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Anyone Notice that Ben is duplicating Reggie 2003

I dont get the ben thing ( lucky me). He supposed to be this shy innocent yet every now and then the mask slips and he makes overt comments. Its like for that moment he cant decide which stereotype he is playing ( mummys boy or catty boy)
Just remember that Ben (nor any other HM) are in control of when BB shows these things. I think Ben is playing the game but I think he is a very genuine guy. Do you really think you can act 24/7 for almost 3 months?
Have you got one side to your nature Zootbrown?

I don't think Ben is supposed to be anything. He is quite shy and innocent but he isn't dumb. He's not 15 and has done some things in his life. When he goes into his routines, he shows a whole different side also, but that is an act that he adopts.
and copying sarah marie with wearing the PJ's?

I think he will get some save votes after him being upset in the DR but he wouldn't be leaving tomorrow anyway.

Ben has friends and old workmates who are supporting him on facebook/twitter and organising Team Ben tshirts and badges. I think he shut himself off from people because it seems like he has a lot of people that care about him on the outside plus the HM's will be friends with him as well.

Yeah, For someone who claims they are a collector of pj's he doesn't seem to own very many....
don't forget the bill for his standup shows where he references his "emotionally absentee mother".

It was A stand-up show, and not "his"...he was the support act. And how long ago? 7 years? Who's to say he hasn't mended the relationship with his mother in all that time?? I'm SO glad I don't have the relationship I had with my mother that long ago...
Have you got one side to your nature Zootbrown?

I don't think Ben is supposed to be anything. He is quite shy and innocent but he isn't dumb. He's not 15 and has done some things in his life. When he goes into his routines, he shows a whole different side also, but that is an act that he adopts.

It's just difficult to comprehend that someone who is supposed to be so timid, shy, socially awkward and lacking in self confidence can have then have the confidence in himself to come out with these one liners and to get on a stage regardless of how small and have the confidence that he can make people laugh..

I understand what people have said about it all being an act when they're on stage, but there still has to be some self confidence there. Ben in the house acts like he has none.... I think he plays on his own character and personality...he is probably sweet guy i just think in the house he's exaggerating himself to get a laugh and a vote :)
Cameron corner point is, occasionally his comments would indicate he is not as shy or innocent as he makes out, especially when the masks slips. Mind you props to the guy if he can get australia to like the Pajama wearing, lazy and basically inept character he is playing. I do find it funny that we would tolerate that on screen but not in any shared house we may live in.
Some of it's genuine, his general personality. But heaps of it is put on.

He has certainly studied BB, and pulled on the sarah marie pjs, the reggie lament - but reggie was hard working little battler, that is not Ben he's lazy.
He knows he's funny, it's well practiced and he's done more then one stand up - there is stuff about him on gay sites too.

I think he is there to get over anxiety/depression he suffers, he is an anxious nervy type.

But he sure isn't any innocent, he's very pervy with the boys. He has quite a sophisticated sense of humour too.

I like watching him most when he's cranky, when he lets out bits and pieces like the pie story.
Pretty much he's just a cranky old man with a warped sense of humour to me, I do not find him very appealing, certainly not innocent - in real life I think I would want to slap him.
I was surprised to hear he has siblings, where are they?
Some of it's genuine, his general personality. But heaps of it is put on.

He has certainly studied BB, and pulled on the sarah marie pjs, the reggie lament - but reggie was hard working little battler, that is not Ben he's lazy.

There's a bit of Mr Bean in his archetype as well.

The most telling was how cunning his superpower questions were posed. Also, how hard he concentrates, how disturbed he is when he is perceived as the favourite, as per the Most to Least task. He hated that. Or that he has advantage, when Tim pointed out he owns property... that he's not as hard up as he makes out.

I guess there's no rule you HAVE to be yourself. If you can play a character, or exaggerate aspects of your own personality to win $250K then well done. I wouldn't sell my family and friends out though "nothing to go back to"...
Is it possible that Ben was a flight attendant and standup comic but something intense happened to him and he psychologically regressed to a child-like state?

Does anyone know why he quit being a flight attendant? Seeing as he needs a job.. I feel like I've missed the explanation somewhere.
I do find it funny that we would tolerate that on screen but not in any shared house we may live in.

Although i change my mind pretty much daily ATM my 3 favourite housemates are Ben, Tim and Tahan they are also probably the 3 i would least like to live with....
He could go back to his stand up comedy routines

Has there been any evidence that this stand up comedy thing was an ongoing thing though? Finding one reference to a little known gay and lesbian comedy night he took part in years ago hardly makes him a career comedian.
That part is a lie. He has friends and he has siblings. The lonely old Ben is crap - that's his sob story I guess or will he pull something bigger out later?
He reminds me of a giant fetus.

If he reminds you of a baby then why did you say his lonely, childish Ben life is a lie? Lol...
Is it possible that Ben was a flight attendant and standup comic but something intense happened to him and he psychologically regressed to a child-like state?

Being fired I think. When you get fired, you are basically being told "we don't want you anymore" and then, not being able to find work for quite some time after that, well that just chips away at all self esteem. I also think that him withdrawing from his friends is a sign of depression - and that finding succor in Mum and Nanna was instinctive and survival.

*Just my own ponderings, based on my own experiences
That part is a lie. He has friends and he has siblings. The lonely old Ben is crap - that's his sob story I guess or will he pull something bigger out later?
He reminds me of a giant fetus.
I have children, a mother, friends and siblings. Yet I get lonely too. Just because you have people around you doesn't mean you are not alone. Its more common to be lonely in a crowd than you may think.
I like watching him most when he's cranky, when he lets out bits and pieces like the pie story.
Pretty much he's just a cranky old man with a warped sense of humour to me, I do not find him very appealing, certainly not innocent - in real life I think I would want to slap him.
I was surprised to hear he has siblings, where are they?

I loved the pie story :) It is something I'd say too, but at the heart of it all, there would have been other things that made me cut the person dead, and the pie would be the excuse, so that I didn't have to explain it.

If I remember correctly, he is estranged from his siblings, could be to do with him being gay, but I can't really remember.