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Masterchef 2024

Time and experience and a stove top. As far as I'm concerned, a microwave e is for quick heating. You'll get there.
Who knows? Maybe I will one day. Although the first time I ever tried to cook toast I put the bread in the microwave.... on a plastic plate...... for 20 minutes.......and I was 12......


My mum was not very inspired to trust me in the kitchen after that 🤣😆😂 I mostly watch Masterchef for the competition aspect, I am of absolute no use in a kitchen!
LOT of wins but who will win in the end?
Since this is my first season I have engaged with since the original judges left, I do have a bit of a personal nit-pick about the format. I do like the Sunday all-in eliminations, but I feel like the immunity challenge could use some tweaking. Since everyone is in elimination on Sunday and theres usually a first round that saves most anyway, it kind of lowers the stakes? I feel like immunity pins are way more of a better reward for winning immunity.
Who knows? Maybe I will one day. Although the first time I ever tried to cook toast I put the bread in the microwave.... on a plastic plate...... for 20 minutes.......and I was 12......


My mum was not very inspired to trust me in the kitchen after that 🤣😆😂 I mostly watch Masterchef for the competition aspect, I am of absolute no use in a kitchen!
It comes with experimenting. When my partner and I first moved in together, that's when it all came together for me. He was good to practice on as he was up for my experimenting. The more you experiment the better you get. Unless you're a natural chef! ... or just totally hopeless 😂