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Episode Day 65 (11/11/14) Eviction

Nothing will beat Michele & the fucking robber.
Start watching at around 1.50 ends about 3.00
Not the best quality of video, but still funny.
Was that a good year? I feel like people have posted so many clips of that season that I may as well go back and watch the whole thing now because I've seen so much of it already. Or is it just a coincidence that clips often seem to be from then?[DOUBLEPOST=1415691424][/DOUBLEPOST]
Oh Dear.

I am trying to do the fake tears. But nothing. ;)
At least you tried for me. A+ for effort and thought!
Nothing will beat Michele & the fucking robber.
Start watching at around 1.50 ends about 3.00
Not the best quality of video, but still funny.

I just heard the ad in the background then and had exactly the same thought!

Was that a good year? I feel like people have posted so many clips of that season that I may as well go back and watch the whole thing now because I've seen so much of it already. Or is it just a coincidence that clips often seem to be from then?

It was OK, not the best.

If you watch the older series, you will notice the difference in how it was shown on TV to what it is like now.

At least years ago, we got to know the HM's