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Australian Idol 2024

Caught up on last nights idol UP UNTIL the callback bit. Now I gotta watch survivor so will watch the last part after haha.

I’m not sure I like this format tweak. It’s basically just moving one of the boot camp rounds into the audition round. But it loses the impact of getting 3 yes votes from the judges. If it means we get more live shows as a result then perhaps it’s worth it.

My thoughts pre - callback (or whatever they are calling it)

Dylan singing Better Be Home Soon for his mum. He is a potential star. A great story teller with some very nice tone in his voice. Great performance. I would vote for him. ⭐⭐⭐

Ivana - If I Ain’t Got You - big voice, perhaps a littler overcooked. But certainly has potential with some technique and control. ⭐

Jamie - Somebody Like You - something a bit raw with his voice. Almost sounds like his voice would work better with r&b or pop. Oops I wrote most of this before the votes. I assumed he was going to make it through. I agree with the judges. Come back next year.

Ripley - Mamma Mia - there is something special about this kid. Young, but has got a couple of years experience gigging and it shows. He knows what to do with his voice and where to add runs to make it interesting without overdoing it. I hope he goes very far in this comp. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Arena - no doubt there is some talent there but I’m just not sure it’s the right fit for Idol. ⭐

Luke - Jonny B Good - I feel like he doesn’t need the whole one man band thing. His voice is good enough. ⭐⭐⭐

Both of Marcia’s wildcard boys. Neither really stood out to me, the auditions actually felt a little awkward. Not sure whether that on the contestants or the situation. 🤷🏽‍♂️
My Tear-O-Meter hasn't registered so far tonight. Came close with Amy though.
Tyler? was good.
Camel farmer can sing but yeah green.
Connor, liked him.
Cynthia? Great job
Saskia, maybe?
I really like Trent's country voice. Would have liked him to be sticking around, but I can tell that's not the way the judges are heading
Caught up on last nights idol UP UNTIL the callback bit. Now I gotta watch survivor so will watch the last part after haha.

I’m not sure I like this format tweak. It’s basically just moving one of the boot camp rounds into the audition round. But it loses the impact of getting 3 yes votes from the judges. If it means we get more live shows as a result then perhaps it’s worth it.

My thoughts pre - callback (or whatever they are calling it)

Dylan singing Better Be Home Soon for his mum. He is a potential star. A great story teller with some very nice tone in his voice. Great performance. I would vote for him. ⭐⭐⭐

Ivana - If I Ain’t Got You - big voice, perhaps a littler overcooked. But certainly has potential with some technique and control. ⭐

Jamie - Somebody Like You - something a bit raw with his voice. Almost sounds like his voice would work better with r&b or pop. Oops I wrote most of this before the votes. I assumed he was going to make it through. I agree with the judges. Come back next year.

Ripley - Mamma Mia - there is something special about this kid. Young, but has got a couple of years experience gigging and it shows. He knows what to do with his voice and where to add runs to make it interesting without overdoing it. I hope he goes very far in this comp. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Arena - no doubt there is some talent there but I’m just not sure it’s the right fit for Idol. ⭐

Luke - Jonny B Good - I feel like he doesn’t need the whole one man band thing. His voice is good enough. ⭐⭐⭐

Both of Marcia’s wildcard boys. Neither really stood out to me, the auditions actually felt a little awkward. Not sure whether that on the contestants or the situation. 🤷🏽‍♂️
So I’m just now watching the last bit. I thought they all sang again. I don’t like this at all. It’s stupid at this point, it takes away from the excitement of getting 3 yesses, and this is just pointless.

Ripley is probs gonna win the whole thing.

I am a bit surprised they didn’t let Luke through.

Right choice taking Ivana over Arena.
Amy - Natural Woman - beautiful tone and control. She’s got the kind of voice I think does well on shows like these, but not sure how marketable she is? But very much deserves a spot ⭐⭐⭐

Tyler - Lonely Boy - nice rendition of the song, he’s a story teller. I feel like the song didn’t stretch him too much though. Will be interesting to see other sides of his voice and capabilities. ⭐⭐⭐

Natasha (Red girl) - Hands to myself. I actually kind of agree with Kyle that you need to show that you can sing current pop to really make the most of being on Idol. Not sure that I loved this performance, but at least it was current. ⭐

Trent - Bless the Broken Road- sounds a bit green (lol I wrote that before Amy said it), but there’s something in there. With a bit of work he could be something. ⭐⭐

Conor Smith - classic - Interesting voice and choices made with performance. Not the strongest vocalists but he is very marketable. ⭐⭐⭐

Cynthia - something’s got a hold one me - there is something about the tone of the voice that didn’t exactly grab me. But she is talented and has some big pipes. ⭐⭐

Saskia - House of the Rising Sun - singing in italics is not my thing. But she has talent. ⭐

—- golden ticket section.

Amy was well deserved. Natasha was lucky.

Saskia and Cynthia. Neither voices really appeal to me, but I also would have gone Cynthia over Saskia even though she is a bit nasally for my liking.

Only 30 proceeding through the auditions means they can’t really take a chance. So I get why they couldn’t take Conor but I really thinkhe deserved a shot, I think he showed real potential and raw talent. Given the numbers, Tyler made sense. Trent less so, but I guess they need a country voice.
Saskia's manner of singing might not have been my cup of tea, but I must say that was a pretty harsh gig for her. They pretty much plucked her out of Western Australia and flew her to Sydney to tell her she's not in, and then I assume they put her on the next plane back to WA.
I wasn't blown away by anyone tonight but they have potential.

Kyle is being creepy. Going out into the crowd to find someone good looking?

I only really respect Marcia's opinion on musical matters.