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Episode I'm A Celebrity! AU (2017) - Episode Discussion

...all of the rest of them should do a mutiny and all threaten to walk unless Keira goes... if she doesn't go then walk and just leave her in the jungle alone with nobody to whinge to... she would go insane!... lol!... cheers.
Punching down or punching up in comedy is a thing with non-European Australian comedians, I like it, but it's pretty subjective!... Kate jumping up and down just then made her boobs look like two waterbeds in an earthquake!... she could have someone's eye out with them!... cheers.
Pricey is being silly, Nazeem is just being descriptive he isn't insulting or judging anyone
Not really, you can't tell if someone is "rich" by looking at them. I think Pricey was right about that, they could have saved a long time, been gifted, etc.
Easy for Steve to judge descriptions from a man who is part of a racially vilified group, harder to recognise the different contexts of their opinions
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but it isn't exactly insulting to be called rich, and he wasn't insulting anyone @Tuttle
Okay, what I got from what Steve was saying is that he was surprised/disappointed that Nazeem generalized, when that's what his comedy/conversations have been about NOT doing.
He only objected I think because he is an old rich white person!

I mean, good point - but if I had a dollar for every time Pricey casually dismissed someone or an entire sport because it involved women.

I am woman & most sport involving women, is BORING to watch. we go... this is when Keira chucks yet another crying tanty no doubt... aw crap!... she made me out to be a liar!... :(... cheers.