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Episode Day 16: Daily show + nominations #2

Oh the shirtless Drew.... I'm stuck to my seat
Part of the reason I wanted Jade evicted was because of this. With no Jade, we would have been spared this awful showmance storyline - its the only storyline they have bothered following across multiple daily shows and it is pissing me off so much.

It's also a partially manufactured storyline with the whole Drew being jealous storyline. Stupid and disappointing.
That was actually a lot more serious than I thought it was gonna be.

And to think, the dude probably got a boner - and it was because of her!

Is it wrong that I actually had a bit of jealousy hit me watching that kiss go on longer and longer?! :eek:
That was actually a lot more serious than I thought it was gonna be.

And to think, the dude probably got a boner. And it was because of her!

Is it wrong that I actually had a bit of jealousy hit me watching that kiss go on longer and longer?! :eek:

Haha! Notice how he crossed his legs after he kissed her? Yes, I felt somewhat jealous and annoyed at the same time.
Ahaha. Drew is my dreamy younger husband (and yerp... got my own version, slightly larger hips, better glasses!)

But, a girl can dream about a hire car now, can't she :)

i think i'm a bit weird but have been married 25 years and never given another guy a thought - just to say one is dreamy is a lot for me! better get back on topic or goon will delete me
Look, if Ed is happy then I'm happy but that doesn't change my opinion of Jade. She's going to have to do something extra special to earn brownie points from me again if she wants to go up in my housemate rankings that bitch! LMAO! ;)