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Episode Day 38 (15/10/2014) "Live" Nominations

Watching them sob and wail over writing letters to people they will see in a couple of weeks? My sources say no, tomorrow's show will not be better than tonight.
Oh shit I forgot about that promo....... *sigh* I guess I'll wait till BB is canceled, then brought back in the future on another network for a good episode.
It's so weird. If i heard the crowd screaming out his name for eviction, like they did last night, I'd throw him 4 points quicker than you could say "better him than me"
But you could also hold onto that knowledge for later in the game. ;)[DOUBLEPOST=1413374283][/DOUBLEPOST]
just noticed, was there any family and friends at the eviction segment last night?

There wasn't the week before either. It's strange ...
makes me think they only say it irks them because they know Lawson and Cat will be being judged harshly outside the house - thus they're going with popular opinion AND will get air time discussing what they think would be the hot topic about the house ...
@crimmy, you are wise. ;)
Yeah. Big brother Australia was my favorite show last year. I too got used to the forum. I thought this year might improve. So I was hopeful.

But, they have taken every single aspect of what I loved about the show last year and completely removed it from the show.

I think it's fair to complain and still watch up to a point as long as you still have hope or still like posting with the crowd on the forums.

I quit once before the first eviction, but I'm not paying attention anymore. I will stick to the post bb thread.

But I hope everyone else enjoys some aspect if the show!
I agree. It feels like every year we lose a bit of what we love about BB. Nothing wrong with complaining about that.

The way I find peace with that though is that nothing can stay the same, particularly this show.
New HMs think they are smarter than BB, and that they are clever enough to manipulate the game to their advantage. But we don't want smart arses running the show.

The only way to put a stop to that is by throwing in surprises. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't.
But that's when I think of BB as a fellow HM, and a fallible one, just like the rest of other the HMs.
Why is Lawson getting no nominations?
Srsly, the HM believe that nothing happened in the slutuary between him and Cat... if they knew about the shenanigans they got up to, I reckon he and Cat would be getting more noms