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From a few days ago:

Big Brother house divided in many ways as rival factions were established
by: Siobhan Duck
From: Herald Sun
October 10, 2012 7:00PM

THE Big Brother house is divided, lovers have been separated and best-friends torn apart - quite literally.

The housemates were split into two rival factions:

The red: Layla, Josh, Zoe and Benjamin.

And the blue: Michael, Estelle, Angie and Sam.

Odd one out - in more ways than one - Stacey was a one woman team in white.

The teams were not permitted to communicate with each other in any way (“no talking, gesturing, winking or pointing”) and those caught breaking the rules would accrue a nomination point.

White woman Stacey was neutral and could talk to whomever she liked.

The split also involved rooms of the house. The blue team won exclusive rights to the kitchen by correctly guessing the value of some shopping.

The reds, meanwhile had to cook all their meals on the outdoor camp cooker using only staples.

The red team won the bedroom, leaving the blues to camp on stretchers outside.

The split was a particularly hard ask for lovebirds Sam and Layla and man friends Michael and Josh who usually spend most of their time in each others’ pockets, beds and baths.

The division also kept Zoe at arm’s length from her not-so secret desire, Michael.

Although it was even harder than usual to see the allure after watching him gloatingly chowing down on a disgusting combo of oreo biscuit, peanut butter and M 'n’Ms.

Michael realised that even a steady supply of comfort food would not soften the blow of being on the losers’ team. He longed to be with cool kids - even if it meant eating out of a tin.

His three team mates were all nominated and in the “doom spiral” and Michael feared their unpopularity might rub off on him.

Last night the contestants also did battle for a car. Clearly it wasn’t a battle of the minds as Layla won.

After a series of random questions, sheer luck saw Layla claim the prize over runners up Benjamin and Angie by picking the right key.

Asked how many litres of water there was in the house pool , Layla answered 250L(there’s in excess of 80,000 by the way).

She later had to ask what a metre was.

Unfortunately, someone at Holden was a little trigger happy on the twitter and announced the results before the episode had screened in NT, Queensland and Perth, leaving fans less than impressed and the car manufacturer quickly tweeting an apology for their inadvertent spoiler.

It was a pretty boring competition actually, reminiscent of the old days when BB was on the wane and they used to fill-up episodes with It’s a Knock Out –style challenges.

Layla’s victory brought great celebration to the remainder of the housemates because it meant Angie had lost.

Angie, of course, was angry.

On Hamster Wheel, the explosive parliamentary showdown between the PM and Tony Abbott, the ongoing Alan Jones saga and the resignation of Peter Slipper gave the Chaser boys plenty of ammunition.

In between lampooning Abbott for his sexism, wall-punching and passion for Downton Abbey, they managed to surreptitiously squeeze in a few plugs for their upcoming show on Channel 7.

And proving that no-one was above criticism, they even got stuck into their own boss, ABC chief Mark Scott, with a spoof obituary that even made light of kiddy porn charges against former ABC presenter Andy Muirhead.

Hmm, I wonder whether The Chaser boys’ shift to Seven might become a more permanent move once Scott gets wind of their merry, little dance on his grave.

Cruel twist for Big Brother contestants as the end nears
Holly Byrnes, National TV Writer
From: News Limited Network
October 21, 2012 8:30PM

WITH just weeks left of the Big Brother competition, face time with family may be just the reassurance the housemates need to go on.

But that would be too easy, with BB about to add another cruel twist - ordering the contestants to ignore any new house guests then sending in their loved ones.

The parents and partners of the final seven left standing began arriving at the Dreamworld set on to prepare for their Monday night close-up and part in the latest TV mind game, where housemates will risk losing their group challenge if they let down their emotional guard.

Throwing another spanner in the strategy of those actively manipulating their way to winning the $250,000 prize money, the family and friends will also share nomination duties with their related housemate.

This week housemates can nominate just one person, while their second nomination will be made by each loved one, on their behalf but without the chance to confer or talk through just who they had planned to target for eviction.

Only the housemate gifted the super power will win time with their special guest, alone in the Diary Room.

For the mothers of bubbly BB favourites Ben and Zoe keeping their emotions in check as they make their TV debut will be a task in itself.

Jane Needham, Ben's mum, said her gregarious son had inherited his extrovert personify from his late father, Graeme.

"He took me out to dinner on our first date and ended up jumping out of a cake and hosting a TV game show, so you can see where Ben gets that from . . . I just have to try not to cry," Mrs Needham said.

Both parents, coincidentally both also school teachers, have become schooled in the BB series, watching their offspring entertain and engage in the social experience on Channel 9.

"It isn't busting IQs but it's been really good. We're extremely proud of Zoe," her mum Lyn Westgarth of Warren said.

Mrs Westgarth discovered her daughter, who she thought was in Sydney at a 21st birthday party, was actually part of the TV show after friends and family read about her BB inclusion in The Daily Telegraph and online.

"We see more of her now on Big Brother than we did when she was away (at university) in Armidale."

She said Zoe's "secret" about being bullied in school, where she was also teaching, was "valuable for other children."

"There are people out there who don't talk about it. It's a hard thing to go through and they can see that Zoe's come through it with more confidence."

Mrs Needham said her son Ben had shown a surprising competitive streak of late, as the competition reached the finishing stages.

"His older brother used to beat him at everything, so perhaps he just has to dumb that (competitive streak) down.

She laughed at her son's colourful new vocabulary, which includes "meeping" and "drainers."

"I can associate with the drainers...sometimes you need to wipe out the drainers in your life, to concentrate on the positive."

Showing similar strategy to her son, she said her least favourite housemates were Sam ("I think he is hiding behind his relationship with Layla and we don't get to know the real Sam") and Layla ("can be influenced by Sam.")

The BB winner will be decided in a two-hour finale on November 7.

This is the same as the hanging up the phone thing really, it could blow up in their faces if anything happened to the loved one between now and the end of the show.
Big Brother fans vote feisty Angie out of the house
Holly Byrnes, National TV Writer
From: News Limited Network
October 21, 2012 9:51PM

BIG Brother's self-confessed "firecracker" exploded for the last time, with bubbly blonde Angie Murray falling short of her finals week ambition.

The 21-year-old lost the numbers game, losing out in the six-way public vote, with Sam, Layla, Estelle, Ben and Zoe saved by fans.

With the house now split between the cool crew of Ben, Michael, Zoe and Stacey versus the "meepers" Sam, Layla and Estelle, Murray said her fiery temper and free spirit made her "a floater" in the house and exposed her to multiple nominations.

"I loved my gossip sessions with the girls, doing something ridiculous with Ben or Josh or a tackle with Sam. I just don't like being grouped and it left me exposed, I suppose."

Her early connection with Josh seemed to end is disappointment when intruder Ava turned his head, but the hopeless romantic hasn't given up on finding Mr Right outside the house.

"On the outside I'm so unlucky in love and it followed me into the house. But who knows what I'm going to find out there (male fans). I better not meet him in a nightclub or I'll be dragging him out of there by the ear," the fiesty femme giggled.

But the loss of Josh, who chose to leave last week after the death of his brother Toby, had left at least one housemate heartbroken - his bromance buddy Michael, Murray said.

"People took him leaving really hard, but especially Michael who took it horribly. Josh was one of those people we thought would win and held close to our hearts."

She said Michael had gravitated to Ben since, with the new duo "sharing their ideas, plans and schemes."

Murray's influence continues on Monday night's nominations after she left gal pal, Layla the superpower (which this week grants her face time with a family member).

Chat with Angie on our Live Blog at 12.30pm

Angie's liveblog will be there tomorrow at 12:30pm EDST.
Starting in just under an hour, I'm going out. Could someone please ask her for me what she thought about the task where she had to hang up on her father, if her view of that task has changed in light of what happened with Josh's brother? Also, if she chatted to any of the HM's friends and family last night and if she picked up on any clues as to how they're likely to vote? Thanks. :)
Like we didn't know:

Ryan "Fitzy" Fitzgerald to re-enter the Big Brother House

October 22, 2012 5:15PM

FORMER Big Brother contestant Ryan "Fitzy" Fitzgerald will return to the house in yet another twist on the Nine Network reality show.

Fitzgerald, who was fourth on Big Brother in 2004, outed himself as one of the `"trespassers'' who will enter the house this week and mingle with the contestants.

However, while Fitzgerald and the other trespassers can chat with the housemates, none of the housemates are allowed to talk back.

"I'm going back in the house,'' Fitzgerald said on his Sydney breakfast radio show on Nova on Monday.

"There's going to be uninvited guests going in to the house and housemates have to ignore them completely to win the task.

"They are not allowed to talk to me.''

Fitzgerald says he will wake the guests on Tuesday morning but is unsure what restrictions will be placed on what he can and cannot say to the housemates who have been in captivity for 10 weeks.

"I'm really looking forward to it,'' he said.

There's also an eviction nomination twist on Monday night.

Instead of the housemates nominating who they'd like to be evicted, the voting process will be handed over to invited friends and families of the remaining seven contestants.

The other past contestants are unknown however it's thought Chrissie Swan and Bree Amer are ruled out because they are contracted to competing networks.
Article on Nathan:

Nathan Morris returns to the Big Brother house
From: PerthNow
October 23, 2012 9:00AM

TEN years after finding national fame on 'Big Brother', Nova 937's Nathan Morris will return to where it all began - albeit in a new house and on a new network.

He is one of several favourite housemates from previous seasons who will enter the house as 'trespassers' this week and mingle with the current crop of contestants.

The others include 2004 housemate Ryan 'Fitzy' Fitzgerald, 2003 series winner Reggie Bird and Pete Timbs, who became known for the 'dancing doona' incident.

While Nathan and the other trespassers can do whatever they like to the housemates, including going through their belongings, the housemates cannot acknowledge them at all if they want to pass the task and avoid eviction.

"I can do whatever I want to try and get their attention," he says.

"I'll be in there anywhere from an hour and a half to three hours so they (producers) just said 'go for gold while you're in there.'

The Big Brother episode will air at 7pm on Wednesday night.
Stacey Wren is ninth person to be evicted from Big Brother
Andrew Fenton
From: The Daily Telegraph
October 28, 2012 10:31PM

IN A record-breaking public vote and just 10 days before the finale, Stacey Wren, has become the ninth person to be evicted from the Big Brother house.

The quirky, fun-loving 24-year-old advertising account manager from Sydney's Surry Hills received enough votes to save her in any other week of the competition, but the support did not help this time around and she polled just 24 per cent of the total.

Stacey is well liked in the house and it was her first and only nomination after almost 80 days of competition.

“It’s my stinking luck,” she giggled. “Kicked out first time! It’s OK - it’s just the way the cookie crumbles.”

*Join a live blog with Stacey from 12.30pm Monday

Her close friend in the house, Benjamin, 32, shook off a week of moping about his third nomination and was saved with 30 per cent of the vote. Host Sonia Kruger wondered aloud if having both nominated the same week had split the vote, given how similar their fan bases are.

Stacey appeared shocked by the huge number of people voting to save Estelle, who has been perpetually targeted by the other housemates in nominations and this week attracted disapproval for her very flirty behaviour with Michael and Sam.

“It’s basically her trying to get any sort of attention from any type of male in the house,” Stacey said. “She is the type of person who loves that fluff of the feathers from men.”

But while the housemates have their reservations about the 23-year-old law student, rapper and skater, the public does not and her huge fan base saw her receive 46 per cent of the vote saving her from her seventh nomination.

“Why?” Stacey asked host Sonia Kruger. She also pointedly refused to concede Estelle could win saying: “I'm not even going to give Estelle the gratification”.

Explaining the comment, Stacey said: “Estelle basically said in the first week ‘You know, I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to win the money. That stuck in my mind and I thought about that the whole way through and I thought: you know what? I'm not going to give her the gratification.”

Instead Stacey predicts either her close friend Ben, or Michael will walk away with the $250,000 first prize – and she says they deserve to.

For her part Stacey will return to work at Frost Design in Sydney, but her dream is to pursue a career in television or radio. She said the Big Brother experience was the “coolest thing in the world”.

“I think it changed my life,” she said. “People have always said to me you’re a little bit crazy, a little bit weird and I feel like I've gone into the house and met… a majority of people who are similar and that made me feel OK about myself. I walked out of there feeling proud.”

The Big Brother final will be held on Wednesday, November 7.
Wow they really stuck to THIS didn't they??

This iteration will air on Nine and, according to its host, Sonia Kruger, will return the format to the ''basics'' of the first season, not the competitive, sometimes distracting clutter of the seven seasons that followed it.
Big Brother fans sceptical of Michael and Estelle's new relationship
November 01, 2012

HAS Michael finally fallen for Estelle or was last's night's unexpected kiss just a tactical move as the competition nears the end?

The pair's unlikely under-the-cover embrace has Big Brother fans in a bother, with many asking whether Michael's affection for the law student is the real deal or if he is simply trying to capitalise on her popularity.

The 26-year-old is well aware of Estelle's strong fan base outside the house, having been saved from eviction no less than six times.

And he seemed to all but forget describing her as "not my type" and "fakest human alive," as the pair canoodled and kissed in bed last night.

Big Brother fans aren't convinced about his change of heart.

"Can't believe Estelle hooked up with Michael!! Whyyyyyy??" tweeted Team Estelle. "1. Because he is just using you. and 2. Because you know Zoe liked/likes him."

While Janet added: "Michael has mannipulated Estelle thinking he will get more public votes. If he would use his brain and get a job that would be nice. #BBAU"

Lena Nguyen was just as confused: "I thought Michael didn't like Estelle and now they're like cuddle buddies #bbau"

Even an article on the official Big Brother webpage noted Micheal action's were "a far cry from a few weeks ago when he had nothing nice to say about complicated 24-year-old."

Is Michael and Estelle's bond for real? Leave your comments below
Big Brother housemate Josh Moore could have been $250,000 richer if he stayed
From: The Sunday Telegraph
November 04, 2012 12:00AM

FORMER Big Brother housemate Josh Moore reckons he could have been $250,000 richer had he stayed in the house.

But says he didn't think twice about leaving the show after the tragic death of his real-life big brother Toby.

"I'm fairly confident I would have been in there for a lot longer. But I had to make the decision and I had to leave," the 29-year-old musician told The Sunday Telegraph.The early favourite to win the revamped show this year, Moore left the house last month after Toby, 32, died of a suspected heart attack.

He said was coping with his brother's death by "staying positive" and getting back to things he enjoyed - and that the show's fans had helped him come to terms with the loss. "It's taking some getting used to, that's for sure," he said. "It's quite surreal.

"I came out under strange circumstances and everyone has been really nice to me.

"People have been coming up to me in the street to ask for photos and to stop for a chat."

Moore hasn't had many work offers yet, but puts it down to how he left the show: "Because I came out under different circumstances people have been, I guess, not wary, but respectful and keeping those sort of talks to a minimum."

Moore, who had an onscreen romance with fellow housemate Ava David, said the pair have met since he left but have decided to stay single.

"We will remain friends. I didn't go into the house looking for a relationship. The fact Ava came in was just a bit of a bonus really. We both know where we are at," he said.

After 86 days, the show reaches a climax on Wednesday with six contestants all in the hunt for the major prize.

Sportsbet lists Michael as favourite at $2.30, followed by Estelle at $3.50. Sam is at $2.10 as the most likely to be booted out of the house tonight.

Josh agreed with the betting market and hoped Michael was the last person standing in Nine's revamped series.

"He's a great bloke. He definitely gets my vote. I am planning to go and watch the cricket with him when he is out - I think we will definitely stay friends," he said.

One person will be evicted tonight. Two people will go on Monday night, Tuesday night will have the final three, followed by Wednesday's finale.
Double trouble for Big Brother hopefuls
From: News Limited Network
November 05, 2012 9:08PM

BIG Brother's bizarre love triangle has come to an end, as Zoe Westgarth, 23 and the object of her obsession, Michael Beveridge, 26 have both been shown the door.

That leaves Gold Coast beautician Layla Subritzky, 26, Melbourne law student Estelle Landy, 24, and Melbourne accounts manager Benjamin Norris, 32, each with a one-in-three chance of winning $250,000 in Wednesday night's finale. It's looking like it will go down to the wire with the frontrunners currently separated by less than one percentage point.

While fun-loving country girl Zoe always was an unlikely winner, especially after a week in which she constantly complained about frontrunner Estelle's supposed "betrayal", Michael had been the long standing favourite to win until Sunday.

But viewers either cooled on the redhead's constant bum-crack displays or, more likely, weren't impressed by his hypocritical surprise late fling with former foe Estelle, who he despised for the first ten weeks and called "the fakest human being alive".

Many have suggested the Brisbane advertising copywriter was just trying to ride off of Estelle's popularity.

"I wasn't doing it for strategy," he protested after eviction. "I just never gave her a chance (before)."

The tension in the house over the romance boiled over in recent days after Zoe - who Michael has never shown any interest in - started giving the couple death stares.

"I've spent the last eight weeks obsessing over him," the Warren teaching student warned Estelle. "Stick with (former housemate) Ryan." Michael replied: "Take it easy, psycho!"

Estelle has leapfrogged the other contestants to become the bookies' favourite to win the finale at $1.75 on Sportsbet. She was well ahead of Benjamin on $3.50 and Layla on $4.00. The betting plunge on Estelle came after viewer votes were unveiled on Sunday night's show, leaving her with a comfortable lead.

The finale, which starts at 7pm on Wednesday, is expected to rate in excess of 1.5 million for Nine. The network has already announced the show will return in 2013.

Blog here with Zoe (noon, AEDT) and Michael (12.30pm AEDT)

Live blog with Zoe at noon, Michael at 12:30pm tomorrow:
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