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Episode Day 89 (Fri 25/10/13): Daily Show

My thoughts exactly...Drully were glued to eachother more than anyone in that house, to the point where they completely neglected all the other HM's. JadEd interact with the others. So yeah, he has no right to be talking.

Drew's not talking, he's bitching. I haven't watched the daily show (in Perth) but I think Ed was pretty pissed off at hearing what his brother had to say last night about the fake showmance talk from Tim and Drew and Ed's shoving it in their face to really piss them off.
I think a lot of jades success will depend how she deals with Ed being evicted.

I remember all the talk about what would happen with Tully with all the hate out there when she was evicted and whether should would cope mentally and she coped fine.

Life is so different outside the house that if Jade is evicted first she may just be fine. If Ed is evicted before her I predict she'll be fine too - in fact I think she'll be very fine.
There were a few moments tonight where I thought ed could have had a fun / playful side, but I think he has fallen under adds trap and thinks that is his ticket to success.
Drew's not talking, he's bitching. I haven't watched the daily show (in Perth) but I think Ed was pretty pissed off at hearing what his brother had to say last night about the fake showmance talk from Tim and Drew and Ed's shoving it in their face to really piss them off.
Yeah then we are all bitching because almost everyone here thinks that Showmance is a fake.
Drew's not talking, he's bitching. I haven't watched the daily show (in Perth) but I think Ed was pretty pissed off at hearing what his brother had to say last night about the fake showmance talk from Tim and Drew and Ed's shoving it in their face to really piss them off.
So he reaped what he sowed. Excellent.
People seem to forget that all ED did with tully and drew is judge and talk behind their backs they all do it. Drew however did not take jade aside and interfere in their relationship. ED crossed the line by giving tully the talk which was none of his buisness. I'm a bit surprised of just how much of a hypocrite ED is.
Yeah then we are all bitching because almost everyone here thinks that Showmance is a fake.

I've always thought it was fake too but either Ed's ego has got the better of him and he's 'turning' because he has been busted or he really has got caught up in the whole thing with Jade.

He got caught up in it initially because he didn't have the courage to be firm with Jade - and she was persistent. Now he has to be fully in it so as not to lose face with Drew and Tim.

Even though BB is a realty tv show, the HM's live in a very unreal situation and they just don't think like they would outside.
I haven't watched the daily show (in Perth) but I think Ed was pretty pissed off at hearing what his brother had to say last night about the fake showmance talk from Tim and Drew and Ed's shoving it in their face to really piss them off.

But it's OK for Ed to tell Tully that Drew was using her. And bitch about them.

Nick & Milly (Ed's brother & sister) have said some really nasty stuff about Jade.
100% right! The guy is the mayor of Hypocricy Central.

god is he ever!!!

seriously what a boring show tonight though! all it did was reinforce the fact that NONE of Jade's so called friends from the BB house have done her any favours by not pointing out JADE HE'S JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU

i mean - she's beautiful, she has a fantastic body, she essentially has a good heart, there used to be some semblance of a brain in there until it was addlED by the dikhED ... if he had even one ounce of interest in her does she not think he would have shown it ... or at least said to her he'd like for her to come and visit and meet his family when they get out of there ... or arrange their first date ... instead after about 100 hints, actually using the L word and another 100 hints ... still she got nothing from him

ffs girl - get a clue already!!! HE'S JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU!!!

and ffs ED - grow a pair and be straight with her and quit leading her up the proverbial garden path! Quit kissing and cuddling her and snuggling up in bed with her you moronic piece of crapola! If I hear his poor excuse of a "ummm I don't want you ummmm to be disappointed ummmm ahhhhh wafffffle fkn SNNNNNNNNOOOORRRRRREEEEEEEEEE!!!!
People seem to forget that all ED did with tully and drew is judge and talk behind their backs they all do it. Drew however did not take jade aside and interfere in their relationship. ED crossed the line by giving tully the talk which was none of his buisness. I'm a bit surprised of just how much of a hypocrite ED is.

But if you take the road that other HM's relationships in the house is their business then Ed did the right thing by confronting Tully with (what he thought was) the truth instead of continuing to bitch behind her back.

I think the HM's have been really cruel bitching behind Jade's back. They are all so full of "I'm honest and just tell the truth to people's faces" and they just don't.
I think the HM's have been really cruel bitching behind Jade's back. They are all so full of "I'm honest and just tell the truth to people's faces" and they just don't.

We don't know that, they're probably not showing us.
But if you take the road that other HM's relationships in the house is their business then Ed did the right thing by confronting Tully with (what he thought was) the truth instead of continuing to bitch behind her back.

I think the HM's have been really cruel bitching behind Jade's back. They are all so full of "I'm honest and just tell the truth to people's faces" and they just don't.
Oh come on. All jade does is bitch behind everyone's back so does ED. THEY ALL DO. I used to like jade but ED has changed her and being besties with mikkayla did her no FAVORS.
But if you take the road that other HM's relationships in the house is their business then Ed did the right thing by confronting Tully with (what he thought was) the truth instead of continuing to bitch behind her back.

I think the HM's have been really cruel bitching behind Jade's back. They are all so full of "I'm honest and just tell the truth to people's faces" and they just don't.
He patronised the hell out of Tully and showed then and there he had the EQ of a gnat. And in case you think I'm a Tully lover, I'm not but what Ed did was spite presented as kindness.
But if you take the road that other HM's relationships in the house is their business then Ed did the right thing by confronting Tully with (what he thought was) the truth instead of continuing to bitch behind her back.

I think the HM's have been really cruel bitching behind Jade's back. They are all so full of "I'm honest and just tell the truth to people's faces" and they just don't.

I actually agree. I have to say that I don't disagree with Ed for confronting Tully. I remember liking that Ed confronted her about it at that point of the show. So I think everyone else would have been better friends to Jade had they confronted her and let her know about the situation, rather than constantly make fun of her while she's blissfully unaware of it all.
Imagine a show with just Ed and Jade? OMG snooze!!!!!!
It seems to me Ed has mulling over what his brother said and I do think he gave him some valuable info.....Tim and Drew tarnishing him as.... boring ....and fake....and not only that they are using Ed's "relationship" with Jade against him by suggesting he's using her to get further in the game...

So now we will see fun hanging around the funsters and constantly thinking up ways to be noticed....having all this fun

Then we will see romantic Ed...which will include lots of mushy kissing especially around Tim and not only prove it to the lads that he is indeed berry serious about Ladey Jadey but also if done consistently throughout the day, more chance it will be shown in the daily shows ......cause you know we all love a good fairy tale romance....:p

That 30 min daily show was the worst I've seen in ages......