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Anyone Notice that Ben is duplicating Reggie 2003

I came across a clip from BB08 where (High-pitch) Travis told his HM's the exact same story Ben told this year, the story about the Phone marketer hitting on him because he thought he sounded female. If Bens trying to duplicate anybody, I think it's more Travis from 08.
Just remember that Ben (nor any other HM) are in control of when BB shows these things. I think Ben is playing the game but I think he is a very genuine guy. Do you really think you can act 24/7 for almost 3 months?

The thing is, he isn't doing the act 24/7. That's why so many of us were picking up on it being an act.

Then all the further information like he used to do stand up comedy, just reinforces the observations we had made about his persona in the house.
The thing is, he isn't doing the act 24/7. That's why so many of us were picking up on it being an act.

Then all the further information like he used to do stand up comedy, just reinforces the observations we had made about his persona in the house.

Absolutely, if you find the thread i started called confused about Ben, you'll see how and why his stand-up gig was discovered. It was him now, in the house, not his past that had people questioning how genuine his 'character' is
Absolutely, if you find the thread i started called confused about Ben, you'll see how and why his stand-up gig was discovered. It was him now, in the house, not his past that had people questioning how genuine his 'character' is

I know, I was the one who discovered the stand up confirmation. People were discussing how people said he should get back into stand up on the facebook. Got me thinking, so I did some google searches in that direction and uncovered it. Someone else confirmed with the picture it was definitely him.
lol sorry hun, i just recognised your name and was about to edit my post...but for anyone who hasn't seen it, go have a look :)
Is it possible that Ben was a flight attendant and standup comic but something intense happened to him and he psychologically regressed to a child-like state?

I wondered the same thing. I know a lady in her fifties who has regressed like that because she was put onto the wrong antidepressants (at too high of a dosage).
his physical appearance reminds me of a fetus, big head you said it now I can see the resemblance. Embryos have large heads, bubbly eyes and pug noses:

I wondered the same thing. I know a lady in her fifties who has regressed like that because she was put onto the wrong antidepressants (at too high of a dosage).

I also questioned if depression/anxiety could have changed him but I'm sure that's something the old workmates on Facebook would have noticed and commented about :S
I have children, a mother, friends and siblings. Yet I get lonely too. Just because you have people around you doesn't mean you are not alone. Its more common to be lonely in a crowd than you may think.

Your missing the point. He claims to have nobody in his life but Mum & nana.

He does have friends.

He does have siblings.

He is talking shit about having nobody and nothing in his life. He also owns property, has comedy gigs, and enough confidence to go on BB - most of us would die rather than do that.

He is a fine HM, I like Ben well enough. He's entertained me. But I do prefer cranky Ben when he seems more natural. I don't want him to win, would like him to come 3rd or 4th.
And a whole lot of his act is bullshit.
Your missing the point. He claims to have nobody in his life but Mum & nana.

He does have friends.

He does have siblings.

He is talking shit about having nobody and nothing in his life. He also owns property, has comedy gigs, and enough confidence to go on BB - most of us would die rather than do that.

He is a fine HM, I like Ben well enough. He's entertained me. But I do prefer cranky Ben when he seems more natural. I don't want him to win, would like him to come 3rd or 4th.
And a whole lot of his act is bullshit.

I don't doubt him when he says he has nothing to go home to, i think that's genuinely how he feels
he's spent the last however many weeks surrounded not just other people, but other people with such huge personalities there's always something to do or someone to talk to....the thought of going home to his empty house would be pretty upsetting regardless of what family and friends he had
I don't doubt him when he says he has nothing to go home to, i think that's genuinely how he feels
he's spent the last however many weeks surrounded not just other people, but other people with such huge personalities there's always something to do or someone to talk to....the thought of going home to his empty house would be pretty upsetting regardless of what family and friends he had

Actually, when you think about it, Ben has a pretty good life to go back to.

He owns a home - the Aussie dream, most can only dream about nowdays. Just remembered it's in the centre of Sydney, far out. China Town area, he's friggin rich!
He has a devoted Mum & Nan - that is pretty awesome, total love and comfort.
He has his comedy gigs.
He now has a big lot of new friends. And a whole lot of public goodwill.
Sounds nice to me.
Your missing the point. He claims to have nobody in his life but Mum & nana.

He does have friends.

He does have siblings.

He is talking shit about having nobody and nothing in his life. He also owns property, has comedy gigs, and enough confidence to go on BB - most of us would die rather than do that.

He is a fine HM, I like Ben well enough. He's entertained me. But I do prefer cranky Ben when he seems more natural. I don't want him to win, would like him to come 3rd or 4th.
And a whole lot of his act is bullshit.

I think I got your point, and responded appropriately. I also have what he has (well, not the property anymore, but that's neither here or there), but I also, at times feel incredibly lonely. It's because I have depression. I'd also go as far to say that Ben has mild depression too, but hey, I'm not doctor.

I like him too, he's been very entertaining. I wouldn't be upset if he won, but I want Tim to win. I just don't think he is acting.

And, like you, I like cranky Ben too - he is funny - especially when he told Tim it would be "un christian" to use chicken stock in his risotto.... :)
don't forget the bill for his standup shows where he references his "emotionally absentee mother". I don't think I buy the all-an-act conspiracy but something doesn't add up as far as the way he's portraying his relationships or lack of outside the house.

Agree 100%, as soon as I read that I realised that he's adjusted himself nicely to be appealing to the general public.
OMG!!!!! I was just saying last night that he is starting to p*ss me off a fair bit.
What kind of 30yr old man doesn't know how to cook a damn veggie patty lol.
I liked Ben in the start too, but know it's becoming a bit of a joke with how much pitty he receives.

Playing the card he cannot cope with real life outside the Big Brother House

I see him duplicating what Reggie Bird did 2003 the crying trying to make people feel sorry for him

scared of what might happen.

Reggie didn`t want to go back to the Fish & Chip shop

how scared she was of returning to a life she had before Big Brother.

Sorry Ben I liked u until I could see who the real Ben is . Someone playing the x Winner of BB 2003

I know this is just a game and they are all playing !

But have your plan not use what has been done before.
Bens creepy he's playing the sympathy card to try win
the guys about as interesting as a pot plant
seriously he needs to be evicted he adds nothing to the show
very depressing to watch a man his age act like a 2 year old :D
I was sitting on the fence with him but after the past week or two it's clear- Ben is, for the most part, put on and 'acting'. He attempts to emotionally hjack situations and make the focus all about 'Poor Ben'. Look at his behaviour when choosing between Maddie and Boog. Even when it wasn't his turn to speak he began crying and all the housemates attention diverted onto him. Then, he couldn't speak because of muffled tears. Clearly almost everyone had voted for Madeline and his vote wasn't going to affect it. Then he comes up with the cringeworthy excuse 'Oh you live closer therefore I vote you' to save face.

Also, notice his diary room nominations. He'll give ridiculous crappy reasons for nominating and use that to cover voting for the biggest threats. Every single week the show has run (except Week 5) he has nominated either Tim, Ed or Tahan (who he perceives as his biggest threats).

Another thing was about how uncomfortable he was to be labelled 'most likely to win'. It hurt his 'look at little old me' act. I seriously hope he doesn't win. It's a disgrace to his family and friends (which he clearly has) to say "I've got nothing to go back to". I want him out pronto and I hope people can see through it.
I have to wonder though...If it is all an act then why hasn't anyone called him out on it? What about the old school friend he dropped over not paying for his own pie? Wouldn't someone he knows make comments on Facebook, Twitter, or in a blog denouncing him?

That comment from Ben absolutely stunned me. Why would anyone stop being friends with someone they had been friends with for years just because he had to pay for one bloody pie. Is Ben the ultimate cheapskate or what? Or, was it just a lie to make him look "tough".
Actually, when you think about it, Ben has a pretty good life to go back to.

He owns a home - the Aussie dream, most can only dream about nowdays. Just remembered it's in the centre of Sydney, far out. China Town area, he's friggin rich!
He has a devoted Mum & Nan - that is pretty awesome, total love and comfort.
He has his comedy gigs.
He now has a big lot of new friends. And a whole lot of public goodwill.
Sounds nice to me.

but it's clear that he's picturing life as it was not what it might be

I'm not materialistic lol as much as id love to own a house.... Id prefer to rent and keep my partner and kids, the thought of an empty house for me is awful
I can imagine it would be no different to how he's feeling now after living with a houseful of people?
As far as we know his stand-up 'career' was 1 gig, he has no job
If he's looking at what he had rather than what he might have it's pretty depressing for anyone