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Married At First Sight AU 2019

I can't believe Sam actually believes he and Ines are the only ones who are honest. What's honest about shagging each other behind everyone's backs, and deceiving all their "friends" especially Bronson! ARGH!
Bloody Mike....He and Heidi and so NOT compatible....only with JIggy Jiggy do they relate to each other.
Love it how the experts turn it around to be about Heidi being needy, and not about Mike being a manipulative little prick.
Just a quick interjection - wrong coloured lipstick Ines. Looks insipid on you!
EDIT - in fact it suits you. Cheap and nasty!
Ooooh nasty me is emerging!
What the fuck are wrong with these people.
How do they cast this show??? Hello we are after wankers, bitches and socially retarded people.
Its outrageous.