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Episode I'm A Celebrity! AU (2017) - Episode Discussion

Ice cream challenge coming up. I can't imagine they'll get it somehow...
Julia was hilar tonight. I say it every year but honestly, this show is nothing without her.

My vote for people to go: Dane, Tegan, Tom
My vote for people to stay: Casey, Ash, Julia (LOL)
My vote for meh: Jay, Nat, Kris
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Well done to Tegan anyway. She was the only one who correctly repeated what she was told. And Dane managed to correct one error and replace it with another, so he sort of came out neutral.
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And we're done. We'll be seeing more of Tom tomorrow night, plus it's a 90 minute show, so there should be something else planned besides just the tucker trial. Hopefully we'll get to see some more footage of camp interactions too.
I agree with the general consensus that Tziporah is becoming more likable and interesting, which is not something I would ever have said about Kate Fischer, who was pretty much a Kardashian of her time. She's been through a lot, but seems to have come out of it stronger on the inside.
Nazeem is growing on me (as you guys predicted). I don;t like Steve, but he's good value for the show. Tegan and Dane contribute nothing.
I have to admit, if I was there &someone dropped the food on the ground like last night, I would have gathered it up & washed it & then I would reheat it & eat it.
Jai was another
Probably Kris, that is five is there supposed to be 6 pics???Is he the sixth?
I agree with the general consensus that Tziporah is becoming more likable and interesting, which is not something I would ever have said about Kate Fischer, who was pretty much a Kardashian of her time. She's been through a lot, but seems to have come out of it stronger on the inside.

Nazeem is growing on me (as you guys predicted). I don;t like Steve, but he's good value for the show. Tegan and Dane contribute nothing.

SNAPS!!!!! Exactly what we thinking. At our place we've named Tziporah Topary, cos it was just getting too tricky to pronounce for mr 7 :p (He's the biggest fan of the show)
Southpark creators are kind as well as cool, you can try a ticket lottery and get front row seats for $40.
Book of Mormon that is.

Oooo here we go, go Tommy