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Episode Day 5 - Daily Show (30mins)

I am so glad that Drew & Jade will most likely pass the task - at least they both get to stay in the house another week!!!
I really hope Drew and Jade convince everyone they're truly a married couple by the time of nominations!
I luv bitch fests on BB ....

Its so like real life... Tully & Mikhala have their barney then ignore each other in the bedroom whilst Tully makes comments like
"Oooh its annoying how ppl have an argument & then go straight to the diary room without talking about it first" as Mikhala comes out of the diary room and walks past her....

Then they both pretend not to notice, see each other or acknowledge each others existence in the tiny bedroom hahahah

Sooooooooo High School.... LUV IT :) :p

Akward! Maybe Miklay didn't hear her. Do you think they'll end up nominating each other still?
BB said they can drink the milk from the cow, but maybe there are regulations against drinking raw milk.
:eek: Wash your mouth out! That sort of language is "inappropriate" here as there are "appropriate threads and forums for that type of talk", mut, gosh. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

You wash it out for me you toned but not bubbly enough bum disney character wearing hottie
It's 7:14 and they're on the second ad break already :( This episode is like 50% ads

That's one thing that I've noticed about this year especially. Most of the show is ads. It's especially noticeable when I record it and have to fast forward through it all and stuff.
The halfway housemates look like puppy orphans in a pet store with their sad little noses pressed against the fence.
I don't know why but I get really giggly and excited when I see Drew & Jade together! I feel like a school girl!