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Is Camerashy1 a 2014 Housemate?

Was mentioned to me in a message - I don't know the game - thought it might be some type of game that attracts a certain type of user that could be related to one of the hms
It's a game that requires a lot of dedication and hours put into it.

It's not exactly a game for the "casual gamer".
It took me last night and some of today... but I have now read every post in this thread. It's like a trip down memory lane, because this used to happen every year lol. We'd all watch the housemates enter the house, and then have our "Quick... head count... who's missing?" moment.

@KurlyKatieK ... remember when we were so sure that @Jake was going into the house? It didn't help that he deliberately went AWOL right went the housemates would have been entering lockdown, and then didn't emerge for a couple of weeks (yep, just to lend credence to the rumours)

That being said, it's perfectly feasible that a BBB'er is in the house. People on this forum are interested in BB... people who audition are interested in BB... and it's a small world.
having read all 29 fascinating pages, I'm left with the question of CS1's profile setting. Was the setting changed to "private" just prior to her disappearance or is that not confirmed? Is it an indication of a planned absence or just a red herring?

Had CS1 ever mentioned participating in other BB/non-BB websites?

best wishes to ya, CS1, wherever you are...
Sonia said two new HMs are going it possible she's still in lockdown?
I thought that too, but I have seen prufrock around I think. Just not much.

I think I have seen @prufrock liking some posts. That's what's so weird. If CS was just busy or going on some other forum for a while, you'd think he/she would still like the occasional post. Does anyone recall CS saying s/he was studying? I have an annoying thing in my mind that says s/he could be student?
I'm sure she would take that as a compliment... Lol... Poles apart!

The last time I saw @prufrock post was in the Skye thread:

Oh the irony. You lambast Skye for her grasp of 'the English language' yet you can't tell the difference between a comma and a full stop, and your use of capital letters is equally atrocious. People in glass houses...

Post no. 170
Copy and paste if you have any comments to add... Or if I have forgotten a HM!! What are these last 2 guys' names?!! Ha...

Aisha: too young - nuh.

Gemma: possible - nurse (but apparently Tim upset her a lot in last year's auditions) so prob not. CS1 didn't have issues with Tim)

Katie: possible - similar personality?

Skye: too young and wrong persona.

Priya: pretty sure CS1 not a school teacher

Cat: possible - nurse, calm, not quirky enough...yet!

Sandra: possible - spot on persona.

Lisa: crier... Nuh.

David: not sure?

Ryan: no way on Earth!

Sam: nuh

Travis: no way on Earth!

Jake: possible, gamer? BB fanatic...

Jason: from Canberra? Prob not.

Magician Guy: possible?

Abs guy: no way on Earth!
My observation only.........Sandra when talking about her thighs.........Feet, ankles and calves reminded me of the picture CS1 posted.
The curly hair could have been blonded.