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Episode Day 58 (4/11/14) Double Eviction

I think the opposite. I think he will cease to be even slightly significant without her.
^ Definitely this.

If anything, Aisha's eviction will see Travis out much sooner than ever intended before now. He will flip out over the next couple weeks anyway, and there's no more Trasha shit for the teenyboppers to fangirl about.
Lawson's ex I hope can look at what a lucky escape she has had really,
Lawson is such a lame limp person with lot of growing up to do.
What she has seen on TV, even apart from the cheating shit, he is just blah - and that would be a whole lot clearer on TV.

His exit could have been all about the magic, what a fool.
Me at this boring shit


That is so cute! Highlight of the episode tbh.
Shows not over yet. And frankly, it's irrelevant.




Show us the friggin voting tally.

When sonia said 'were going to reveil--' i thought she was going to say reveil the %


Will we see the percentages?

Why can't they tell us the percentage of votes?

Apparently it's relevant to some.
Aisha wont get much airtime on radio tomoz, they'll all gun for Cat
No way, pregnant women are mean when in labour, do people really want her to be the first peron to touch their baby? I would not.