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David Appreciation Thread

Honestly, nothing but positive. People constantly tell me that they loved watching me which means everything. I know I went through tough times in the first 3 weeks which was hard for my friends and family to watch, but then I found my feet and things picked up. I had dinner with Travis and one of his friends last night and she told me that all his mates were David fans which is just an amazing thing to hear. I barely cop negative comments on social media apart from a certain persons fans but thats to be expected and they are entitled to their thoughts but I'm not one to fire back cos i think it says more about them then it does about me. As I've always said Haters are always gonna hate. I wish @MelKen was able to do the same but I can only imagine its harder looking in from the outside. Some people say lines to me, like I have a belly button, Not here to put stickers on apples and I get called Strategy Dave a lot. Not really the answer to your question but i have written too much to delete it and start again.

We knew that after he was in the house 10 mins cos he worked with Sandra a few years earlier.

Why do you have to make me love you more? *cries*
@David Hodis We still loved watching the karaoke video, even with the bad audio :D
We were so proud when you made lead male singer in The Caged Flamingos lol

@MelKen was hoping to move back to Australia soon .Will she be home before Christmas?
I loved being the lead singer of the CF - was one of my fav tasks.
Mel is hoping to be back at xmas but still a lot of paperwork to be done.
@MelKen, was amazing! 100% loyal to you and so very supportive, just like any great sibling would be. I hope she is ok from the experience too, she wasn't in the house but in her own way, both your sisters way, they too were on this journey.

I am glad that you have received mostly an awesome response, you deserve the positivity from this. And I love that you are focusing on that.

Can you please explain the 'put stickers on apples' thing? We had a discussion about it here.
Its a quote that a few of my mates say when we are together. Like we are there for a reason and that reason is not to put stickers on apples its to do whatever we are there for, be it drinking or snowboarding.
Did that song get stuck in your head like it did for us? My god, it was a living nightmare.
Did it get stuck in my head - see me flying, no love dying, no one can stop me now. YES, YES IT DID[DOUBLEPOST=1418123191][/DOUBLEPOST]
I love you all. I really do... but weetbix and vegemite? ARGH!
Please give it a go - butter and vegemite.