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Post BB Housemate Antics - Part 3

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Now · Plantation Island Resort, Fiji
Day 3 on Plantation coming to a close. Next, kava and a PJ party. @unleashedtravel #EscapeNormal #travelblogger

Priya Malik
Big Brother Australia 3rd Runner Up@BBAU9 Housemate 2014 #PriyaBBAU

hahah I find it hilarious she refers to herself as Big Brother Australia 3rd Runner Up
I mean....seriously? I think Lina should call herself the 5th runner up and even better...gemma should refer to herself as the 22nd runner up!

You were evicted in a triple before the finale...get over it and move on, you came 4th be happy with it, stop trying to stick runner up into your name did shockingly well, I mean Michael came forth and so did Drew but do they go on calling themselves ...runner up? no.
lol just sus because he's following miranda kerr and I mean...that's a bit random.
at least 12 HM's follow Miranda Kerr. Matt BB13,Nathan J and Ryan might follow her though because they think that she's hot with being a former Victoria Secrets model? although guess it's possible Nathan has met her because of his modelling/contacts....
Travis needs to hurry up and get Twitter.
yeah pretty sure Tom doesn't use it ( although posts on instagram) and Dion deleted his account a while back, but everyone else is active on twitter now

Skye hit over 100k followers on instagram today.Ryan and Travis aren't far behind with around 97k.
Aisha still very popular leading the way with 157k followers
He probably knows her, rich people stick together
I wonder if Ryan was the reason for the miranda and orlando split!!!!

at least 12 HM's follow Miranda Kerr. Matt BB13,Nathan J and Ryan might follow her though because they think that she's hot with being a former Victoria Secrets model? although guess it's possible Nathan has met her because of his modelling/contacts....
Oh didn't know that, I just looked at Skyes and saw Ryan and Priya from here and never thought to check matts or nathans
she's an aussie babe so it makes sense...i guess??
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