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Doctor Who

The Sisterhood of Karn ressurected Missy so that she could help the doctor.


...actually I'd go along with this... it makes so much sense and would account for why they are having to do with something in the show... but as to exactly how?... you'd probably have to ask The Moff himself I guess lol!... cheers.
...actually I'd go along with this... it makes so much sense and would account for why they are having to do with something in the show... but as to exactly how?... you'd probably have to ask The Moff himself I guess lol!... cheers.

didn't they like ressurect the eighth doctor with some elixir but because his injuries were too servere he had to regenerate?

Really good reviews.

Rare praise for the BBC came from the The Daily Mail whose reviewer thought "Doctor Who was ridiculously good - a sharp, fast, thrilling, piece of historic, futuristic, television: the BBC at its best".The Telegraph was less convinced by the show's storyline but more by its lead actor. "Rarely has a show been so dependent on the skills of a single actor - and Capaldi is a good one: able to bring just enough emotional depth to a comicbook caper to render it dramatic".

The Mirror thought the show belonged to Missy. "Michelle Gomez steals the episode as the demented Time Lady who kills for fun and prances around in the face of greater evil". While The Express thought the episode should have been Peter Capaldi's first episode. "The Davros genesis story is a stroke of genius by Steven Moffat. We've seen the maniacal Nazi-esque creator of the Daleks as a craggy old man, hellbent on destroying the Doctor, but rarely have we seen how the mad genius came to be. And that's exactly what fans got with this episode.".

The Guardian also enjoyed Julian Bleach's performance as Davros. "The bleak devastation he wreaks by the end of the episode is more powerful than any madcap plot to enslave the universe that has come before. And Julian Bleach, returning to the role, wrings every drop of menace.". The Evening Standardcalled the episode a "gripping start to the latest series. Ray-Bans on, an electric guitar swinging from your neck. To the ever-expanding list of abilities that the last(ish) of the Time Lords has, we can now definitively add one more: Doctor Who can shred."

Patrick Mulkern in Radio Times calls the boy Davros a brilliant idea and says the episode rattles along with barely a bum note, with the gradual reveal of Skaro being beautifully realised.

Over in the States Entertainment Weekly said "From the minute the Doctor’s sonic screwdriver flies through the air and lands at the feet of a child yet to be named, The Magician’s Apprentice feels like coming home"., while Forbes thinks the show is back to its rare form and called the opener "an edge-of-your-seat thriller for recent Who fans and absolute magic for old-school Whovians".

Over in Australia the Sydney Morning Herald praised Michelle Gomez, "A breathtaking performance as Missy, full of gasps, one-liners, moments that lurch from underplayed to overplayed in a breath"

Online Digital Spy thought the episode was mixed. "Not everything works, but with the ideas, twists and gags being packed in at such a rate of knots, there's enough that does - and some of it very well indeed.". CNET described the show as" one of the most idea-packed and high-stakes episodes I can remember", while IGN said it was a "cracking opener to the season with a combination of exciting action, creepy visuals, and tense situations". Games Radar called the episode "a supremely confident series première, and said the show was full of wit and menace, unafraid to take on the show’s museum piece classics."

The Register thought Season 9 a brought Doctor Who back on form with a bang, "from the eerie handmines, to the glorious return of Missy to some excellent clowning around from Capaldi, this episode had it all.", while said the "episode made me care about Doctor Who and its characters by playing on the show's strengths—especially the relationship between the Doctor and the Master, who's still stealing scenes thanks to a perfect performance from Michelle Gomez"
The Sisterhood of Karn ressurected Missy so that she could help the doctor.

Ooooh I like that! That's goooooood

didn't they like ressurect the eighth doctor with some elixir but because his injuries were too servere he had to regenerate?


Not ressurect, they gave him the elixir of regeneration.

As seen here:
OOOO LA LA, can't wait to re-watch, maybe every night until next Sunday!

It was as promised very cinematic, the kid and the very creepy hand bombs especially.

I presume neither Missy nor clara are zapped dead, check the photos above - both still have time travel zappers on their arms, bet they zapped out of there.

OMG I love Capaldi, Clara & Missy together.

The guitar scene, was so perfect, and the old punk gets to play like a kid in a toy box.

Do you think some UK viewers have problems with companions past roles, UK peeps seem to have trouble getting over Jenna being form some other show called Emmerdale - is that show crap?
We are blessed not knowing her, sometimes knowing some actors - but nothing too intrusive.? Like I had watched Matt in the politics show, and lots of Capaldi stuff.

I have a harrowing week ahead, looking forward to next Sunday, when all will be over and I can have quiet time and the Doctor.

This thread and you great Whovians are keeping me calm, this is my little escape place.

The snake man, ooooooooooo, and how he moves, so creepy, and the hand bombs, oooo terrifying.
I don't find most of DW scary, this stuff is nighmarish.
Emmerdale is just a soap opera i think. I don't know if it is crap. But i suppose if you are into soapies it would be alright to watch. Not sure why people would be grumbling about Jenna doing work there. I mean you would probably learn a lot acting wise and tv wise from those kinds of shows.

I presume neither Missy nor clara are zapped dead, check the photos above - both still have time travel zappers on their arms, bet they zapped out of there.

...which photos are you referring to KIK?... am I missing something?... cheers.
...which photos are you referring to KIK?... am I missing something?... cheers.

Your post 2 pages back, post 5074 I think, with Clara & Missy in the crowd of daleks, Clara has hers visible on her wrist, Missy is a bit hard to see.

Eww @Mr Stickyfingers talk about liking bad, bad, bad girls - or handy things, gender/no gender?
Do you love THING in Adams Family? And does THING have a gender?

This silliness and whimsical nonsense is very good for my fried brain right now.

Does everyone know you can catch the repeats tonight @7.30pm, and around midnight.
The Magician's Apprentice has debuted in Australia, averaging 653,000 viewers in the five major capital cities. It was the top-rating ABC drama of the day and the eighth highest rating program of the day overall. These ratings do not include regional or time-shifted viewers.

I'm no ratings expert but that seems pretty excellent to me.
Your post 2 pages back, post 5074 I think, with Clara & Missy in the crowd of daleks, Clara has hers visible on her wrist, Missy is a bit hard to see.

Eww @Mr Stickyfingers talk about liking bad, bad, bad girls - or handy things, gender/no gender?
Do you love THING in Adams Family? And does THING have a gender?

This silliness and whimsical nonsense is very good for my fried brain right now.

Does everyone know you can catch the repeats tonight @7.30pm, and around midnight.

...oh so they have!... of course they have otherwise they would never be there in the first place but for some reason I thought that the Daleks had taken them off them... I didn't notice that until you brought it to my attention KIK... yes well that makes your theory seem a lot more plausible now... they can clearly be seen here in the image below... thanks KIK... cheers.

View attachment 49942 View attachment 49933

...I think that I am in love... (don't tell my sweet beloved wife okay?... it's our little secret eh?)... ;):)... cheers.

The swirling backgrounds... Are they both exactly the same, but maybe starting at different points in time? I'm not very good at optical illusions but sitting next to each other they look different... but the same. Are they maybe going in opposite directions?
The swirling backgrounds... Are they both exactly the same, but maybe starting at different points in time? I'm not very good at optical illusions but sitting next to each other they look different... but the same. Are they maybe going in opposite directions?

...when I created them in Photoshop they are both using exactly the same 7 framed background to make up the swirling effect Meglos... but when I put them both onto here... the time that I put each one on here were a few seconds apart so I'm assuming that they were captured on here slightly out of synch with each other... but they are going in the same direction... here are both of them going in opposite directions...

avatar-250X250.gif.......... avatar-opposite-direction.gif.......... avatar-pulsate.gif

...the one that I usually use in my Avatar is on the left... those lines are rolling 'out' from behind my hand and mouth... the one on the right is rolling 'into' and behind my hand and mouth... put your hand over one or the other to see the difference... I sometimes change the direction of my Avatars movement to see if anyone notices but nobody ever has yet lol!... by using the same 7 frames and rearranging their order I can even make it pulsate as you see in the third image... I hope that I explained it well my friend... cheers.
...after having just watched the latest Dr Who episode for the 4th time now I've just had a thought... The Doctor is seen that he is going to kill the young Davros with what looks like a Dalek gun that he may have ripped off a dead Dalek... (see image below)...


...if he is back there at the end of the episode then The Tardis still has to be intact... if it is... I'm just wondering if when Clara and Missy were killed whether they were killed on one of the different Timelines that he must be on to see what happens if Davros lives or dies maybe?... maybe they died on one of the different versions of whether Davros died young or old?... just a couple of theories on my part that's all... either way this episode really did in fact blow my mind away!... lol!... maybe I'm just over-thinking the whole thing?... lol!... cheers.
I can't stop watching, I am utterly in love with Missy - and I want her to be a companion for at least one series.
She could do something awesome = save Clara and become stable and nice just for one year.
And bring back Captain Jack to have a flirt festival with her - and this would ease my pain at losing Jenna.

Regarding the current episode etc, I never thought Missy was dead, was she? Wasn't she just vortexed out of there last time?

This episode - bet Missy is transported to the TARDIS, the vortex manipulator on Clara is linked to Missy, so she pulls Clara out of there. Then she flies the TARDIS.
Missy times her exits so they resemble death, calling out the daleks to kill her....come on.

Missy is awesome, long live Missy