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Gogglebox Australia

...I usually do watch the repeats of Get me outta here/Masterchef/My Kitchen Sucks/Survivor and Gogglebox and other shows after writing 'Live' during the shows because as you say... you don't always get everything the first time around... cheers.
I definitely miss bits after each ad break because Tenplay drops out the moment each new segment starts... something fucked up with the way they switch it grrrrrrrrrrrrr[DOUBLEPOST=1473941711][/DOUBLEPOST]
Gurl no.

You need to learn to love yourself better.
lol he's kinda sexy in his way.. I'd get him to talk Espanol to me mmmmmmmmmm
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And wow, what sexy doc said.
I had heard of someone he operated on, and how he is the only one that would do it.
Makes you worry the more you have to do with medical crap and the older you get, mysterious so much of it, I think I need a new younger doc myself.
...I liked tonight's show... Angie and Yvie crack me up as do Wayne and Tom/Adam and Symon/Anastasia and Faye/Lee and Keith do to... all the others are just tolerable for me... but as I said... a great show tonight... thanks for all of the input tonight you wonderful people... cheers.
...I'm so glad that this family aren't on here anymore... they were as boring as batshit (and a little bit creepy too)... cheers.

Just watched it.
dont know why people love to see "border patrol"..
I think these shows violate the privacy of already weak & disadvantaged people.
Also, the line between policing/security work and entertainment - should not be blurred.
@yaelros, it's rarely about the down and out, well any time I have seen bits - it seems to be dominated by wankers smuggling banned food.
Mostly people on planes are not downtrodden if they can afford to fly.

Goggle night yea
I'm here. It's annoying to watch on Tenplay because it drops out at the start of each segment and I miss the little joke or bit of chit chat that they have before they start on the next show.

But whinge over fuck you Ten just need a wodka and ready to go. :)