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Episode Day 38 (15/10/2014) "Live" Nominations

Big Brother told them that they were not allowed to share their makeup with Skye while she was being punished...
Yes that was during the first week of punishment which would last till nominations. After that the punishment should have been over and she could have her makeup back. However the power play meaned she wouldn't get it back, but must have been able to use the makeup of someone else in the house as that rule no longer applied..
My theory there would have to be that Priya let her use some of her makeup. I think they both had bright lipstick that night..

When it was taken away from her, she was told that she couldnt use anyone elses. I STILL dont know HOW she got it back. Did she have one of those choice things, like alcohol for the whole house, or her make-up kit?
that's why we're all such moaning minnies about the show
having watched BBCan2, BBUK and BB16 (US) since last year's show I don't really see why international viewers would waste their time on BBAU ... other than the interaction of BB with the HM's and the funny accents which may or may not be amusing to you - what IS the appeal?
I love Australia and I love Big Brother....what else can I say