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Big Brother Australia Media Articles

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Michael's is starting now. Nothing too interesting to come out of Zoe's.

Edit: Well it was supposed to start at 12.30pm...nothing yet. Sent in some questions. Lets hope they ask him some interesting things.

Edit2: "Due to prior commitments, Michael is running late but will join us shortly " FFS
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Zoe's is over, Michael's running late.

Edit: Sorry, didn't refresh first.
Comment From Sara
Do you regret your 'relationship' with Estelle now you have left the house?

Michael: I'm terrible with women, so to anyone that knows me it's no surprise. I still think that she's a nice girl but apparently it wasn't the best thing for me to do.

AKA yes. It was the worst decision of my life & it cost me $250k
Ahahaha Michael is getting ambushed with these questions about Stel.
Yeww they just asked one of my questions

Comment From Kim
What are the best and worst parts of being in the house?

Michael: " The best part is no-one can Google anything and apparently because I am a genius they think that I'm right. The worst part that i can't YouTube NOFX videos. "

That's actually pretty funny about google. I can't imagine a world without google!
Just wish they had asked the one about Layla playing the game.
Finished. Nothing too revealing, was better when it was an hour long.
Comment From jessie: Just outta curiosity, how do you think all the ex housemates will react if Estelle wins? Will they be pissed off : )

Michael: I'd tell them to sux eggs because she did it the hard way. (secretly yes they will:))

Not too surprising I suppose , but telling that he admits they would all be pissed if she won
Bye bye Big Brother


Big Brother, Australia has been watching.

And after more than three months on air, the verdict is in. Despite all the silly games and the fact you didn't change much at all despite all those promises from Nine, you have been an unqualified success.

In many ways, it was Surly the fish who epitomised the strengths of this year's show.

The show has averaged figures of 1.030 million from Monday to Friday, lifting to 1.052 million for live events and 1.083 million for nomination evenings. The opening show peaked at 2.392 million with a similar – or higher – figure expected for tonight's grand finale..........


Read more:


Benjamin Norris wins Big Brother 2012
Andrew Fenton
From: News Limited Network
November 07, 2012 9:33PM

BIG Brother's cheeky, gossipy joker Benjamin Norris has cruised to a popular victory in the finale following the shock early exit of his main competition Estelle Landy.

Gold Coast beautician Layla Subritzky was next to be evicted, leaving a shocked Norris alone in the house alternating between tears and laughter.

"I don't know what to do,'' he said wandering around the house he'd never been alone in for three months. "I won, I won!''

Ex-housemates said the gay 32-year-old intends to use the $250,000 cash, and the car, to help start a family with his partner, who is also named Ben.

The Melbourne accounts manager, who admits he's sometimes found it difficult to hold down a job, beat out more than 20,000 applicants to get selected for the house.

Going into the finale it was still anyone's prize to win, with less than one per cent separating the three finalists in the public vote unveiled on Monday night. But the signs were ominous for the Estelle when she was booed by the crowd during the evictions of the other two corners in her house love triangle, former foe Michael and jealous country girl Zoe.

Thoughtful, articulate and man who wears his heart on his sleeve, viewers seemed prepared to overlook the occasional appearance of his bitchy alter-ego Brenda to focus on how much his lively personality had brightened up the show.

"Ben is an entertainer,'' host Sonia Kruger said. ``He gives great emotion, excitement and tension and his highs are really high, and his lows are really low.''

The finale opened with a huge and energetic dance number featuring the former housemates doing the Gangnam Style dance and a specially written number Oats a la Layla.

Even South Australian contestant Josh Moore, who walked away from the show after the sudden death of his brother Toby, returned.

Nine's gamble bringing back Big Brother this year after the brand had been tainted by adults-only late night sleaze and the infamous turkey slap'' scandal appears to have paid off. While the show hasn't seen the ratings spike of other reality formats like MasterChef or The Voice, in its final weeks, it's attracted an average audience of more than a million across its three-month run.

The bookies were predicting a finale audience of more than 1.5 million.

There was a blog there with Trevor too.
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