…evenin’ all… ullo ullo ullo…wot’s goin’ on ere den?…… tonight’s Poll is somewhat more ‘odder’ and more ridiculous than usual because… (to be quite truthful)… I had more time on my side today… (you know what they say about idle minds eh?)… anyway… have fun if you can be bothered to vote in the Poll in the first place… oh!… bye the way…
… I heard a rumour from the shows cameraman’s sister’s boyfriend’s step daughter who passed it onto her best friend’s great uncle Fred that’s in an old people’s home that Kerrie Anne is coming back into the jungle and that she and the ‘honey badger’ Nick Cummins become an ‘item’ and have a stormy ‘showmance’!… it’s true I tells ya!… would I lie to you?… yeah… it’s all true… well… it’s half true… erm… would you believe a little bit true?… oh alright it’s complete bullshit… you’ve caught me out… but wouldn’t it be gross if it was true eh?… try to enjoy the stupid Poll anyway… have fun… cheers.
… I heard a rumour from the shows cameraman’s sister’s boyfriend’s step daughter who passed it onto her best friend’s great uncle Fred that’s in an old people’s home that Kerrie Anne is coming back into the jungle and that she and the ‘honey badger’ Nick Cummins become an ‘item’ and have a stormy ‘showmance’!… it’s true I tells ya!… would I lie to you?… yeah… it’s all true… well… it’s half true… erm… would you believe a little bit true?… oh alright it’s complete bullshit… you’ve caught me out… but wouldn’t it be gross if it was true eh?… try to enjoy the stupid Poll anyway… have fun… cheers.