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Behind Big Brother podcast is back

I need my fix!
Yeah guys. I've been stuck listening to Mikey Goldman's BB podcasts to fill the void, but I'm not sure how much more I can take. :hungry:
Probably this week.

We're really busy.
I'm shivering with Antici

for the next BBAU podcast, hoping it comes out soon. Tim and David do an excellent job of discussing the happening in the BB house, always appreciate their opinions.
I'm very sorry to disappoint but due to hectic schedules the podcast is on hiatus until end of October.

We'll be back for the last month of Big Brother.

I'm working on bringing you a replacement fun-thing on the site. She's boozy and rowdy.
YASS I'm so glad some one else noticed that.

I totally forgot to ask Alex M if that was intentional. I'll tweet him tonight.
Haha, Aw well at least you tell us. Where as Big Brother doesn't say a word about Live Feeds, ruuude. Much looove.