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Episode Day 16: Daily show + nominations #2

Haha! Notice how he crossed his legs after he kissed her? Yes, I felt somewhat jealous and annoyed at the same time.
Yeah, it's why he said they had to stay there for a min.

I just... she practically threw herself at him.

She'd 100% be the type to slip a hand on the crotch overnight too :eek:
Haha! Notice how he crossed his legs after he kissed her? Yes, I felt somewhat jealous and annoyed at the same time.

the problem with being strict with threads is that your forum ends up with a million threads and only two comments in each one, a conversation is an evolving beast, it has to be let alone to grow and show what it is
I think Jade will get a few nom points tonight. But I wonder if they won't bother so that Jade and Ed (JED)? Can stay together
i think i'm a bit weird but have been married 25 years and never given another guy a thought - just to say one is dreamy is a lot for me! better get back on topic or goon will delete me

keke; only 8 years here. But yer; this chap is something special. And so's Drew. So much unpretentiousness in one young package. Now; back to how Drew's feeling about the slobberfest. Poor darl.
Ed you moron. Nothing like giving in to peer pressure. Shoulda pushed her off the bed when she leaned in, now that would have been fun to watch!
Why can't Jade like Ed? She said all along she wasn't that into Drew... just coz he likes her, doesn't mean she has to like him back.

Let Jade do what she likes... surely?
Whats the bet Ed somehow saves or gives his power to Jade tonight.

I wish she would go though cause these showmances shit me!!