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Doctor Who

That is all I have, speechless almost, that was breathtaking.
Moff is a bastard, he will do awful stuff to our beloved characters, and sometimes make me mad as hell.
Then he pulls off a total masterpiece, and shoves me back in my place.

And OMG, the Doctor can be anything when he is home can't he? This is a whole new thing for me, I have never really watched much old DW with Gallifrey stuff.

And I sincerely believe it was brilliant of RTD to relaunch NuWho minus Gallifrey, easier for new fans, cleaner clearer to have many new seasons without all of that complicating things. It would never have gained the huge audience it has with all that alien politics and stuff.
NOW - it is perfect to give it back to the Doctor and us.

And as @Mr Stickyfingers referenced, that final confessional effect was/is/will live forever as a perfect, perfect plot.

Cannot wait to watch it again, twice.

@Mr Stickyfingers - next week is the final I believe, this week and next are seen as the 2 parts.

Anyone else want to stab Me/Ashildr in the eyes & burn her. I love the name Gallifrey, it is so King Arthurish.
Oh my goodness @BigBrotherCritic - that is utterly gorgeous, was that in the movie with Paul I haven't seen?

And reminds us - the music, Doctor Who has superb, glorious music, all the time. It is quite astounding.

So, any theories? One I have, he doesn't have to be a doctor when he goes home, he can be different.
Hybrids, are all the immortals hybrids?
The hybrid refers to the doctor's character.

Possibly, however he did say 'the hybrid is ME' that could refer to himself or MAYOR/ME/ASHILDR.
And, that is my question still, are all the immortals hybrids?
IE Jenny-the Doctor's daughter, part whatever that race is and the generator thing, part time lord;
Capt Jack, part wherever he came from, was he human? Mixed with time lord stuff from spooky Rose with TARDIS power
Ashildr/ME, 2 races, and that chip
OMG @reepbot that is such a great fun little clip, thanks for posting, I love Peter Jackson.
So it is confirmed now,

They talked about this around the 50th, remember all of the awesome celebratory clips and Peter Jackson is in one, also Gandalf.
Did you see that one? I think it was the Peter Davison one.

DW world is the best, keeps on giving, and I feel sorry for those who don't jump in.
I have a sister afraid of watching, and my darling brother was my BBFFWF (best brother friend forever who fan) I miss him so, and what the Doctor says of death is profound... "It's not the day of death it's all the days they stay dead..............
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...I've spent the last 5 hours doing something in Photoshop just for me... ever since I first saw this swirling vortex I had a vision in mind for it and I finally sat down and did it!... there were only 13 frames of the vortex animation so it didn't leave much room to maneuver The Tardis into it but I finally worked out the timing sequence to it... I've been meaning to do this for about a year or so... maybe longer... so here it is... I hope that you like was so much fun to do lol!... cheers.

...I can't remember if this has been posted by someone or even myself but I love this video... seeing a Tardis actually skirting the edge of space blows my mind... it's awesome... I watched the entire length of the flight... it's quite hypnotic... cheers.

...I've spent the last 5 hours doing something in Photoshop just for me... ever since I first saw this swirling vortex I had a vision in mind for it and I finally sat down and did it!... there were only 13 frames of the vortex animation so it didn't leave much room to maneuver The Tardis into it but I finally worked out the timing sequence to it... I've been meaning to do this for about a year or so... maybe longer... so here it is... I hope that you like was so much fun to do lol!... cheers.

View attachment 50761

That's really trippy and clever, well done Mr S!
...I've spent the last 5 hours doing something in Photoshop just for me... ever since I first saw this swirling vortex I had a vision in mind for it and I finally sat down and did it!... there were only 13 frames of the vortex animation so it didn't leave much room to maneuver The Tardis into it but I finally worked out the timing sequence to it... I've been meaning to do this for about a year or so... maybe longer... so here it is... I hope that you like was so much fun to do lol!... cheers.

View attachment 50761
Holy fuck! Thats amazing! New Profile Pic perhaps??
The Husbands Of River Song
It’s Christmas Day on a remote human colony and the Doctor is hiding from Christmas Carols and Comedy Antlers. But when a crashed spaceship calls upon the Doctor for help, he finds himself recruited into River Song’s squad and hurled into a fast and frantic chase across the galaxy. King Hydroflax (Greg Davies) is furious, and his giant Robot bodyguard is out-of-control and coming for them all! Will Nardole (Matt Lucas) survive? And when will River Song work out who the Doctor is?

All will be revealed on a starliner full of galactic super-villains and a destination the Doctor has been avoiding for a very long time
The Husbands Of River Song
It’s Christmas Day on a remote human colony and the Doctor is hiding from Christmas Carols and Comedy Antlers. But when a crashed spaceship calls upon the Doctor for help, he finds himself recruited into River Song’s squad and hurled into a fast and frantic chase across the galaxy. King Hydroflax (Greg Davies) is furious, and his giant Robot bodyguard is out-of-control and coming for them all! Will Nardole (Matt Lucas) survive? And when will River Song work out who the Doctor is?

All will be revealed on a starliner full of galactic super-villains and a destination the Doctor has been avoiding for a very long time

So excited to see a Sonic Screwdriver in his hands! Get rid of those silly Sonic Sunnies!

Does this mean we'll see glimpses of Tenant & Smith?! #pleasepleaseplease
hate you
so fucking much
i want the doctor to stab you
[DOUBLEPOST=1448936334][/DOUBLEPOST]I think the next episode should be called: "The Divorce of River Song"