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Is Ben a good gay role model?

Serenity now...

Serenity now...

Serenity now...

Serenity now...






"Graciously"? Any better?

I did say (and mean) "back down", not "concede defeat"!
The proposal was a fake. Ben knows he can't legally marry. He had to modify his position in an interview afterwards and say he was not interested in a gay marriage as such, but rather a gay wedding. This has set back the movement for marriage equality.

It's not just the marriage issue Ben has lied about. He said he wanted a family, then he had to backtrack and redefine "family" to mean gay partnership without children. This is another setback for the marriage equality movement.

These were more than just gay. His blue suit for the evictions was pure camp. That is the image of himself that Ben was promoting.

In the end, his alter ego took over. It was Brenda who won, not Ben.

I would like to think that too, but realistically, I know it's not true. Ben had no intention of raising awareness. His only interest was winning the $$$... at any cost. That cost meant persecuting and destroying those around him.

If the gay community or the marriage equality movement want him as a role model, they are going to have a hard time removing all the hatred and craven narcissism from that model. No, Ben is damaged goods. They don't want him.

If anyone wants him as a gay role model, it's Channel Nine, and you'd have to be suspicious of their motives.

It's hilarious how his braindead minions housemates and fans in the outside world bought these lies hook, line and sinker. All of his fellow bitches in the house began to promote his worthiness as the winner the minute they were evicted and brought along their own fan bases to help him win.

The douche is a despicable human being but he's absolutely brilliant at getting what he wants out of the dumbarses who think the sun shines out of his sphincter. For that I begrudgingly have to take my hat off to him. Well played sir, well played you're truly a master strategist. Your talents are wasted on a show like Big Brother. Survivor should make an exemption to their only yanks rule for their show and invite benny boy to play.
Point taken, but Ben reminded me how obnoxious a certain sub-set of gays can be. But you're right, it was clumsy of me to imply that I held that against *all* gays.

It's funny that Ben reminds me heaps of my bitchy nasty Uncle who also happens to be gay. The thing is though, I think he would be that way whether he was gay or not. He is just a nasty bitchy person. His sexulaity has nothing to do with it.
My pleasure!

This song just makes me want to burst with happiness

Now dance with me, Nana, and shake it like a crack whore!

S I N G !


*Frantically searches web for instructions on "How to shake it like a crack whore" but fails to find anything*