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Episode Day 16 (23/09/2014) Live EVICTION #1

As opposed to children dating sites?

A nick such as 'Up All Night'? No I don't use it and never have on dating sites as far as I remember.

If you're talking about something else, another nick which may be me, send me a private message.
no I was kidding I meant up all night would be very popular[DOUBLEPOST=1411482520][/DOUBLEPOST]
no I was kidding I meant up all night would be very popular
yr mind ok?
Me too. I'm sat here thinking that we keep saying we want a more real, less cheesy BB but this was fucking brutal. Surely any of them with two brain cells would've known how'd this play out. Sure if it was Travis and Cat it would've been closer so it's fine to do it but with Gemma?! They chop and change everything else on this damn show... why make an exception this time.

Especially now it will be a one off, now the pairs have finished. The public will evict from now on. Its Tuesday night and they were still using footage of David with his beard, didnt that come off last Friday. Lazy, cheap editing. The shear brutality of tonight was uncalled for, I wasnt a Gemma or Jake fan, but surely they could have cast their votes in the diary room and not face to face. 8-1 against out of 9 votes, is pretty brutal and humiliating. It will affect Gemmas self esteem, if it wasnt already affectede. You have to admit she had a shit strategy though.
im very surprised on here that some people say Skype isn't faking. Boyfriend 101 is um oh im not smart.

yep shes somewhere. shes a 40 week chuckout
I felt so bad for Gemma when she was just standing there, watching everyone go behind Jake. It was cruel and I must admit, a bit hard to watch!!

Well done to Priya, I am so glad she chose to go with her heart and give some support to Gemma.
Oh and I dont know if I am looking too much into this but Aisha went down in my books after tonight. She didn't even flinch when Lawson handed her the $20k, not even one second of a pretend 'r u sure'. I realise she left home at 18....but she didn't get kicked out, she went accross the other side of the world with a footy player. Hardly as bad as Lawson made it out to be.
Who the hell brings a BABY to a BB eviction..... *shakes head at bad parents*

I agree. That's too much sensory overload for a child like that. If they can afford $50-$60 tickets, they can surely afford a babysitter.

Jake is struggling? I know otherwise, but financially? Doesn't he live with Tim?

One way to find out. @Timdormer, have you shared any of your $250K with Jake?

His aiming for the $200k

This time, he's playing to win.


It's AT LEAST $10 a drink, with some being up to $18, so $80 is easy to spend.

Hey, I feel slightly guilty when I spend $50 on Marvel Avengers Alliance.

Hate to be negative but this girl is clearly stressed I cannot believe Carmel (old days) would have allowed this and I hope she has some care to readjust. I think this is quite possibly the worst road bb has gone down 9including turkey slaps Sandilands carlos ass etc etc. It is one thing for us we me to have a go at people who put themselves up for it(they expect that) but this was the last kid picked on the footie team on international TV.

Poor Form Channel 9 and Alex(Im a purist) and southern star enema

I think it's just Enema or Enema Australia now.



Should've been a car if you ask me. Especially with the amount of abuse she's supposedly suffered.

Guys, it wasn't $5000.

It was a $5000 VOUCHER for AppliancesNow.

That's A LOT of kitchen appliances...

Hey, I'd take that over a copy of the board game from Crown and Andrews and a diamond stick pin any day.

Yeah but it's fucking white goods. I mean come on. What is this, The Price Is Right?

At least it's not to Big W.

Hate to be negative but this girl is clearly stressed I cannot believe Carmel (old days) would have allowed this and I hope she has some care to readjust. I think this is quite possibly the worst road bb has gone down 9including turkey slaps Sandilands carlos ass etc etc. It is one thing for us we me to have a go at people who put themselves up for it(they expect that) but this was the last kid picked on the footie team on international TV.

Poor Form Channel 9 and Alex(Im a purist) and southern star enema

Yes, they have a duty of care to ALL housemates, tonight it was sadly missing. It didnt need to be face to face and so brutal, she would have been better off told that she had missed out. The 8-1 against her was a shocking error on 9's part, as far as duty of care goes. I hope they have a psych on hand for Gemma for the next few months, because she will think the world hates her. She didnt go in with high esteem, I dont know how she passed the psych tests, she left in a more damaged state.
haha I thought of the food in the fridge too but didn't think many people would get the reference in here.

Talk about being sucked in but good on him... just earned him 5k.

  • Pretty sure I heard Lawson say "and Jake lives at home" which tells us that Jake has not been completely honest. To be fair, he probably just wanted to come across as a normal everyday guy and never expected this to happen.
He seemed uncomfortable and I think he may feel a bit guilty about taking the money under false pretenses.
He doesn't have the cockiness that Tim does. I could see Tim admitting to BB in the diary room that he may have exaggerated how poor he was and turn the whole show into how he was going to fess up.