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Episode Day 29 (6/10/2014) Live Eviction #4

A. What is 4chan
2. WTf is a waifu?

TIA ;)

So I take 4chan is where cheating shits hang out?

Has anyone seen that weirdo add, for online hook ups, with a whole lot of blokes singing-
"I'm looking for someone who isn't my wife", very peculiar. Maybe Cat is their rep?

Giving David my vote! Really want him to have the chance to prove some housemates wrong about him. They don't see him as a threat just yet..
yeah the HM's put David as the least likely to win BB in that Least to Most line up,
and Sandra thinks the only reason they were saved by the public, was because of her.
Sam and Lawson made fun of David in the webchat prank with the girls liking David, when in reality he does have a lot of fans outside the house that think he's good-looking etc
Just tried to vote to save David twice. Was told I had insufficient funds. Of which there are over $130 available. Show is fucking rigged. Dave going tonight.

You can't deny that it hasn't worked well so far.
I want to thank the guys on the BB message board on /tv/ for making the whole Cat and Lawson relationship advance by voting Cat for HOH thus finally allowing them to hook up and enhancing my viewing experience
My guilty pleasure is seeing the sheep going "what the fuck" when their buds are shown the door over someone not in the cool group. Happens every year.
remember last week at Lisa and Ryan's surprise at Dion and Katie being evicted, the geeks v's cheerleaders/jocks
Just tried to vote to save David twice. Was told I had insufficient funds. Of which there are over $130 available. Show is fucking rigged. Dave going tonight.

Is that bonus credit? I managed to vote my recharge credit earlier.
I voted that I thought David and Jake would go, but I hope its Lisa and Travis, that would shake the place up. That was voted, as in the BBB poll, not with money, I'm not that stupid.
Aisha to go so Travsticle has to find a new slapper
Lisa to go coz she's fugly
David to go coz he apologised to Lisa
or Cat to go so Lawless panics that Slutgate may affect his time in the hoooooose.....