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Episode Day 89 (Fri 25/10/13): Daily Show

Drew is officially a dick again! Had enough of him! Just want him gone!

Actually I want ed to go first! I can't take any more relationship from jade or ed. it's actually annoying to watch and I don't know why, but it just makes me so uncomfortable. I actually look around like I'm embarrassed for people to know I watch this. She is s a sweet enough girl and she is a loving kind soul, but unfortunately nothing else at this stage of the game. Jade and ed are just boring now. I think this is what is frustrating me most about them, they just do nothing for me and feel like they should have left ages ago because they are just so flat now.
Her ambivalence is another sign of just how consumed she is by it all. One moment she knows nothing will happen outside the house, the next moment she's moving to Melbourne... then back to knowing nothing will come of it.

I'd hate to be in her head right now... I'd get seasick.

yeah but you'd have plenty of room to move ;)
But it's OK for Ed to tell Tully that Drew was using her. And bitch about them.

Nick & Milly (Ed's brother & sister) have said some really nasty stuff about Jade.

Not saying it's okay for Ed to say that to Tully at all or was even right about it, for that matter, but I do agree with the principle of telling someone something to their face rather than bitching behind their back.

Ed is hypocritical in that he accused Drew of being fake with Tully, yet is outraged that Drew and Tim have done the same with him.

Ed's in a bit of poo at the moment because he can only react with revenge towards Drew and Tim. He can't say what he knows as he heard it from his brother (or can he?)

Re Ed's brother and sister bagging out Jade, yeah - that's not going to look good for them when Jade reads it.
Very true. Although they weren't kissing each other publicly, Drully were glued together. At that time JadEd were the ones mingling.

Jade is very worried about what will happen when they get out, so she is trying to maximise the time she is spending with Ed there. She could still do that whilst having fun with the others.

but they were only mingling because at that point Ed still had other friends in the house ... and Jade did too ... now basically hanging with them has been the kiss of death ... they've flown under the radar with their blandness whilst those around them have stuck their heads on the chopping board week after week ...

If Ed goes - Jade won't know what to do with herself - she won't fit in with the others - she doesn't join in games much ... and she'll be moping around missing her dearly departED
Jade really isn't interested in the actual BB game at all. She is fixated on Ed and what will come of her romance.
He patronised the hell out of Tully and showed then and there he had the EQ of a gnat. And in case you think I'm a Tully lover, I'm not but what Ed did was spite presented as kindness.

No, that makes you sound like a Drew lover. Ed and Tahan both were trying to, although admittedly not necessarily in a good way, give Tully perspective and consider Tahlia's feelings.
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If Ed goes - Jade won't know what to do with herself - she won't fit in with the others - she doesn't join in games much ... and she'll be moping around missing her dearly departED

But it will only be for a few days as it's nearly over.
No, that makes you sound like a Drew lover. Ed and Tahan both were trying to, although admittedly not necessarily in a good way, give Tully perspective and consider Tahlia feelings.
Tahan's attempt was hopeful and reasonable and Tully may well have benefited from her perspective, although I doubt it. Yes, I like Drew and Tahan. What I don't like is Ed, who that night caused genuine distress to two people, whilst learning nothing from it. He's a buffoon.
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but they were only mingling because at that point Ed still had other friends in the house ... and Jade did too ... now basically hanging with them has been the kiss of death ... they've flown under the radar with their blandness whilst those around them have stuck their heads on the chopping board week after week ...

If Ed goes - Jade won't know what to do with herself - she won't fit in with the others - she doesn't join in games much ... and she'll be moping around missing her dearly departED

Lol, I am loving your posts. This is how sad my life has become, I was thinking back on Heidi's eviction. If she hadn't given Tully the power, Matt might not have gone and the situation could have been different.

I blame Heidi for our boredom with JadEd...
He patronised the hell out of Tully and showed then and there he had the EQ of a gnat. And in case you think I'm a Tully lover, I'm not but what Ed did was spite presented as kindness.
Ed was gossiping with Matt about Drully previous weeks but the week Ed put Jade up for eviction over Tim, and then Drew saved her and put Matt up instead after his showdown win, Ed felt humiliated, so Ed and Matt lost it..Matt confronted Tully saying she was only happy when things were going her way, and Matt and Ed were going to confront Drully at the family dinner about 'emotional cheating' but chickened out, and that friday night Ed confronted Tully about not trusting Drew, when really it as more like he couldnt trust Drew after what happened that week, with saving Jade over Matt and making Ed look the fool with putting her up. Drew was never on Ed's side anyway, so could do what he wanted with nominations etc. Drew didn't like Matt, or Ed much but liked Caleb but he was gone by then.
Drew's not talking, he's bitching. I haven't watched the daily show (in Perth) but I think Ed was pretty pissed off at hearing what his brother had to say last night about the fake showmance talk from Tim and Drew and Ed's shoving it in their face to really piss them off.
the thing is most HM's have questioned the JadEd relationship and gossiped about it because of how it started, plus most the public think it's fake as well. Ed might care for Jade after spending 3 months with her but he's not smitten, or doesnt appear that interested in pursuing it once outside the house.
All the housemates left are sick of their PDA, in front of them.
Drew had said a couple of weeks ago that he now knows what it looked like when he was spending a lot of time with Tully and how boring it must have appeared...
Drew said last week he was worried that Ed will break Jade's heart when she leaves the house, and they all think he is using her because's he told others he's not that into her.
I must admit I feel sorry for Ed.

I dont think he has real feelings for Jade ie love (that's kinda obvious). But she just keeps on and on and on about her devoted love for him. I also think she is heading for a massive fall after the show when Ed finally calls "just friends".

I don't have a favourite to win it this year. Mr Clooney?

As much as I think Tim has been a bit if a fruitcake at times, Probably deserving to win due to the amount of scenarios and moments he has created, wether good or bad he certainly got a lot of airplay.
She probably thinks she is on the bachelor.
the first week during the marriage task with Drew, Jade told him she liked Matt and Ed. Jade flirted with Matt and was tickling his side through the halfway fence and holding hands up together measure sizes etc but Matt wasnt interested because of his GF, so then she was after Ed even more, while running back and forth to Drew as well.

Tonight i saw all of the females pussys.. Maby they forgot about the cameras but yeah would have been uncomfortable for their family's to basically see their bits through loose jean shorts!
I really didn't enjoy tonights show. The awkward 'romance' between Ed and Jade and the other 4 obsessing about the 'romance',
Tonight i saw all of the females pussys.. Maby they forgot about the cameras but yeah would have been uncomfortable for their family's to basically see their bits through loose jean shorts!

Im sure Mr Clooney would keep any felines away from the common areas...

oh you mean :eek: