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Do guys like Ed exist?

I couldn't have said it better myself lol I was sitting here thinking about what to write about ed and then I saw the bob marey quote. nuff said :D
Assuming Jade was a prepubescent girl then I wouldn't hesitate in agreeing. But since Jade is a fully grow woman, it's unfortunate but the law permits stupid people to make their own decisions. As stupid as Jade is someone cannot intervene on her behalf and make decisions for her so them's the breaks.

Yes I would have quit after he put her up instead of Tim but people don't see what others see.
Unfortunately for Ed though he cant avoid her as one can in the world. For Jade its been a canned hunt.:)

I suppose this ^ is why I can't understand the extreme hate for Ed regarding the whole Jade thing... She kind of put him in a no win situation where he was going to look like a prick no matter what he did.
I suppose this ^ is why I can't understand the extreme hate for Ed regarding the whole Jade thing... She kind of put him in a no win situation where he was going to look like a prick no matter what he did.

I disliked Ed regardless, when he voted for mikkayla over and over and appeared to have a problem with strong minded women.
I find him weak and gutless.
There have been plenty of keeno women throughout the years and the guys have all dealt with them firmly and admirably for the most part.
He's a mess, and a pissweak excuse for a 'prince charming' IMO.
I suppose this ^ is why I can't understand the extreme hate for Ed regarding the whole Jade thing... She kind of put him in a no win situation where he was going to look like a prick no matter what he did.

I think the self righteous defender of all that is good while bitching continually torpedoes his image. I also think he's playing a very controlled game. The whole Jade thing amused me for awhile but now I just find him a snoozefest.
Totally agree with this. He is so far gone into believing he is the good of the house and that he needs to fight the bad as his rolemofmbeing Prince Charming. I'm annoyed that they gave him this title. The girls in the house gushed over him too quickly IMO

So true. It's all Heidi's fault. It's like a joke taken way too far. I wonder if things would be different if Heidi never showered him with compliments everyday.
So true. It's all Heidi's fault. It's like a joke taken way too far. I wonder if things would be different if Heidi never showered him with compliments everyday.

They all did, Sharon went on about him too. Only tahan seemed to click and figure out he isn't all he is cracked up to be. I wonder what he'd be like as well. It's like he has to live up to this facade that we all can see is not true anyways
There's plenty wrong with what Ed is doing....he's using Jade.
Methinks you've been Ed a lot more than Jade.

I absolutely have been the Ed a lot more than I have been the Jade. Once you get past your initial disdain for me, and get tangled in my web, I can be quite the enchantress.

What is the "plenty wrong with what Ed is doing" and how exactly is he "using Jade"? From what I have seen, Jade has worn him down by never excepting his gentle rebuttals and desperately grinding on him at any opportunity, not that there is anything wrong with that, I have done the same myself. To me it is a normal interaction between someone who is as keen as mustard and someone who is happy to have a pash and a grind while not committing.

Seriously, some of you people must live under a cloak of piousness. Just remember under that cloak are your genitals. God wants you to enjoy them.

My biggest issue with Jade and Ed is the fact Jade will have to watch her own desperate actions in front of thousands of people. Like I've said, I have been the Jade, no one wants to see themselves and their actions in rewind. I absolutely cringe for her.
ed to jade: "it's not your fault you look for the best in people and they completely abuse your trust" OH, SHUT THE FUCK UP
TraLa perception is a funny thing, particularly amongst a bunch of fairly intense fans of a reality show.

I probably should not have posted that Bob Marley quote because I don't think it really applies to Ed. I was reading the thread and everybody was getting stuck into Ed and i remembered the bloody thing.

Honestly I think Ed has faults but I don't think he should be crucified over his actions with Jade. As you say he has done nothing more than be a gentleman towards Jade, when in reality he could of really taken advantage of the situation. Or bragged to the boys.

Most of you hardcore BB people will remember better than me, but there was a season where a young guy from the country fell pretty hard for a nice looking city girl (sorry I can't remember names or what season). Anyway initially the girl wasn't into the guy, but he sort of "won her over"by being a sensitive caring guy which culminated in them having a date in the secret room or whatever it was called back then. At the time from the footage it appeared they had had sex. The guy came out and bragged to the other boys in the Spa (actually I think it might of been Logan boys series) anyway he said some pretty ungentlemanly things. By this time the chick was seriously digging the guy and she was telling the girls what a great guy he was etc.

Anyway she got evicted and was confronted by all the video evidence of what the guy had been saying. I remember feeling very sorry for her.

My point is Ed of course should be called out for being a big dopey gumby, but I don't think he is the total devil.

I really like Jade but I do almost have to turn the TV off when she gets hold of Ed, it is awkward to watch. I will feel very sad for her if she gets her Heart Broken on the outside.

I'm with TraLa on this one.
Most of you hardcore BB people will remember better than me, but there was a season where a young guy from the country fell pretty hard for a nice looking city girl (sorry I can't remember names or what season). Anyway initially the girl wasn't into the guy, but he sort of "won her over"by being a sensitive caring guy which culminated in them having a date in the secret room or whatever it was called back then. At the time from the footage it appeared they had had sex. The guy came out and bragged to the other boys in the Spa (actually I think it might of been Logan boys series) anyway he said some pretty ungentlemanly things. By this time the chick was seriously digging the guy and she was telling the girls what a great guy he was etc.

Anyway she got evicted and was confronted by all the video evidence of what the guy had been saying. I remember feeling very sorry for her.

You're thinking of Glenn I'm guessing.
I absolutely have been the Ed a lot more than I have been the Jade. Once you get past your initial disdain for me, and get tangled in my web, I can be quite the enchantress.

What is the "plenty wrong with what Ed is doing" and how exactly is he "using Jade"? From what I have seen, Jade has worn him down by never excepting his gentle rebuttals and desperately grinding on him at any opportunity, not that there is anything wrong with that, I have done the same myself. To me it is a normal interaction between someone who is as keen as mustard and someone who is happy to have a pash and a grind while not committing.

Seriously, some of you people must live under a cloak of piousness. Just remember under that cloak are your genitals. God wants you to enjoy them.

My biggest issue with Jade and Ed is the fact Jade will have to watch her own desperate actions in front of thousands of people. Like I've said, I have been the Jade, no one wants to see themselves and their actions in rewind. I absolutely cringe for her.

Love your work, tra la. I can't stand ed but the whole situation is pretty entertaining. If only he didn't have such a stick up his arse about 'morals' he might come off better.

And oh boy, have I been the jade. Not on national telly thank god. Someone needs to teach her a class on playing hard to get. Layla from last year - she had some serious game
I absolutely have been the Ed a lot more than I have been the Jade. Once you get past your initial disdain for me, and get tangled in my web, I can be quite the enchantress.

What is the "plenty wrong with what Ed is doing" and how exactly is he "using Jade"? From what I have seen, Jade has worn him down by never excepting his gentle rebuttals and desperately grinding on him at any opportunity, not that there is anything wrong with that, I have done the same myself. To me it is a normal interaction between someone who is as keen as mustard and someone who is happy to have a pash and a grind while not committing.

Seriously, some of you people must live under a cloak of piousness. Just remember under that cloak are your genitals. God wants you to enjoy them.

My biggest issue with Jade and Ed is the fact Jade will have to watch her own desperate actions in front of thousands of people. Like I've said, I have been the Jade, no one wants to see themselves and their actions in rewind. I absolutely cringe for her.
It isn't gentle at all because he hasn't communicated properly anything.
This is a situation of someone saying one thing and doing another and a lot of people have gone through it.
The fact of the matter is he could have turned her down strongly a number of times but he knows that she is his gravy train.
If he was so disinterested in her, he wouldn't have gone on a date with her or slept in her bed repeatedly. It takes two to tango.
He's been clear enough from the outset in letting Jade know he's fine with physical affection but that's about the extent of their 'relationship'. And since she then nods in agreement he mistakenly thinks they're both on the same page. From where I'm standing Jade's the one who's making a simple arrangement and hoping to turn it into something more and that does not have anything to do with Ed.
It isn't gentle at all because he hasn't communicated properly anything.
This is a situation of someone saying one thing and doing another and a lot of people have gone through it.
The fact of the matter is he could have turned her down strongly a number of times but he knows that she is his gravy train.
If he was so disinterested in her, he wouldn't have gone on a date with her or slept in her bed repeatedly. It takes two to tango.

That was a bit like trying to decipher the da Vinci Code, but I think I get the jist of what you are saying.

I agree it does take two to tango, however one of those tango partners might have long term commitment in their vision, while the other is thinking more a one night stand. He is interested in her, he is interested to spend time and finger bang or what ever they do under that doona, however, he isn't at this point promising anything as far as a relationship goes outside the house. Newflash Nelly! That is normal human interaction!!! Not every relationship ends with Edward and Bella being together forever!

What they are doing as two consenting adults is okay, and I can't for the life of me understand how you can not see that.
He's been clear enough from the outset in letting Jade know he's fine with physical affection but that's about the extent of their 'relationship'. And since she then nods in agreement he mistakenly thinks they're both on the same page. From where I'm standing Jade's the one who's making a simple arrangement and hoping to turn it into something more and that does not have anything to do with Ed.

It is a sad sad sad forum day when I agree with Connoisseur 100%.