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Episode Day 58 (4/11/14) Double Eviction

Did with me and hubby for 18 months - 10 AFTER we married and were on opposite sides of the world (Scotland/here). And that was almosy 16 years ago... so.

Well done! I am glad you made it work. That would be a rare occurrence. You must of had a lot of fun every time you were reunited.
I was thinking earlier that I think the only thing Big Brother is from week to week now is eviction shows. There's more evictions than Daily Shows this year. Really not a good thing...
And they still can't do them right.. interviews are boring, there's too many gimmicks in the episode.
Me at this boring shit

I'm confused.

Who will be MEETING Cat?

She met Lawson and his toe so......

Don't false advertise bitches, I want Candice to fish slap them both at once.
The bastards didn't show us the voting tally at the beginning to make some of us endure the clawson interview. Fickle bb fickle.
I ABSOLUTELY think the show cheats, I'm not even shocked the numbers are being overlooked. This interview is doing them both in. Any repenting Lawson did, Cat just undid. I don't have an ounce of sympathy for what they'll face. NONE. I stand by what I said, I think they're both incredibly low people. I still can't get over Cat's logic, about Candice.
I don't agree with how the relationship between Cat and Lawson came about, but I wish them all the best regardless of how their relationship turns out.

I don't. The pair of them are disgraceful and should be ashamed of themselves. I cannot imagine how Candice feels, how utterly humiliating to be subjected to watching the Clawson bollocks.