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Masterchef 2024

Okay you two. Thanks for a great chat, even though i wasnt paying attention and was distracted. It was great to have your company.
Thursday tomorrow. Reminder to self: masterchef is not on again until Sunday!
I have NO idea who they're all wetting their pants over on Sunday night's show! I guess I'll find out though.
Yes, we'll be here waiting to see.
Have fun until Sunday Seph and Mr. X
And once again, hopfuly megs will show up 🤞🏽
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Who knows? Maybe I will one day. Although the first time I ever tried to cook toast I put the bread in the microwave.... on a plastic plate...... for 20 minutes.......and I was 12......

I remember round about that age, my mum telling me never to put a knife in a toaster.
Standing in front of the toaster at 12/13 waiting suddenly wondered why, and popped the knife in ... ... And I soon found out why, when zap! Knife flew out of my hand, and I've had curly hair ever since! Ouch! Never did it again!
I got Grilld tonight, even though I know how to use a microwave I still cannot cook much lmao
The first choice takeaway of both my sons.
Time and experience and a stove top. As far as I'm concerned, a microwave is for quick heating. You'll get there.
Totally right Feb. I always used to say you only need a chopping board, good knife, a fry pan/wok, a saucepan and an oven and a bit of experience! I'd add air fryer to that I use that a fair bit too these days. And I do have a microwave but it's used for defrosting, heating and cooking veggies only...never really cook meals in it.
Yes, we'll be here waiting to see.
Have fun until Sunday Seph and Mr. X
And once again, hopfuly megs will show up 🤞🏽
It’s two weeks today since he was last online. So strange. I wonder if anyone here on the forum has contact with him. Have you DM’d Meglos per chance?
I love both tiktok and eggs! I love my eggs poached especially.

As for tikok. I just love it, but have never heard of this girl before. But my tiktok is literally just clips of hot guys with backwards caps 🤷🏻‍♂️
Ive recently been making Asian style smoked salmon omelette. They have been amazing, so my partner says, and I'll admit myself 😊