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General O/T Chit Chat Thread

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I'm seriously LOLLING like a loller.

Bahahaha. That is too funny. I can't stop laughing.


One. Two. Three. Back to feet.


Oh good morning you!

The thought of you taking precious time away from the hobby farm and tourettsing of "Trala Mutley, Bleachy, Jess, Inigo, Trala, OT, Trala, Moose, Trala, Mutley, waterfall, OT OT.." in the Reepbot thread to madly Google and search out just to find the right image seriously has me lolling like a loller!!

For you:-
Sydney bound again, have a house warming, I live at the airport now days

Don't you love our imperfections!
To be honest, I hadn't been reminded of it since Year 5.

It took me a while to actually realise he was trying to hurt me for having a crooked tooth.
To be honest, I hadn't been reminded of it since Year 5.

It took me a while to actually realise he was trying to hurt me for having a crooked tooth.

and damn doesn't it hurt.....

ANYWAY, what are your plans today you minx
...oh bloody hell!... I don't always come into this thread and just read all about your story hooleydooley :wideyed:... oh you poor dear!... thank god you're all okay... my heart goes out to you... hang in there my good friend... cheers... XXX.
Hello Unkie Sticky!!!!
Ohhhhh play money!!!
I tell you something for nothing, getting deshellaced yesterday hurt like a bitch!!!

Hey have you had any good pick up lines lately?

Just so you know, this question is directed so you will bat it back to me and I can share what I think was a pick up line yesterday...
Can finishing high school please be your resolutions 2016 through 2018?

Finished High School, have a bachelors degree, post grad, and currently studying and getting HD's, thanks for your concern though, a random online who resorts to nit picking someones physical appearance and obsessing over people criticism does not concern me[DOUBLEPOST=1452630572][/DOUBLEPOST]
I tell you something for nothing, getting deshellaced yesterday hurt like a bitch!!!

Hey have you had any good pick up lines lately?

Just so you know, this question is directed so you will bat it back to me and I can share what I think was a pick up line yesterday...

You tell me yours I'll tell you mine :p
You tell me yours I'll tell you mine :p

As long as yours isn't better than mine.

I am 6 years older than Witty, and you will see, once you get to our geriatric like age, pick up lines are much fewer.

Kk, I am sitting in the vets room and this guy beside me starts to chat, just "how old is he? Is he sick?", pet talk. Then it moves to "do you live around here?" And then....

He asked me if we could meet up to walk our dogs!!!!

That has to be a pick up!!!!!!!!

I am taking it as a pick up anyway.
As long as yours isn't better than mine.

I am 6 years older than Witty, and you will see, once you get to our geriatric like age, pick up lines are much fewer.

Kk, I am sitting in the vets room and this guy beside me starts to chat, just "how old is he? Is he sick?", pet talk. Then it moves to "do you live around here?" And then....

He asked me if we could meet up to walk our dogs!!!!

That has to be a pick up!!!!!!!!

I am taking it as a pick up anyway.

Total pickup!

Ok mine happened on holiday when I was asked for a drink
Me: I have a boyfriend
Him: So? Soccer has a goalie, doesn't mean you can't score
Finished High School, have a bachelors degree, post grad, and currently studying and getting HD's, thanks for your concern though, a random online who resorts to nit picking someones physical appearance and obsessing over people criticism does not concern me[DOUBLEPOST=1452630572][/DOUBLEPOST]

You tell me yours I'll tell you mine :p
Then why your apostrophe in "HDs", yet not in "someone's"? Still the one sentence paragraph fiend, as always. :p
Finished High School, have a bachelors degree, post grad, and currently studying and getting HD's, thanks for your concern though, a random online who resorts to nit picking someones physical appearance and obsessing over people criticism does not concern me[

Witty is so academically brilliant he sits in a forum trying to interact with people who can't stand him while tourettsing "Trala, Trala, Mutley, Moose, Inigo, Bleachy, Bleachy, OT, hooley, Moose" 21 out of 24 hours per day.

L O L L I N G !

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