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Episode I'm A Celebrity! AU (2016) - Episode Discussion looks like the Producers are crucifying poor Laurina by showing all the negative shit doesn't it?... and now Julia is telling her about how she 'improved' at the end... that is so shitful... I'm so disappointed that Julia actually had the hide to say that!... that is so pathetic!... Laurina didn't have to 'IMPROVE' Julia!!!!... cheers.

The doctor did too. While she acknowledged she "tweaked" herself, she didn't cave. The first part of that must have been hurtful to watch.
Those fuckheads. How dare they show her that relentless package of more people hating her than she probably had ever envisaged. Those utter fucks.

I bet they don't do any such thing for the two fellows. Oh, what hateful people to do that - and then Julia did that you changed blah blah - good on Laurina for holding her ground and saying they got me, and accepted me, more so. ARGH.
Those fuckheads. How dare they show her that relentless package of more people hating her than she probably had ever envisaged. Those utter fucks.

I bet they don't do any such thing for the two fellows. Oh, what hateful people to do that - and then Julia did that you changed blah blah - good on Laurina for holding her ground and saying they got me, and accepted me, more so. ARGH.
She was generous in her words. I'd be lips of string and very upset after seeing that footage.
Poor Laurina, this seems like upsetting viewing. It's just like "oh look everyone hated you".
She looked quite hurt with that opening... I'd imagine she felt foolish thinking she was just misunderstood. I'm glad they showed a change of opinions towards the end, but still, the hosts are being annoying with she has changed. Laurina is right, it just took people a little longer to accept her and understand her without taking things personally, of course it helped once some of the clique started to break off.
She was on a high when she left and saw the hosts and then seemed to get defensive and try and explain or defend herself, why the fuck does she even need to really? And by the end she just looked like she was putting on a fake smile to me, she was in shock IMO seeing that footage.

How can we condemn some of the celebs for their treatment of laurina when the hosts and producers of the show condone it and blame her to begin with- utter nonsense
The doctor did too. While she acknowledged she "tweaked" herself, she didn't cave. The first part of that must have been hurtful to watch.

...that has made me so angry... how dare they do that to her!... it so pisses me off that Julia and Chris went along that track just to back up Alex's desired result of having the two guys at the end... they may as well have just said... "oh you lost Laurina because you were the whole problem in the camp and everyone hated your guts... besides... your a female... we can't possibly have a mere woman win it... we just couldn't!"... I secretly did expect Laurina to be the first of the three to go but I didn't expect Julia and Chris to do or say that to her... that has really pissed on my camp fire and put it out to the end of a great series up until now... cheers.
...I hope that if Chris and Julia watch that exit interview on playback that they realise just how brutal and disgusting they were... I am so pissed off with the both of them... oh that's right... that's what Alex instructed them to do... I forgot... cheers.