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New BB Winner will have the most $$$ backing them?



Not sure if this has been brought up before, apologies if it has.

Just with the way that some of the voting went tonight, I had a sinking thought.

Namely with Ed being saved at the expense of Ben, and Tahan getting the most votes to save.

It appears that the big corporation backed-contestants could end up winning the show this year.

Ed may have many corporate sponsors directly or indirectly backing him, having a brother in the AFL (or until very recently) and he himself having been a former AFL player.

And Tahan who had the most votes to save tonight (!) - her BF has major sponsors backing him as a Bottle-O racing car driver.

OK i might be incredibly naive but i don't believe this has happened before with regard to past BB winners.

Will BB 2013 be the year when it loses it's 'innocence' and becomes corrupted by the involvement of big corporate sponsors in the voting process?

Jeez Louise i sincerely hope not!!!
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Yeah, Ed is going to win. He was supposed to go twice now and hasn't. The cards he has are powerful. His family and friends are going to get him all the way to the end.
Yeah, Ed is going to win. He was supposed to go twice now and hasn't. The cards he has are powerful. His family and friends are going to get him all the way to the end.

He didn't have to bring up any cards at all then. If this is what he's talking about then maybe Ed's the most honest HM ever.
If it comes down to Ed and Tahan for the final two then there's nothing that the common man can really do to change the outcome. It will just come down to corporate backing. If one goes up against, say, Tim, then there is hope.

I mean, way back in the day Fryzie had MLS but that was pretty small scale. It doesn't seem quite right, does it?
If it comes down to Ed and Tahan for the final two then there's nothing that the common man can really do to change the outcome. It will just come down to corporate backing. If one goes up against, say, Tim, then there is hope.

I mean, way back in the day Fryzie had MLS but that was pretty small scale. It doesn't seem quite right, does it?

No, it doesn't!!!

So you see some hope if the final two ends up being Tim against either Ed and Tahan with their corporate sponsors. Big $$$ VS the Little Guy.

That would be kind of epic to watch!
Although, its probably worth noting that Heidi would've had a lot of backing with her radio station presumably voting a lot and encouraging their listeners to do the same, and it didn't work out. But who knows.
No, it doesn't!!!

So you see some hope if the final two ends up being Tim against either Ed and Tahan with their corporate sponsors. Big $$$ VS the Little Guy.

That would be kind of epic to watch!

Hopefully the public would even more motivated to vote for Tim in this scenario. That would be a true victory.
1000x better than vote to evict.

Bullshit! Don't give me that "so the boring ones go". Ben was a unique character and far from boring! He added to the show. Ed is the most boring out of that lot (don't get me wrong, I like Ed, but he's boring compared to the other nominees)
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Oh yeah, he does! Oops.

I suppose, if you think about it, most HMs workplaces would be doing their bit. Depending on where they work and the size of the company, they would surely be making a significant contribution. I'm not sure whether it all comes out in the wash or not, so to speak.

The Lower's are taking it to an extreme though. It's one thing to vote excessively and support your family member/friend/colleague, which is what Tahan and her lot are doing in addition to encouraging others to do the same, the Lower's are full on running competitions to ensure members of the public vote - people who haven't even met Ed. Not a direct violation of any rules, but still seems like a stretch of appropriate conduct.
Yeah, Ed is going to win. He was supposed to go twice now and hasn't. The cards he has are powerful.

But Tim has his radio station backing him lol

Is he still working for a radio station though? (Nova in Brisbane is it?) And if so, are they actively campaigning for him? I haven't heard much about it. Do you have any proof that they are? Whereas Ed and Tahan appear to have their corporate sponsors actively campaigning on their behalf or helping their own supporters.

If Nova is overtly supporting Tim then I'd classify Tim as one of the 'big corporation contestants'. (BCCs?)
I think there are more legitimate reasons for Tahan staying definitely. Ed's persistent presence is less about having more financial support (I don't believe he does and there's really nothing to indicate that) and more about the fan bases of others failing that given week. If there was tons of money behind Ed, he wouldn't have been the bookie's favorite to be evicted as that's all about how money is being dispersed. Moreover, his brother wouldn't need to literally sell Ed's body to rally votes to save if he already had a foreseeable influential amount. Finally, while Tahan has topped the leader board for this one (and only thus far) time, Ed has not. He was second to last tonight and has never brought in a majority percentage of the voting. So you really can't group Tahan with Ed in this scenario.

Ben is a manipulative con artist. I'm glad he went home.
Welcome to vote to save! It's flawed! Not a good way to run a show!

Totally agree! The vote to save system is fundamentally flawed, and the results of it do not reflect what the public wants. Furthermore, it makes it very easy for a cashed-up party to rort it. Ben would never have gone this week under a vote to evict system.
This forum has officially gone full retard. Ed and Tahan have corporate backing? Whaaat? Eds family is the illuminati you say?

Campaigning has been happening since the beginning of BB. Reggie had HUGE campaigning going for her, Fitzy went into the house wearing godamn MLS t-shirts that his family/friends were selling online with all profits going into votes, we've heard stories of certain housemates boyfriends (cough* Ben) getting huge bank loans to pay for shitloads of votes.

This is the game of big brother, get used to it.
Totally agree! The vote to save system is fundamentally flawed, and the results of it do not reflect what the public wants. Furthermore, it makes it very easy for a cashed-up party to rort it. Ben would never have gone this week under a vote to evict system.
It's funny how everyone cries foul about vote to save or vote to evict when one of their favorites goes home. In reality, it has little do with the system but ok.
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I think there are more legitimate reasons for Tahan staying definitely. Ed's persistent presence is less about having more financial support (I don't believe he does and there's really nothing to indicate that) and more about the fan bases of others failing that given week. If there was tons of money behind Ed, he wouldn't have been the bookie's favorite to be evicted as that's all about how money is being dispersed. Moreover, his brother wouldn't need to literally sell Ed's body to rally votes to save if he already had a foreseeable influential amount. Finally, while Tahan has topped the leader board for this one (and only thus far) time, Ed has not. He was second to last tonight and has never brought in a majority percentage of the voting. So you really can't group Tahan with Ed in this scenario.

Ben is a manipulative con artist. I'm glad he went home.

I understand your points about Ed not being in the same league as Tahan and you could be right. (Tahan may have this one in the bag then!) However, I'll reserve final judgment on Ed's financial support status until I see further developments in the voting process in the next few weeks..