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Episode Day 24 (1/10/2014) Intruder Special

I really hope he does. Purely for the fact he's a Canuck I'm 100% ready to support this guy and I'll even tolerate him if he's a bit of a wanker. But if he's another fizzled intruder with the personality of a dishrag then I just can't.

Personal trainer = Boring.
Please let priya be safe!
They better not nominate her :mad:

I would LOVE LOVE LOVE if Sam's HOH power somehow gets Lawson or Sandra into the danger zone.
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I don't think Priya will be nominated. I think the nominees for next week's eviction will be Travis, Skye, Lawson, Cat, and Lisa.
The first time they get a chance to nominate him, he will be up. It would be nice, if they didnt go into the house promising to do this or that or be whatever. They NEVER deliver. The best intruder ever IMO was Zach in 2007 and if he had have been in from the beginning, he would probably have won it. Do the ladies here remember those beautiful bustiers he made/makes?