.

Here, you need to understand what a corporation is because it seems you have no friggin idea.

'-A corporation is a separate legal entity that has been incorporated through a legislative or registration process established through legislation. Incorporated entities have legal rights and liabilities that are distinct from their employees and shareholders'

OMG. I'm well aware of what a corporation is. I'm not sure that you are though. Didn't I tell you to read my post carefully? I mentioned Tahan's boyfriend, David Reynolds, is a racing car driver for the BOTTLE-O RACING TEAM, and he posted a 'community service announcement' not only on his Twitter page but also on Bottle-O's Facebook AND Twitter page!

Is the Bottle-O Racing Team not a 'corporation'?

Here you go:

Hello! Anyone home, McFly?

Tell me if the customers and associates of Bottle-O through their social media would not potentially be influenced by their main racing car driver's 'PSA' in order to give some votes Tahan's way. Quite conveniently on social media as well, it wouldn't be too hard at all.

If it's not possible, then why would David Reynolds bother posting such a video on his sponsor's social media? Of course he knows it can make a great difference!

And that's all that I'm talking about.

This thread was opened in order for people who are interested to discuss the possibilities and ramifications of such an occurrence happening, where a housemate can gain an advantage through having such big corporate connections.

It just so happened that the case applies to Tahan and possibly Ed. It's bizarre that the Tahan and Ed lovers all pounce on this thread thinking that it's an attack on their favourite housemate, when as I said before, it's about the possibility of corporate sponsors influencing the voting process. It could've been Ben or Drew or Tim, but it wasn't them who had the greatest amount of saves after the Bottle-O Racing team's social media got involved, it was Tahan.

OMG at people who can't tell the difference between saying corporations got involved, and saying the votes were rigged because they went Tahan's and Ed's way.

I'm not even saying that the votes were rigged even if big companies or Bottle-O got involved. How could they be? They'd still be legitimate votes!

So people who are saying that this thread is crying 'votes are rigged', you're WRONG. This is about bringing up the subject of the advantage that some housemates could potentially have if they do have major sponsors backing them. There's a big difference between the two.

And FYI I'm not going to reply to you anymore because you post comments without even bothering to read my posts carefully and not at all even (you stopped reading after the second paragraph of my last comment you said). Yet reply with breathless arrogance.

From now on your comments will be treated with contempt by me and even reported to admin unless you can prove that you understand what this thread is all about by first of all READING THE POSTS AND READING THEM PROPERLY. And providing sensible comments worthy of a response.
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i too would like to see evidence of this 'corporate sponsorship' you speak of.

all i've seen so far is friends and family supporting the housemates

Hi, see my reply to bbau2k12 about Rod Nash Racing and the Bottle-O Racing team.

My hope was that others who share similar ideas could discuss whether or not corporate sponsors could definitely get involved and influence the voting process, and what this means for BB AUS.

So yes, I was seeking evidence to the contrary myself. If people can show me that Bottle-O is not a corporation whose social media could not have possibly influenced last night's voting (whether it be for Tahan or Drew or any other housemate for instance) then I'd be willing to listen, but not comments that rubbish this whole thread without even reading the posts properly (not yours, someone else's).
Yep. I agree.

And all this talk is kinda disregarding the fact that people do vote. I'm a big Tahan fan and I vote. She gets lots of votes, so she must have big corporations backing her? Please...

Um, once again, (it's funny that people who throw around the word 'retard' can be guilty of acting exactly that way themselves, which is actually an insult to the truly intellectually handicapped) - this is not about being 'ANTI-TAHAN'.

The Bottle-O Racing Team/Rod Nash Racing could've been backing any other housemate. I would've still started this thread. It's about corporations getting involved in the voting process and what it means for BB.

It's perfectly legitimate to do so and Channel 9 would be very happy with the $$$ going their way as a result.

But what would it mean for the integrity of BB and for the ordinary fans and viewers and voters of BB?

THAT was the point of this thread.

Back to the drawing-board for you.
so some of his workmates are supporting his girlfriend....whats your point?

Sweetheart, first of all there's a difference between ordinary 'workmates' and the BOTTLE-O RACING TEAM, which is a subsidiary of the ROD NASH RACING TEAM, a V8 Supercar racing entity, using their social media and their team's MAIN DRIVER calling for votes from their fans, customers and associates for a BB housemate to be saved on the show.

And if big corporations are allowed to get involved, then what does this mean for the BB voting process? It's quite legitimate but would it be fair for the rest of BB fans who support housemates without such big companies backing them up?

Let me guess, the fans who do have the big companies supporting their fave housemate would say, abso-freaking-lutely it's fair.

Heaven forbid that the shoe would be on the other foot, though!
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Lets face it, it is in their interest to have a well connected HM win, will be an advantage for the next x-promotion of 'Celebrity Apprentice' ;)
Lets face it, it is in their interest to have a well connected HM win, will be an advantage for the next x-promotion of 'Celebrity Apprentice' ;)

There you go. Thank you! That's exactly what I was wondering could happen. It wouldn't hurt Channel 9 at all! :D
i doubt ED will win with Tahans grandmother stating in the NT news she spends $300 voting to
save her each time shes up for eviction
i think ED or Tim will be the next to go
this year i'm thinking a female will win ;)
Sweetheart, first of all there's a difference between ordinary 'workmates' and the BOTTLE-O RACING TEAM, which is a subsidiary of the ROD NASH RACING TEAM, a V8 Supercar racing entity, using their social media and their team's MAIN DRIVER calling for votes from their fans, customers and associates for a BB housemate to be saved on the show.

And if big corporations are allowed to get involved, then what does this mean for the BB voting process? It's quite legitimate but would it be fair for the rest of us who support housemates without such big companies backing them up?

theres also a big difference between corporate sponsorship and helping a work colleague.

im sure Mikkaylas boyfriend has attempted to enlist the help his workmates as well.
the people Tahans boyfriend work for may have a bigger media presence but one person will always be better connected than the other...its the way of the world.

also i really cant see a bunch of petrolheads caring about BB, let alone voting.