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2014 Media Articles Thread

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Big Brother's Marina reveals that while the cameras weren't rolling Travis kissed and touched a BRALESS Skye in the pool behind girlfriend Aisha's back

Travis has come under fire in the Big Brother house for his flirty nature, particularly toward newly evicted Marina.

But now that she's out of the house, the Ukranian-born beauty has revealed to Daily Mail Australia that Travis' relationship with another blonde should be put under the microscope.

Despite being in a serious relationship with Kiwi-born Sydney-sider, Aisha, it's now clear he has a wandering eye.

'He loves the ladies and thinks the ladies love him too,' Marina told Daily Mail Australia.

After housemates picked up on his flirtatious behaviour toward the beautiful blonde, he was quick to jump on the defensive, berating Marina and accusing her of making him feel uncomfortable.

But it seems Travis is doing a good job of that all on his own.

Reflecting on one particular incident in the house that escaped viewers' eyes, Marina revealed that Skye has caught his eye.

'His relationship with Skye is super weird,' she said, going on to say that there was a particular incident where his sleezy behaviour was left etched in her mind.

'His relationship with her is touchy feely. He pushed her into the pool and they went in together. He knew that she wasn't wearing a bra and was touching her and kissing her neck.'

Marina said that she witnessed the incident alongside Skye's love interest, Leo and that funnily enough, Aisha wasn't present.

'Travis is definitely the flirt and I feel like Aisha is putting up with it for now. I just really wish that he really realised how his behaviour is affecting her.'

In Marina's eyes, she says that the couple's relationship is 'real' and progressing, telling DMA that the pair have even spoken about having children together.

Travis and Aisha's relationship will be tested this week after Ryan used his power play to move the alpha male, Leo, Priya and Cat to The Sanctuary, leaving the new intruders to revel in their new home.

Looking furious at his former pal's strategic decision to split up the house couples indefinitely, Travis' flirting will be pulled to a screeching halt.

Cat is currently in an adulterous relationship with Lawson, Leo with Skye, while Priya has a loving husband on the outside.
Just because he kissed and touched Skye while she wasn't wearing a bra could still mean:
1. The kiss was a peck.
2. He touched her on the arm.
3. Skye was wearing a T-shirt.
No wonder as a Brit I found australian BB tame in comparision. However after this year's BBUK which was terrible I have to say that tame is often easier to watch.
The BB of yesteryear is a lot more resque. Genuinely offended that Slapgate '06 didn't make the list.
Courtesy of @Oswin

The bit about her going up to Dreamworld next year with her daughter to continue hosting is what caught my eye. Also the bit about the ratings and also Ryan and David

Sonia Kruger will keep filling role of Big Mother, writes Ros Reines

IF anyone can cope with the demands of caring for a baby when their biological clock is well past the bewitching hour, it would have to be Sonia Kruger.
The TV host and her partner, Craig McPherson are 26 weeks into a pregnancy thanks to a donated egg from one of her good friends.

Kruger made it clear right from the start that as a 49-year-old woman, the only way it could happen for her was through someone else’s egg and IVF treatment. She doesn’t believe in subscribing to the fairytale that late in life pregnancies happen naturally and full kudos to her.

Apart from McPherson’s six children from an earlier relationship, it could be argued Kruger is already a mum.

As the warm and frequently acerbic host of Big Brother, she acts as a kind of den mother to a bunch of sometimes feral and needy, young housemates. She is the last person they see before they go in and the first they encounter after they have been evicted. No wonder they frequently cling to her like glittery barnacles.

Unfortunately they might need some TLC this season because BB has been tanking in the ratings, pulling in only 620,000 viewers some nights.

Without big personalities like last year’s Machiavellian winner, Tim Dormer and the endearingly original Ben Zabel, it hasn’t exactly become addictive viewing with some commentators even speculating that the Big Brother house will be demolished once and for all.

“You look at the raw figure and it seems a little bit scary,” Kruger says. “But then you look at the demographics and it is still winning with its target audience. “I love to win.

“We don’t go out there to become second but I take comfort from the way that the ratings are reported in the US, which is purely based on the demographic. So I think it’s taking us a little time to catch up to that way of thinking.”

We meet at Channel 9 where Kruger has just stepped off the set of Mornings, the show she co-hosts with David Campbell and she certainly looks like a winner today.

She’s dressed in a crisp black peplum top and a matching black skirt with flat Valentino sandals. Kruger has never been the type to embrace a pregnancy smock and probably never will. In fact, she can thank a particularly dedicated photographer on the Gold Coast for ensuring that she always looks her best.

“That pap has been doing my head in,” she laughs, “because he seems intent on getting the most unflattering pictures of me. It makes you put a bit more effort in when you are going out in public.”

Last August, Kruger famously took on the acting editor of New Idea magazine, Louisa Hatfield (reportedly her old TV foe), for publishing a photo of her sunburnt face and questioning what had happened to it. Kruger took to her social media account: “50k for this pic. What happened to my face? I went out in the sun. Story made up. Great use of Seven shareholders money ... said no one ever.” Oops.

It’s not the first time a celebrity has taken on a tabloid magazine editor but it’s rarely done with so much biting sarcasm.

“Sometimes I do go off piste,” Kruger acknowledges.

During a recent episode of Big Brother, she had been sitting in her dressing room tuning into the housemates’ conversation before the show went to air when she suddenly heard herself being discussed. Ryan Ginns, a 26-year-old graphic designer, said David Hodis, 31, a radiographer, was crushing on her.

“He said, ‘yeah Dave loves Sonia. He has this massive crush on her but personally I don’t get it’. So when we crossed to the house, Ryan made some kind of remark about frozen chicken. I said, ‘yes some of the girls think it’s funny but personally I don’t get it’. I really wanted to mess with his head,” she admits.

“I just wanted to let him know that I knew what he had said. No wonder that when he went off camera, his ears were bright red.”

By her own admission, Kruger is addicted to hosting Big Brother.

“It’s like a soap opera. Right now it’s all about the relationship between Cat (Rice) and Lawson (Reeves), who is cheating on his girlfriend of three years, Candice Leeder,” she says.

“It’s the most talked about relationship that has been going on in the house.”

Kruger is determined to return to her hosting role on Big Brother when her daughter is seven-months-old and will just fly up to Queensland with the baby.

Luckily her mother lives just five minutes away from Dreamworld and the Big Brother set.

Despite waiting for so long to become pregnant, Kruger doesn’t want to submerge herself in her baby forever. She still wants to have a television career and will probably only take three months off.

Sonia Kruger has always taken a unique, fearless approach to everything that she has done and there is no reason that it will stop when she becomes a mother. At the age of 49, she is rewriting the rule books.

Do she and Craig have a name for their daughter yet?

“No I always like to have a deadline,” she says.

“This means that no decision will be made until the moment she is born.”

On Priya: She is very popular because she swims against the tide. She always says the thing that you know is not going to be popular but she says it anyway. I like that about her and I think that people out there do too.

On Skye: I love her as a character. She’s just a classic. Every time I cross to Skye in the house, the live audience goes crazy. She has a big heart and a beautiful naivety going on.

On Aisha: I can see her on a beach and she is appearing as a character on a soapie. I hope that she pursues this as a career as she could actually go quite well there.
Courtesy of @Oswin

The bit about her going up to Dreamworld next year with her daughter to continue hosting is what caught my eye. Also the bit about the ratings and also Ryan and David

Sonia Kruger will keep filling role of Big Mother, writes Ros Reines

IF anyone can cope with the demands of caring for a baby when their biological clock is well past the bewitching hour, it would have to be Sonia Kruger.
The TV host and her partner, Craig McPherson are 26 weeks into a pregnancy thanks to a donated egg from one of her good friends.

Kruger made it clear right from the start that as a 49-year-old woman, the only way it could happen for her was through someone else’s egg and IVF treatment. She doesn’t believe in subscribing to the fairytale that late in life pregnancies happen naturally and full kudos to her.

Apart from McPherson’s six children from an earlier relationship, it could be argued Kruger is already a mum.

As the warm and frequently acerbic host of Big Brother, she acts as a kind of den mother to a bunch of sometimes feral and needy, young housemates. She is the last person they see before they go in and the first they encounter after they have been evicted. No wonder they frequently cling to her like glittery barnacles.

Unfortunately they might need some TLC this season because BB has been tanking in the ratings, pulling in only 620,000 viewers some nights.

Without big personalities like last year’s Machiavellian winner, Tim Dormer and the endearingly original Ben Zabel, it hasn’t exactly become addictive viewing with some commentators even speculating that the Big Brother house will be demolished once and for all.

“You look at the raw figure and it seems a little bit scary,” Kruger says. “But then you look at the demographics and it is still winning with its target audience. “I love to win.

“We don’t go out there to become second but I take comfort from the way that the ratings are reported in the US, which is purely based on the demographic. So I think it’s taking us a little time to catch up to that way of thinking.”

We meet at Channel 9 where Kruger has just stepped off the set of Mornings, the show she co-hosts with David Campbell and she certainly looks like a winner today.

She’s dressed in a crisp black peplum top and a matching black skirt with flat Valentino sandals. Kruger has never been the type to embrace a pregnancy smock and probably never will. In fact, she can thank a particularly dedicated photographer on the Gold Coast for ensuring that she always looks her best.

“That pap has been doing my head in,” she laughs, “because he seems intent on getting the most unflattering pictures of me. It makes you put a bit more effort in when you are going out in public.”

Last August, Kruger famously took on the acting editor of New Idea magazine, Louisa Hatfield (reportedly her old TV foe), for publishing a photo of her sunburnt face and questioning what had happened to it. Kruger took to her social media account: “50k for this pic. What happened to my face? I went out in the sun. Story made up. Great use of Seven shareholders money ... said no one ever.” Oops.

It’s not the first time a celebrity has taken on a tabloid magazine editor but it’s rarely done with so much biting sarcasm.

“Sometimes I do go off piste,” Kruger acknowledges.

During a recent episode of Big Brother, she had been sitting in her dressing room tuning into the housemates’ conversation before the show went to air when she suddenly heard herself being discussed. Ryan Ginns, a 26-year-old graphic designer, said David Hodis, 31, a radiographer, was crushing on her.

“He said, ‘yeah Dave loves Sonia. He has this massive crush on her but personally I don’t get it’. So when we crossed to the house, Ryan made some kind of remark about frozen chicken. I said, ‘yes some of the girls think it’s funny but personally I don’t get it’. I really wanted to mess with his head,” she admits.

“I just wanted to let him know that I knew what he had said. No wonder that when he went off camera, his ears were bright red.”

By her own admission, Kruger is addicted to hosting Big Brother.

“It’s like a soap opera. Right now it’s all about the relationship between Cat (Rice) and Lawson (Reeves), who is cheating on his girlfriend of three years, Candice Leeder,” she says.

“It’s the most talked about relationship that has been going on in the house.”

Kruger is determined to return to her hosting role on Big Brother when her daughter is seven-months-old and will just fly up to Queensland with the baby.

Luckily her mother lives just five minutes away from Dreamworld and the Big Brother set.

Despite waiting for so long to become pregnant, Kruger doesn’t want to submerge herself in her baby forever. She still wants to have a television career and will probably only take three months off.

Sonia Kruger has always taken a unique, fearless approach to everything that she has done and there is no reason that it will stop when she becomes a mother. At the age of 49, she is rewriting the rule books.

Do she and Craig have a name for their daughter yet?

“No I always like to have a deadline,” she says.

“This means that no decision will be made until the moment she is born.”

On Priya: She is very popular because she swims against the tide. She always says the thing that you know is not going to be popular but she says it anyway. I like that about her and I think that people out there do too.

On Skye: I love her as a character. She’s just a classic. Every time I cross to Skye in the house, the live audience goes crazy. She has a big heart and a beautiful naivety going on.

On Aisha: I can see her on a beach and she is appearing as a character on a soapie. I hope that she pursues this as a career as she could actually go quite well there.
Cat's last name is not Rice... It's Law. Rice is her Sister's married name... Who hires these people lol
'My best mate hooking with my girl!' Big Brother's Sandra gets over her crush on Sam by smooching his friend right in front of him
By Amy Croffey for Daily Mail Australia

Published: 16:16 AEST, 2 November 2014 | Updated: 19:53 AEST, 2 November 2014

  • She admitted to being head-over-heels about him in the Big Brother house but Sandra seems to have finally gotten over her crush on fellow housemate Sam.

    The 30-year-old flew down from Wagga Wagga in NSW to spend time with her new BFF in his native Melbourne and while there ended up smooching his pal.

    Sam snapped the pair locking, as he sat in the foreground scowling.

    Scroll down for video


    Getting over him! Sandra gets over her crush on Sam by kissing his best pal in Melbourne on Friday


    Just friends? The Paralympiam and the erotic fictionist joked about as they took selfies, posing and sticking out their tongues in another snap on the same day

    'My best mate hooking with my girl. Sahhh jelly! @sandyjanenixon,' he captioned the shot for his 23,200 followers on Friday.

    The Paralympiam and the erotic fictionist joked about as they took selfies, posing and sticking out their tongues in another snap on the same day.

    'My girl in Melbourne, need her. Want her. Love her. @sandyjanenixon #BBAU,' Sam wrote.

    Used to sleeping in the same quarters anyway they also got reacquainted by having a slumber party.


    Kids again! Used to sleeping in the same quarters anyway they also got reacquainted by having a slumber party

    Kiss, Marry or Evict: Big Brother plays a game with housemates

    Proving you're never too old to get into your pyjamas with your mates, Sandra, Sam and his sister, who was also on this year's the Bachelorette, Kara Bramham, and the unidentified long haired pal who the evicted housemate was later seen kissing all cosied up up together for a selfie.

    'Let me just put me noooiiity onnn... Slumber party with this lot! #BigBrother #bigbrotheraustralia @sbramham @sandyjanenixon @bbau9 @bbau15,' The Bachelor star captioned the shot.

    It's unsure if Sam is still with his long-time girlfriend Michaela Murray.

    The last time they posted a picture together was over six days ago and he is currently in New York, but it's unsure if Michaela is with him.


    Just friends? It's unsure if Sam is still with his long-time girlfriend Michaela Murray

    Michaela posts cute Instagram video of boyfriend Sam as a kid

    After being evicted from the Big Brother house earlier last month, Sam acknowledged Sandra was an important part of his time in the house before and after she admitted having feelings for him.

    'Without her it would have been a struggle,' Sam told Daily Mail Australia, explaining the blonde beauty was a strong pillar of support for him in the house.

    'I needed her and I'm guessing she needed me too.'

    During their time in the house 30-year-old budding erotic fictionist Sandra couldn't hide her feelings for the athlete any longer, telling Big Brother in no uncertain terms: 'I have a massive crush on Sam.

    Read more:
I honestly don't believe anything marina is saying. I have some immediate post eviction interviews, her leaving video and they were very agenda based.

Then the fact people in the house seemed to suggest she was a compulsive liar.

Something just doesn't ring true.
I guess Sam and Sandra cooked up away for her to get publicity. He is so smart to leave for training. I wonder where he will be in NYC. The marathon is today. There are many disabled runners with all types of disabilities who compete. Maybe he is watching the race? Not sure when he will get here.

I think the housemates are smart if they can separate themselves from big brother as soon as possible after eviction.
I honestly don't believe anything marina is saying. I have some immediate post eviction interviews, her leaving video and they were very agenda based.

Then the fact people in the house seemed to suggest she was a compulsive liar.

Something just doesn't ring true.
Sam had an agenda that included her lying about things that we have been told were true: trip to Thailand, etc.
Maybe what doesn't ring true is that she can't tell the full story about people or her time in the house? It's weird they decided to put her in as Sleeping Beauty, but then gave her no instructions.
It's unsure if Sam is still with his long-time girlfriend Michaela Murray.

The last time they posted a picture together was over six days ago and he is currently in New York, but it's unsure if Michaela is with him.

Seriously? Unsure if they are together because no photo for 6 whole days??

Perhaps his girlfriend just prefers to not have her life plastered completely on SM...
Seriously? Unsure if they are together because no photo for 6 whole days??

Perhaps his girlfriend just prefers to not have her life plastered completely on SM...
I doubt my husband and I have had a photo together in over 5 years (we both hate having our photo taken).... if that is a sign a couple is no longer together I'm in big trouble!
Candice Leeder, the girlfriend of Big Brother love rat Lawson emerges after cheating scandal
  • by: Alison Stephenson
  • From:
  • November 03, 2014 2:31PM


Candice Leeder pictured outside her Perth home. Source: Diimex
BOTH Big Brother “love rat” Lawson and his girlfriend outside the house have been spending a lot of time with a Cat recently.
But one of those Cats has gotten one half of the long-time couple into a lot more trouble than the other.
Candice Leeder, Lawson’s girlfriend of five years, has gone to ground since the cheating scandal between her boyfriend and his fellow housemate Cat erupted inside the Gold Coast compound.
And now Ms Leeder has been pictured for the first time since her beau went into the house, taking her own cat for a walk on a leash outside her Perth home.

There were intense rumours Ms Leeder would enter the Big Brother house, which Nine has since denied. Source: Diimex
After Lawson’s straying ways, one can’t help but think that her cheating partner might also be kept “on a leash” if the pair are able to reconcile after he is evicted from the house.
Rumours were rampant that Ms Leeder was set to enter the Big Brother house to stir the pot even further, but host Sonia Kruger recently told Kiss FM Ms Leeder was reluctant.
“We have extended the invitation to Candice,” Kruger told Kyle and Jackie O, “she’s in the middle of exams at the moment, she’s doing her masters. But yeah, we are in communications with her.”

Candice has a pretty good looking Cat of her own. Source: Diimex

Ms Leeder has gone to ground since the scandal broke. Source: Diimex
Discussing Candice’s reaction to the TV love affair, Kruger added: “Look, she’s not happy. Obviously you wouldn’t be would you?
“At this point, she’s been pretty clear about wanting to focus on her exams. But, things change, people change... something might happen this week that could actually propel her to want to talk to us, and I think the best thing for Candice to do is talk to us because the media will stay on it until they can say something.”

Big Brother star Lawson Reeves and his girlfriend Candice Leeder, in happier times. Source: Supplied
Cat and Lawson began their relationship almost a month ago in the house after they kissed while spending a night in the Sanctuary together.
The pair were an unlikely couple, Lawson a 23-year-old electrician in a long-term relationship and Cat, a 31-year-old divorced midwife.
The pair’s relationship instantly created tension in the house, with many housemates making their disapproval of the situation known.

Cat and Lawson have been in a relationship inside the house for about a month. Source: Channel 9

Sonia Kruger with Cat before she entered the house. Source: Supplied
Recent evictee Jason slammed the pair’s antics in his farewell video to the house saying: “I completely don’t agree with it.
“My heart goes out to Candice, she’s been in a committed three year relationship with him. It takes two to tango so they’re both equally to blame but it’s cheating, in the simpler sense, so I don’t agree with it.”
Again referring to Ms Leeder he added: “There is a girl on the outside who is hurting. My heart breaks for her every single day that I see them together, because I can only imagine the pain she’s going through on the outside watching someone that she called a partner being intimate with another girl.”

It all began with a kiss. Source: Facebook

Lawson breaks down in the diary room. Source: Channel 9
While Aisha added: “He knows what he’s doing is wrong.”
At one point Lawson and Cat both said “I love you” to each other, after which Lawson broke down in the diary room, apologising for cheating and “ruining (Candice’s) life”.
“I never intended to hurt Candice,” he said through tears.
“I can’t even imagine how she would feel; Embarrassed I would assume. She’s a really good person. I’m not. She definitely didn’t deserve this. I think I’m sorry for ruining her life.”
Ms Leeder was forced to shut down her social media profiles and has maintained a dignified silence ever since the scandal broke.
But there has been an outpouring of support for her from fans of the show who have slammed Lawson as a “love rat” and labelled his behaviour “disgusting”.

Cat and Lawson both said “I love you” to each other while in the house. Source: Supplied
Originally published as Big Brother love rat’s girlfriend emerges[DOUBLEPOST=1414993410][/DOUBLEPOST]FYI Candice is a babe
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