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Episode Day 46 (23/10/14) Nominations

We NEVER get to see this funny side of Priya! Yesterday we saw a mix of her "Oh my god" and now we see her doing a funny voice (but annoying everyone). They only air serious/observant/strategic Priya.

I love Priya but I don't like the manipulative editing, and I'm sure they're all being edited to appear as "characters". I hate it.

See, now to me that is not funny Priya. I like Priya, but I don't for a second believe speaking in a high pitched tone to Skye is her being fun. Nothing about her personality suggests that is her idea of fun. That absolutely read to me as her trying to create a group. She is educated and carries herself a very specific way. I don't believe she'd ever give a character like Skye the time of day,and if she did, they wouldn't be doing cartoon voices. It felt phony as hell to me.
That said, I'd like to see the more fun side of her. But, the genuine side.