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MAFS 2021

Are people really trying to defend Bryce?

What a piece of shit, imagine being so pathetic you get DOMINATED by THAT :alien:

The way he almost SHAT HIMSELF when Jake got up from the table to defend [insert wive name], I was SCREAMING 🤣
The experts are very annoying, trying to sway the narrative.
THEY want Bryce to prove he cares about Melissa.
THEY side with Booka and get all disappointed that Brett won't bend to her demands.
As for Patrick, I just can't. Who would have pegged the lovable dork as the biggest gaslighter?
To hell with bro code, you just mind your own business when it comes to other people's relationships.
Agreed, about Patrick. He is a backstabbing, pot-stirring, troublemaker. I loathe him.
Okay, so I'm behind again, and not for refilling my glass or posting, I had a call I had to take.
Rebecca us goading Bryce severely, and thankfully he has not reacted. She is a nasty piece if work, and I think we have all said that from week one!
I agree with you. Old horse face has been nasty since day one. I can't stomach her.
Omg, I can't stand many of them this season. Bec is a nasty, overbearing, delusional, horse faced shit-stirrer. Patrick is a pathetic, troublemaking little weasel. Melissa is a complete doormat. Booka is a drama-queen. Bryce is a player. Etc. Horrible bunch.
Seems like you are talking about them all.
High-five! She is a complete doormat. She reminds me of an ex friend. She was with a complete psycho, who nobody could stand. He treated her terribly & she stayed with him. People would tell her how horrible he was, how he put her down, used her, etc. She didn't care.
Bryce & Melissa were on Kyle & Jackie O the other day and are still together living in Melbourne. Apparently they're going to get married and want to start a family, blah blah. Surely he wouldn't keep up the charade this long if he wasn't in to her. You're right though, only they know how they feel about each other and it's noone else's business.

Interestingly, Pat & Belinda's true colours are showing.

I just can't help but find this season a failure. The people are fucked. The matching's are fucked (per usual). The drama is too manufactured. And revolting Bec is still there.

MAFS needs to be careful that is doesn't keeping trying too hard to manufacture bullshit drama for ratings, otherwise it will go the way of MKR. People like lighthearted drama for a laugh. Bullying makes people switch off and never return - MKR is proof of that.
Liam has a nasty side too. So many snakes in this experiment.
Agreed. I thought he was sweet at first, but not anymore. He is mean. And I think his partner is more into him than vice versa. I don't trust him. I think he is one of the fame/fortune seekers. He is fake.