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Episode Day 38 (15/10/2014) "Live" Nominations

I don't think ryan will necessarily go..
I think itll be close between Priya and Ryan. Really hope Priya stays...

Cat didnt nominate Priya.. I don't think..

Yes you're right, Cat nominated Ryan for 3 points. My mind is a little blown from so many anti-Christs voting >_<
So clearly Aisha on the grog the other night was a total twat to everyone. Good to know. Mean drunk.

Maybe that beaded head thing was too tight and cutting off the circulation to her brin.
As I said the other night when watching her - just like a 14 year old drunk on her parent's scotch at her first big girl party. Only thing missing was her then puking in the garden and having sex with a random.
Why is Ben even there? Is it just to torture Travis? I'm not a fan of Travis but that's a little cruel; he doesn't deserve that. Poor thing. :(
What about Sam's parting message?
He sure set everyone straight that he would never get together with Sandra.
Mates forever. That's it.
Did Sonia or Mike G call it a parting shot?
Yeah. Big brother Australia was my favorite show last year. I too got used to the forum. I thought this year might improve. So I was hopeful.

But, they have taken every single aspect of what I loved about the show last year and completely removed it from the show.

I think it's fair to complain and still watch up to a point as long as you still have hope or still like posting with the crowd on the forums.

I quit once before the first eviction, but I'm not paying attention anymore. I will stick to the post bb thread.

But I hope everyone else enjoys some aspect if the show!

I think it is intentionally being directed where 9 wants to go once they have finished the contract.
9 just wants some cheap follow on from the block.
They will make some shit based on geordie/jersey shores, bbish stuff but more like USA, and blockage stuff.
They are almost there - no rules to speak of, alliances, strategy and nom talk just go for it, slobbery shallow hookups, cheating, cougars.
Look what we have here, they could care less, and they are rushing with doubles.
Anything like BB is a bit beyond 9, they can't/don't know how to do it.
Everything they do RTV based, is under 9 control - not viewers, even the Voice, is judge dominated.
Just caught up..

Wow, Sonia's funbags have grown!

So glad I recorded so I could fast forward all the Ben bits

Sandra. No. Stop sniffing things you crazy woman. Please no more closeups of her crying, it's scary. I love how as soon as we see her crying the reaction in here is quick let's gif it lol

I'm done with duck lips and her bimbo act. She is not as dumb as she's acting, and it's demeaning to herself that she thinks this is the character she needs to portray with the over-exaggerated facial expressions. Ugh. I'm too old for this shit. Stick to being caring and genuine. Plus, she put Dave up so she sucks.

Ryan's teeth are jacked up! Please stop smiling.

Loved Priya's noms. Nailed it.

Lawson and Cat not up?? Wtf?

Sandra and Ryan to go this week pleaaaase!!!

Save David and Priya!