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BBAU Rewatch

Where did all this smugness come from Fuzzikins?
I swear Im not being smug at all. I tend to abbreviate names as a kind of camaraderie and nothing more than that Its just my way.. I assure you wholeheartedly.
I will refrain with the nicname if you prefer. Im enjoying conversing due to chronic insomnia and enjoying the conversation.
I swear Im not being smug at all. I tend to abbreviate names as a kind of camaraderie and nothing more than that Its just my way.. I assure you wholeheartedly.
I will refrain with the nicname if you prefer. Im enjoying conversing due to chronic insomnia and enjoying the conversation.
It’s all good fuzzy babe.
Behind every stereotype is some truth.

I mean, I was private school educated as well and I'd definitely like to think I came out pretty adjusted. But I'd say it was more my folks doing, they tried to raise me in a way where I learned to be grateful for what I got, and that you have to work hard to get by in life. That being said, there are still a lot privileges, opportunities, and "foot in the door" moments I've had in life that I recognise others haven't - and I feel incredibly lucky to have had those (and how, from an outsiders POV, it could be seen as being spoiled - though I would like to see myself more as privileged because I acknowledge / am grateful for that which I have recieved). And on top of that, I could see a lot of kids who I went to school with getting far more than me for far less, and exhibiting behaviours that really perpetuated that ugly private schoolkid stereotype (no regard for one's own / other's property, very sheltered worldview, etc).

38:52 Ryan finally gets content in this episode. And I remember watching it like it was literally yesterday. He was so snarky in the Hotel Guests and staff task, was absolutely nice to Travis' face when making request and called him a "dickhead" once he was away from him. I don't like many of the tasks from the Ch9 era but this one was a bit more reflective of real life society. I can all too well relate to the housemates playing the roles of "staff". Having to be nice to customers whilst all you want is to tell them to get fucked. The $3,000 incentive was a nice touch, again added to making the task feel more like real life.
This largely reminded me of the masters and servants task from 2005, I enjoyed that task a lot.
The more I watch of 2014 the more I am reminded of how confused I was about the storyline lines and how they were so incongruent. Different narratives appear out of no where, the daily shows focus too much on the task/twist/gimmick that occur at that specific moment and every single person on the cast lacks complexity. Even on a rewatch, this does not feel like Big Brother.
Honest I I remember very little of 2014. I thought maybe you talking about it would unlock or prompt some memories. I remember some of the people and basically none of the storylines. Very forgettable.
Honest I I remember very little of 2014. I thought maybe you talking about it would unlock or prompt some memories. I remember some of the people and basically none of the storylines. Very forgettable.
I remember the small group of Ryan, Sam and Sandra (apparently Lawson was a tag along?) and then Skye got along with Priya, Cat, Travis, Aisha and apparently David (although not really all as a group but each of them separately). Interestingly it seems the servants and staff task assisted in forming the two sides of the house which I don't even remember having that much of an impact.

Everyone's storylines are so brief and explained really poorly. Ryan is just there, Travis is hooking up with Aisha and is a bit of a tool, Skye feels underestimated, Priya is a "game player", David is an outsider who doesn't think before speaking, Cat and Lawson have their thing, Jason swings between groups and Sandra has a giant crush on Sam. That is the entire storyline of the series. The pairs thing is rarely even mentioned again.

On paper the split double eviction over two nights and saving the most saved is interesting. But I mean in a way where it's done ONCE and it would be better if the housemates had no idea who was save but the audience did. Skye being saved twice clearly indicated to the house that she was popular. Way too many evictions. There was potential for storylines to extend but losing Katie, Lisa and Jason early on harms that. Even having that fucking stupid split triple and having four intruders enter was just asinine. Three of the bigger characters left and instead of being able to further get to know the final 9 housemates, four intruders enter and all of them got to stay.

It just feels so unfinished. I can't even think of another word, but it feels like there was so much not added to the daily shows that would have made the series more enjoyable. Knowing there was so much filmed that didn't make it to air or even on the website just makes me question how real anything from the edit was. No content from Fridays/or Saturdays (the day of the Sunday show events seems to change ever week) doesn't make it into the edit at all. It's just confusing to keep up with and the entire episode can simply be either about the task or one specific moment that is bloated out for too long. For example; Priya and Katie taking the $10,000 each.
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Have now reached a point where I just have the episodes playing in the background. Don't expect my housemates thoughts or review of the series to be very detailed or very long. I haven't even been bothered to start writing about the evicted housemates.
It's definitely the Blood v Water season of Aus BB that's for sure. Ryan is a forgettable mid season evictee if he's in the 2013 show, yet he wins the 2014 version. Kind of sums it up really.
Have now reached a point where I just have the episodes playing in the background. Don't expect my housemates thoughts or review of the series to be very detailed or very long. I haven't even been bothered to start writing about the evicted housemates.
Its all good, I have first hand reviews of some of the housemates to accompany yours.
3:39 I've always looked at Big Brother potentially going to show the house the footage of Lawson and Cat in the sanctuary in pretty bad taste. It just looks like production wanted to make more of the situation as part of the show and wanted another Drew and Tully storyline.

Also the fake eviction being recycled again was lazy. It does nothing longterm. Asking Ben from Brisbane to come back was desperation at it's finest.
3:39 I've always looked at Big Brother potentially going to show the house the footage of Lawson and Cat in the sanctuary in pretty bad taste. It just looks like production wanted to make more of the situation as part of the show and wanted another Drew and Tully storyline.

Also the fake eviction being recycled again was lazy. It does nothing longterm. Asking Ben from Brisbane to come back was desperation at it's finest.
So weird hearing a Canadian accent in that house.
I remember being so annoyed when the Friday and Sunday shows were dumped. Up to the Day 43 daily show which was the first to air once both Friday and Sunday had been scrapped. What should have been a compilation of four days ended up only being one of two days of footage. There is so much that happened in that house that didn't make it to air. I am disappointedly shocked with how poor this season holds up even rewatching it.

I think I'm getting close to when I gave up. I watched the fight with Aisha and Lawson, Cat and Lawson's failed attempt to ignore each other and Leo and Skye starting to get very close. I remember all of this happening at the end so I suppose this is towards the time I stopped watching the daily shows.
I remember Lina posting about the Miss Big Brother pageant and how she won and it just never featured at all on the show. I mean I’m fine to leave out contrived and possibly boring segments like that in lieu of some authentic moments, but why even do it without airing any of it? I wonder how much else didn’t air.

From memory David’s Twitter when he came out of the house was “real life Dave” based on a running joke he and Ryan had (very hazy on the details) but of course it was never broadcast so the name made no sense.

Two of probably many examples.