Hello @gemma6foot6 , I have a few more questions to add to my ever-growing questions list: 
1. What was the weekly shopping budget in the House and was it hard to manage with?
2. Were there things that were just provided by BIGBROTHER rather than requiring Housemates to purchase?
3. From day one, who did you honestly think was going to win and final three?
4. From your last day, who did you honestly think was going to win and final three?
5. Were you permitted to go back to Dreamworld and watch the Housemates from the production offices post-eviction?
6. Were you regularly contacted by production staff after your eviction?
7. Did you plan to audition, or was it just a split-second decision?
8. What were auditions like?
9. Who did you meet from auditions that went into the House (not just your season, but previous as well)?
10. Which Housemate/s' edit were completely different to how they were in the House (excluding you because we know you're awesome!)?
1. 50 bucks per person but items were expensive, it was no where near enough after they took all our food away for the shakes
2. We had staples replenished every 5 days, things like brown rice, tinned fruit, tinned tomato, instant mash, and sardines blurk
3. I thought trav and Ryan on day one
4. When I left I thought it would be Skye Lawson and Jason
5. I was very busy after eviction, I did the most press up until Lawson and cat left so there were a couple of times I watched live feed . And I went into the control room once... It was weird
6. No, they organised everything for my eviction week then sent me home to fend for myself
7. I auditioned in 2013 on a bit of a whim, just thought I would give it a crack and got really far ... They just kept saying yes and that they liked me... Then in 2014 I really wanted it so I did my prep and really tried hard in auditions
8. Auditions were easy I just was myself, it's lots of talking about your thoughts and feelings. I was very honest. I preferred 2013 auditions better, I had a huge argument with tim dormer and left feeling really confident
Then 2014 everyone else at auditions kinda ganged up on me and I even cried at one point... Most of the other ppl that auditioned hated me.. I think it's coz they could see Alex and the producers liked me
9.in the 2013 auditions I met Lawson in Perth then tim mikayla jade and maddi in Sydney Then at that same audition I met jake.. But totally forgot him until 2 days into being his pair coz he wasn't wearing glasses in 2013 ... Then 2014 just Lawson
10. We all are pretty different to our edits but I think Skye's was most different... She did a lot of cute funny stuff on her own so we only saw annoying Skye and you all saw sweet cute dummy Skye
Hope that's ok