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Episode Day 14 (21/09/2014) Big Brother: Sunday

I bet Tim will shave/trim THE BEARD but the `reveal' will happen tomorrow night because it has become a soap opera.

If we see the `reveal' tonight I may be less negative.....:wacky:

No, I think that's exactly what they intend on doing. Since when does Tim Dormer police the way other people look? Big Brother producers put him up to it so they have an EVENT to spruik for tomorrow's show.
Seriously you guys, this thread is fucking funny!
I've just finished work so haven't seen the ep.. but it seems it's cringe and vomit worthy. Not good tv. And a really good opportunity to just take the absolute piss out of each and every HM.. and Tim.
Thanks for the giggles, can't wait to watch it tomorrow.
What is this crap?

ok so I have just seen gemma storm off and now talk to tim in the pantry. She is trying to be strategic but sucks at it, I see that, but lisa is a fucking hypocrite. Oh man, toughten up, no one cares about your problems, my saggy tits are a better reason to cry.

fuck off tully....oops did I just say that

LISA...fuck off LISA...have I got it right this time
How funny, David gets the biggest advantage EVER in BB - personal tips from a previous winner during the series & says NO...

Lose the beard LOSER, if someone from the outside suggests something - ah, do it .... he deserves to be evicted this week.... for stupidity :)
Why do you think losing the beard would get David further? I don't think it would make a difference at all.

And like @Mercy said earlier, imagine if someone told Tim to cut his (awful) hair? He would also say no. So he is a dick for even suggesting it.
Lisa & Jake are too familiar with each other.

Maybe they are boyfriend & girlfriend in real life.
its entirely possibly they know each other from outside (since Tully knows Lisa and Tim knows Jake) AND entirely possible they have been interested before and now might act on it ... who knows
Jake feels like a caricature tonight somehow