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Last movie you saw

how about the requests for explanations and even the digs go private and leave the rest of us to enjoy the thread?

or would that be too much to ask?

now PLEASE - someone - anyone ... the long weekend approaches ... I'll have time to go to the movies or watch something at home ... I don't get that much time to do so - so I don't want to waste it - what can you recommend for me?
I'm not a huge fan of action/blood/sci fi ... I want light entertainment to soothe the soul ... I want to just sit back, switch off and enjoy

so what have you got for me??
how about the requests for explanations and even the digs go private and leave the rest of us to enjoy the thread?

or would that be too much to ask?

now PLEASE - someone - anyone ... the long weekend approaches ... I'll have time to go to the movies or watch something at home ... I don't get that much time to do so - so I don't want to waste it - what can you recommend for me?
I'm not a huge fan of action/blood/sci fi ... I want light entertainment to soothe the soul ... I want to just sit back, switch off and enjoy

so what have you got for me??
Hi Crimmy,

Um what about "A Royal night out, "Woman in Gold" or "Pitch Perfect 2"?

I hope you enjoy whatever you see and have a great long weekend.:D
seen a Royal Night Out over in NZ with my mum on Mother's Day ... never was interested in Pitch Perfect 1 - can only take Rebel in small doses ...
Woman in Gold ... Helen Mirren = definitely worth consideration :) have you seen it?

The other one I was hoping would be released is Noble - I think I have to wait til the 10th for that one

thanks for your suggestions :)
seen a Royal Night Out over in NZ with my mum on Mother's Day ... never was interested in Pitch Perfect 1 - can only take Rebel in small doses ...
Woman in Gold ... Helen Mirren = definitely worth consideration :) have you seen it?

The other one I was hoping would be released is Noble - I think I have to wait til the 10th for that one

thanks for your suggestions :)
You're very welcome re suggestions. No, I haven't seen "Woman in Gold" but I know I must get off my butt and go and see it. I absolutely adore Helen Mirren. "Clouds of Sils Maria" might be another one to see (I think it's still showing at the cinemas). I heard good reviews about this movie but it's not light entertainment though.
You're very welcome re suggestions. No, I haven't seen "Woman in Gold" but I know I must get off my butt and go and see it. I absolutely adore Helen Mirren. "Clouds of Sils Maria" might be another one to see (I think it's still showing at the cinemas). I heard good reviews about this movie but it's not light entertainment though.
well I did enjoy the series so might consider the movie for myself - not sure I could drag the man of the house along to that one though ... not really his speed.

Clouds of Sils Maria sounds good too :)
well I did enjoy the series so might consider the movie for myself - not sure I could drag the man of the house along to that one though ... not really his speed.

Clouds of Sils Maria sounds good too :)
Ooh what about "Entourage"? I think the man of the house might enjoy this movie seeing it's a manflick? Would you?
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Ooh what about "Entourage"? I think the man of the house might enjoy this movie seeing it's a manflick? Would you?
Entourage is the one I don't think he'd like (only because he never watched the series with me) ... I think he'd probably enjoy Woman in Gold ... not so sure about Clouds of Sils Maria for him ..
Great another thread derailed by infighting. I'm over this bullshit. Usual suspects at play I see.

So true. And here you are squawking from the side lines to incite more drama.

Congratulations on helping to further derail the thread and upgrading yourself to "usual suspect".

I'm a bigot? Stay classy, mate.
I don't really understand what most of this post means anyway, but now you're also bringing elcoopo into it! Unbelievable.

I don't understand it either, but el coopo is one of the nicest people on here, as are you, so the dig doesn't sit right with me.



Jurassic World.

Love it, I had low expectations, but it turned out to be a good film and there were a few little easter eggs in there that made me feel nostalgic for the first 2 films... Oh and Chris Pratt is one sexy mother fucker...# justsaying
I'm not convinced Pratt had anything to do with the success of the movies he has been in and more like he's been at the right place at the right time. I've watched the 'blockbusters' he's been involved in recently and if you replaced him with some other generic 'white guy' I'm sure it would not have affected the bottom line of each of those movies whatsoever.

In fact I'd guess that those movies could probably have made even more money had it been an actor with a bigger profile than his. He just fortunately happens to be the 'it' guy (on the back of the success of Guardians of the Galaxy) for the time being but a pretty generic forgettable dull one at that.
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Oh @Connoisseur since you're here I should tell you that I saw your beloved Mad Max recently and I had no idea what was going on. I only looked at my phone once though so it can't have been THAT bad.
Oh @Connoisseur since you're here I should tell you that I saw your beloved Mad Max recently and I had no idea what was going on. I only looked at my phone once though so it can't have been THAT bad.

My fanboyism is that bad, huh? :shamefully:

Don't worry I had no clue what beautiful insanity I had just WITNESSED the first time I saw it either. But I did have this stupid grin plastered all over my face once the end credits began to roll and I knew right then and there that I had to experience THAT again (planning on seeing for at least a 7th time) to fully appreciate George Miller's magnum opus. :inlove:
From what I have seen of him, Chris Pratt seems to be a cool person who doesn't take himself seriously. I am not sure how much his presence in the movie helped in terms of box office sales, but it sure didn't hurt it.
My fanboyism is that bad, huh? :shamefully:

Don't worry I had no clue what beautiful insanity I had just WITNESSED the first time I saw it either. But I did have this stupid grin plastered all over my face once the end credits began to roll and I knew right then and there that I had to experience THAT again (planning on seeing for at least a 7th time) to fully appreciate George Miller's magnum opus. :inlove:

Wow 7 times! I guess it's not exactly a plot heavy film but visually it's very stunning and well made, I can't say post apocalyptic car chase is my ideal film. I actually did manage to lol a few times not sure my mind was blown. Should I see it again to join you in your obsession??