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Bachelor In Paradise 2018

...evenin' all... I'm getting the vibe that tonight's show will be just a total borefest somehow with them all 'lovey doveying' up somehow... oh well... I'm sure that we'll pick shit out of it all and will still have fun regardless somehow lol!... cheers.
When you get bored, well when I get bored - I get absorbed in the plastic surgery and procedures, and if guys will go bald, receding hair, all the weird does Megan jump off boats without losing velcro hair
...I'm happy that Keira and Jarrod have hooked up but their relationship will be like this somehow...

A9hO.gif endless revolving door of ups and downs and arguments somehow but I hope that they make it work though... cheers.
...Keira of all people seems to be the most realistic and grounded one of them all to me... that's not saying much for all of the others I suppose but she does... cheers. the promo it looks like Keira is doubting how she feels about what's happening in her relationship with Jarrod... once again... she seems to be the voice or reason yet again lol!... cheers.