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Anyone Notice that Ben is duplicating Reggie 2003


Well-Known Member
Playing the card he cannot cope with real life outside the Big Brother House

I see him duplicating what Reggie Bird did 2003 the crying trying to make people feel sorry for him

scared of what might happen.

Reggie didn`t want to go back to the Fish & Chip shop

how scared she was of returning to a life she had before Big Brother.

Sorry Ben I liked u until I could see who the real Ben is . Someone playing the x Winner of BB 2003

I know this is just a game and they are all playing !

But have your plan not use what has been done before.
I think he's being genuine with that concern, though.

He doesn't seem to have anyone to go home to besides his mother and grandmother.
and copying sarah marie with wearing the PJ's?

I think he will get some save votes after him being upset in the DR but he wouldn't be leaving tomorrow anyway.

Ben has friends and old workmates who are supporting him on facebook/twitter and organising Team Ben tshirts and badges. I think he shut himself off from people because it seems like he has a lot of people that care about him on the outside plus the HM's will be friends with him as well.
I like Ben, he's a little on the fence and a little simple at times, but I think that's just who he is. I'd love to see Tim win though just because I think he's tried harder, but wouldn't be devastated if he lost to Ben. If they were both top 2 that would suit me fine.
His mother and grandmother must have been so insulted when they saw that, he pledges that he loves them and apparently talks to them everyday so isn't that what he has to go back to on the outside? To have some comfort and guidance with his family.
I don't know, seems like Ben is playing the game and is happy to manipulate the voters into thinking he's extremely unfortunate and has nothing on the outside.
His mother and grandmother must have been so insulted when they saw that, he pledges that he loves them and apparently talks to them everyday so isn't that what he has to go back to on the outside? To have some comfort and guidance with his family.
I don't know, seems like Ben is playing the game and is happy to manipulate the voters into thinking he's extremely unfortunate and has nothing on the outside.
don't forget the bill for his standup shows where he references his "emotionally absentee mother". I don't think I buy the all-an-act conspiracy but something doesn't add up as far as the way he's portraying his relationships or lack of outside the house.
He has gotten used to being surrounded by all these different people, before that he lived alone, it's only natural to feel the way he's feeling
Yes Reggie felt the same and i can bet any housemate who isn't thinking about the fame that awaits them has felt the same
its interesting in a way to watch them cause they have no idea what the viewers / voters think & probably convince themselves they are going to be evicted SO they concoct some game plan & run off to the Diary Room....

Ben - sooky lala, I don't want to face the outside ie/ keep me in

Tim - vote Drew out, vote Ed out, I'm in love with Boog, I want to marry her, etc etc etc

Ed - I want to go on a date with Jade (apparently all week he's been at this)
ben reminds me of a guy at work

if life throws something unpleasant - i complain and start planning to change it
if this guy is caught in a similar predicament - he will change his thinking so it's not as bad - and the issue still remains
before he knows it he's in way deep and can't get out

ben is the same and he now knows what he's been missing
and he can't re-create it
and he has no job/career to go back to
that would freak me out
ben reminds me of a guy at work

if life throws something unpleasant - i complain and start planning to change it
if this guy is caught in a similar predicament - he will change his thinking so it's not as bad - and the issue still remains
before he knows it he's in way deep and can't get out

ben is the same and he now knows what he's been missing
and he can't re-create it
and he has no job/career to go back to
that would freak me out

His escape (tv, music, whatever it is) might have distracted him from all his problems and now without that it's like it all hit him like a ton of bricks. He does seem to be genuinely sad/worried about how his life is gonna be. Don't think it's fake. Having said that, I think he needs to grow up a bit pronto. Couldn't help but roll my eyes at all the crying when he had to choose boog or maddie.
Is it possible that Ben was a flight attendant and standup comic but something intense happened to him and he psychologically regressed to a child-like state?
I think he's being genuine with that concern, though.

He doesn't seem to have anyone to go home to besides his mother and grandmother.

He could go back to his stand up comedy routines
Is it possible that Ben was a flight attendant and standup comic but something intense happened to him and he psychologically regressed to a child-like state?

Maybe it's all the Bert and Patti he listened to?
I waver between liking Ben (mostly when he's talking to Tim he seems to most sincere) and rolling my eyes.
Such as - day before eviction when he's up - surprise surprise he's in the diary room saying he's got nothing to go back to.
Next the photos will be whipped out.
That part of it is annoying.
Yeah I've noticed. That came on so suddenly.. He must have thought of that scheme in the house.
He always whinges about missing his nan, and mum, so that alone is alot to look forward to outside the house!
He acts like he has nothing, no family.. If he had no family I would feel sympathy, but I don't feel even the slightest bit of sympathy for him when he says that.. I just cringe and think he is blowing his chances by making his act too blatantly obvious..
He was so loved at the beginning...and he is slowly becoming more and more hated..
Yeah I've noticed. That came on so suddenly.. He must have thought of that scheme in the house.
He always whinges about missing his nan, and mum, so that alone is alot to look forward to outside the house!
He acts like he has nothing, no family.. If he had no family I would feel sympathy, but I don't feel even the slightest bit of sympathy for him when he says that.. I just cringe and think he is blowing his chances by making his act too blatantly obvious..
He was so loved at the beginning...and he is slowly becoming more and more hated..
I'm not so sure he is "hated", but I do think the cuteness is wearing thin, and he's not getting as much support as he was in the beginning!
I have to wonder though...If it is all an act then why hasn't anyone called him out on it? What about the old school friend he dropped over not paying for his own pie? Wouldn't someone he knows make comments on Facebook, Twitter, or in a blog denouncing him?
I don't want Ben to win , but part of me thinks 'meh , let him have the money' .
The others are all going to be ok in their own right, but the money isn't ultimately going to change Ben's life. He will have it , use it and then it will be gone and he will need to sort out his life back where he is at now.
Just let him go home to Mum and Nanna. he seemed all right at first however living with so many he cant take it. maybe he is a loner by nature.