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Big Brother UK season 15 - SPOILERS

I do love it Mr Sticky, excellent work and doesn't the Queen look resplendent *swoon*. I take it "Sludge" was an aberration... we all slip up at times :)

It seems that slowly but surely you are coming home to the true meaning of BB... the true meaning of life as it were... discard the shackles of evil and embrace true life... life ruled over by Helen, our queen. Welcome....

...welcome to all of you new Helenites!!

Long live the Queen !!! ;);):):)

...hahahaha!... you crack me up Dystopia... you really do!... lol!... you should begin the 'Church of Helenolgy'... there will be perhaps half a dozen ex-housemates that will join it straight away at least!... oh!... golly gosh!... that DOES say 'Sludge' doesn't it? :smuggrin:... goodness me I usually proof read all of my stuff for spelling mistakes before I post them... I wonder how I missed that? :whistling:... oh well... it's too late now :wink:... fancy that eh? :angelic:... lol!...

...another one of Steve before he goes... (milk it Sticky... milk Steve for more laughs before he's finally gone!) :playful:... cheers.:D

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I can't stand Ash, I find his bovver boy style and lank greasy hair just so unattractive. All I can think is...


...^^^^:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:^^^^... brilliant!... simply brilliant... that is so funny!...:thumbsup: ... cheers.
Toya really needs to go back to being 'famous' in Nigeria.
and on that particular note - given that she's been out of the house for weeks now where is she voicing concern about the young girls kidnapped in Nigeria? where is she and her loud opinions on THEIR plight?
...hahahaha!... you crack me up Dystopia... you really do!... lol!... you should begin the 'Church of Helenolgy'... there will be perhaps half a dozen ex-housemates that will join it straight away at least!... oh!... golly gosh!... that DOES say 'Sludge' doesn't it? :smuggrin:... goodness me I usually proof read all of my stuff for spelling mistakes before I post them... I wonder how I missed that? :whistling:... oh well... it's too late now :wink:... fancy that eh? :angelic:... lol!...

...another one of Steve before he goes... (milk it Sticky... milk Steve for more laughs before he's finally gone!) :playful:... cheers.:D

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Mr Stickyfingers - you know we love you right? cos we do! yes we do! we love you! we really really do! Do you love us? Do ya? Do ya? Cos we love you! we do! really -we do! We THINK you love us. We do. Do you? Do you?

I'm going to be singing Flick it Flick it Goode all day now!! (omg and in my voice alll dayyyyyy noowww was in Mark's voice!!) I think I'm coming down with something!! .... must be rainydayitis ... couldn't be a touch of madness could it?

btw if it were brains no wonder the guy's been digging around in there so much ... would be bloody hard trying to find any ;)
Mr Stickyfingers - you know we love you right? cos we do! yes we do! we love you! we really really do! Do you love us? Do ya? Do ya? Cos we love you! we do! really -we do! We THINK you love us. We do. Do you? Do you?

I'm going to be singing Flick it Flick it Goode all day now!! (omg and in my voice alll dayyyyyy noowww was in Mark's voice!!) I think I'm coming down with something!! .... must be rainydayitis ... couldn't be a touch of madness could it?

btw if it were brains no wonder the guy's been digging around in there so much ... would be bloody hard trying to find any ;)
But does he know how MUCH we love him.?
So there was some "Get Mark Out" chants, well thats good, I just hope he heard them.
He definitely did. He shit himself. There was one man saying it over and over very clearly when Emma crossed to he house the second time.

I was reading YouTube comments though and apparently a lot of the crowd was chanting it during her first live cross too, but I don't think anyone realised it then (I didn't either) because it sounds like they were saying Pav or Steven at the same time, so I think the names got blended together.

But they all definitely heard it the second time round. Can't wait to see the aftermath tomorrow, haha!
I can imagine that he'll take the chanting on board and become extra cautious about his behaviour in the house now though - if he has to fake some OTT affection for Christopher, he'll do it if it means winning back universal admiration and praise. The chants weren't resounding enough to indicate to him that it was game over, so he's going to regroup and try to put his game back on track. Either that or he and the other housemates will delude him into believing it was mostly for Pav, that he's still universally loved and that it was probably just some lone voice in the audience.

I just hope the public aren't gullible enough to believe it anymore. The public forgets things very quickly, and there's still about 3 weeks to go. I'd hate to see him turn it around and win.
Mr Stickyfingers - you know we love you right? cos we do! yes we do! we love you! we really really do! Do you love us? Do ya? Do ya? Cos we love you! we do! really -we do! We THINK you love us. We do. Do you? Do you?

I'm going to be singing Flick it Flick it Goode all day now!! (omg and in my voice alll dayyyyyy noowww was in Mark's voice!!) I think I'm coming down with something!! .... must be rainydayitis ... couldn't be a touch of madness could it?

btw if it were brains no wonder the guy's been digging around in there so much ... would be bloody hard trying to find any ;)

But does he know how MUCH we love him.?

i really don't think he does? Does he? Do you think he does? Do you Mr Stickfingers? Do you know how much ... ok seriously I think I need to wander away from my computer right now!! lmao ;)

...aaaaaaaw!... you guys!!!!!... of course I love you... **Sticky blushes**...:shy::inlove: I loves you all!!!!... you funny buggers!... no wonder I love these forums!... lol!... cheers.

aw-shucks...-you-guys.gif View attachment 40385
OMG that was the lamest seduction attempt ever..Mark looked like a TeleTubby waddling around Christopher like that
I am so glad that Steven is out....did you hear that Steven? did you,did you?

Hi Mr. Hefner, they told me you're looking for new talent... see, I'm wearing my nightgown for you on eviction night and I am really pretty and dumb just the way you like them... I am wearing nothing underneath except my toy... my stuffed toy that is...


...there Mr. Hefner I show you my arse... can you see??? I would lift up my gown for you but they're watching me and then everybody would see where I hide my little teddy when I'm not carrying him around fully exposed in front of me... ... I'll show it all to you just as soon as you get me out of this hell hole and receive me in your mansion... I promise I'll remain dumb and blond and impressionable... I really have nowhere else to go in my silly little brain...

Hi Mr. Hefner, they told me you're looking for new talent... see, I'm wearing my nightgown for you on eviction night and I am really pretty and dumb just the way you like them... I am wearing nothing underneath except my toy... my stuffed toy that is...


...there Mr. Hefner I show you my arse... can you see??? I would lift up my gown for you but they're watching me and then everybody would see where I hide my little teddy when I'm not carrying him around fully exposed in front of me... ... I'll show it all to you just as soon as you get me out of this hell hole and receive me in your mansion... I promise I'll remain dumb and blond and impressionable... I really have nowhere else to go in my silly little brain...

funny :O BUT Ashleigh puts her dressing gown over her eviction outfit every week - I think she wants to keep the bit reveal for the actual night she gets evicted or something ...
Steven seemed almost normal on his eviction night interviews ... however he is so totally self-centred I'm not convinced he has room for another love interest in his life (besides himself I mean)
I wanted to see his reaction to finding out the truth behind Helen and Danielle ... I wanted him to see a clip of Helen & Ash discussing them having sex in the house ...

and when Pauline rang in during question time and they went into raptures towards one another - OMG hand me a bucket NOW!!!