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Estelle's reaction to her nomination

I'm with you.

I felt so sad for her.

Kudos or Cleodo's, or whatever that saying is, for her going into the house in the first place. She has placed herself in a position to be not only judged, but fucking crucified.

I think some of the hate posts directed at her are really awful. Some clown in here was posting about her tears being for 'sympathy' last night and I thought are we that far removed that we can't see that what feels like a majority vote to get someone out of the house, might be taken to heart and make that person sad.

I have no doubt that she will take it in her stride and get on with it, but it's okay to have a sad moment in the process. The normal human response is to support that person. Not kick them while they are down.

Crocodile tears indeed.
lol that was Kaz wasn't it?
Kaz hates everyone, cept Paul, Mr Wilson and John Becker....probably other figures that I can't be bothered thinking of.
Frank Grimes?
The points thing hurts , i'm sure she doesn't overly care about being nominated. She probably realizes that she will always get nominated until she gets evicted.

Yeah, she knew it was do coming. I saw her sitting there on the couch before bb announced the noms and her hands were moving as if to say 'c'mon.. Say my name get it over with.' so the comparison with those like Camilla isn't all that great. They were told they were nominated but they weren't told 'yeah, almost the whole house voted for you too, except for one or two people'.

Anyway I do like what Ben did for her and I hope it was sincere, especially after all the stuff he did before. He didn't nominate her either. I hope it is a change of heart from him.
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I found with Camilla though, that she was more accepted than these housemates with Estelle.
The housemates liked Camilla, they just liked her less than everyone else.
You get the feeling with this lot, they actually dislike Estelle.
lol that was Kaz wasn't it?
Kaz hates everyone, cept Paul, Mr Wilson and John Becker....probably other figures that I can't be bothered thinking of.
Frank Grimes?

To be honest I can't remember who said it. I can just remember reading it in thread for last nights show, and I thought at the time, how awful that it isn't just a natural response to feel tenderness towards someone, who for what ever reason is sad.

I am by no means an Estelle fan, however it is natural response for me to feel empathy towards her.
Maybe Estelle is unlikable? Why would such a large group not like her and make a visible effort to include her with no success. Face it: she's cuckoo and there is only so much of her demented shit she expels like compacted faeces people can take before they crack. That said I want her to stay - at least she's not a wallflower like Jar Jar.
I can't believe people are saying she was faking it. Didn't you see how genuinely upset she was on last night's Nominations show? Can't you tell the difference between someone fighting back tears and deliberately forcing them out?

Estelle has basically been nominated week after week for no reason other than that the rest of the housemates don't like her. It's not like she has been involved in any fights or done anything controversial, which means that every time she's nominated she knows that its because of who she is, rather than anything she's actually done. That would be incredibly hurtful and hard for a lot of people to deal with when it happens week after week.
That was just terrible to watch! I have everything crossed she gets a decent public vote this week, so that if nothing else, she realises she has support outside the house, if not inside. It might also make the others realise that a lot of people do not like the way she is being treated. Save Estelle!
Its hard not to feel for someone when they cry like that but there's obviously something about her that people just dont like and seeing how she refuses to change I think it'd be alot better for her to get out asap.

She's being herself 100%, and I don't understand why none of the Housemates (excluding a few) like her... Eeek, I can't stand them. Team Estelle!!! Save Estelle!!!
I am by no means an Estelle fan, however it is natural response for me to feel empathy towards her.
That's just it though isn't it, most Estelle 'fans' aren't actually that into Estelle, there's a Inthezone, vienmoo, myself etc but most didn't really like her that much but have become fans with how she's handled the whole thing.
She's probably really uncomfortable in there now, I couldn't deal with that at all.

We all have Estelles in our life, you really just have to take these people how they are and get on with things.
They're pretty much dealing with Estelle like 14 year olds, ignoring her and getting resentful at every little thing she says and refusing to just let her be who she is and put it to rest.

And honestly, it's the same with Angie, they dislike her bitching....well why don't they pull her aside and let her know this?
They're all really just playing the game and probably don't give a shit about each other.
That's so not me...which is why I don't like these housemates very much.
Estelle has basically been nominated week after week for no reason other than that the rest of the housemates don't like her. It's not like she has been involved in any fights or done anything controversial, which means that every time she's nominated she knows that its because of who she is, rather than anything she's actually done. That would be incredibly hurtful and hard for a lot of people to deal with when it happens week after week.

Hang on a minute, part of the show is HAVING to nominate a housemate each week for eviction. She is voted each week because she is driving her housemates in-fucking-sane. She doesn't have to be involved with fights or anything controversial, she is nominated because she is the housemate the majority want to see evicted. That is the game!

If I had to vote in the house last night, I would have given her points, as she is amongst my least favourite housemates and I feel she would drive me bonkers. But that is not to say I wouldn't feel sadness for her sadness when the result was read.
Estelle is playing this game hardcore. She knows exactly how shes being portrayed outside of the house and is playing up to it for more sympathy, her 'why you should keep me in the house' was really interesting in how her whole mannerisms changed and she said she guaranteed 'more drama' in the house and took on some sort of Gangster Barbie persona during it.
Estelle is playing this game hardcore. She knows exactly how shes being portrayed outside of the house and is playing up to it for more sympathy, her 'why you should keep me in the house' was really interesting in how her whole mannerisms changed and she said she guaranteed 'more drama' in the house and took on some sort of Gangster Barbie persona during it.

Or perhaps she's just bat shit crazy!
Estelle is playing this game hardcore. She knows exactly how shes being portrayed outside of the house and is playing up to it for more sympathy, her 'why you should keep me in the house' was really interesting in how her whole mannerisms changed and she said she guaranteed 'more drama' in the house and took on some sort of Gangster Barbie persona during it.

I assure you she isn't playing the "Game" at all! Which I actually think is her problem. She is being her true crazy over the top fun self 24/7 and I think it is just a bit too much for them to handle. She has a stand out, loud personality which has made her a target and as Michael put it, she is now there "scapegoat". It's easier to vote for the person everyone else votes for...
Oh my gosh, anyone that saw her reaction can't honestly think it was crocodile tears. The way she was gasping and saying '19??' was so sad.
Oh my gosh, anyone that saw her reaction can't honestly think it was crocodile tears. The way she was gasping and saying '19??' was so sad.

People take their cues from the bitching house mates and are unable to form their own opinions.
she's an idiot cant stand her and ava as well

You sound like another shadow, just like Bradley. Do you choose not to stand her just because the rest of her Housemates don't? That would be typical. This is the problem with the majority of the Australian public (specifically teens), they don't have the ability to think with their OWN mind or distinguish between right or wrong. So many girls are voting for George because they believe there is some silly """love story""" of sorts between himself and Layla. They are only using each other as scratching posts and agreed that it will never be anymore than a friendship? Why are so many people blind to this?

Get a better grasp on reality!
She is free to leave at any time

And she hasn't which is freaking awesome! I wouldn't have been able to survive 1 week if I had to live with Angie, let alone 6! Love Stella.
If I felt sorry for someone I nominated then I would not nominate that person at all. Besides, their reasons for nominating Estelle are pathetic and bullying behavior.

You you have to nominate someone, so it makes sense that you would nominate the person who annoys you the most. That doesn't mean you hate them, or want to see them cry, and that doesn't mean you can't feel sorry for them when they are sad. It's just part of the game.

I can only tolerate my oldest and best friend for a maximum of two hour visit. That doesn't mean I don't love her, it just means smaller doses of her result in a better friendship. For the record, if my bestie and I were locked in the house, without doubt I would nominate her first, in fact I wouldn't need to nominate her, because I would have killed her in the first week!