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Episode Day 38 (15/10/2014) "Live" Nominations

I'm well invested. Not in any particular winner, but in the genre. Sure, sometimes BB is produced better than other times, no question. But if I'm going to watch something, I'm going to find the good in it and enjoy it for what it is. It surprises me that people who whinge constantly about the show are still watching. If I hated it that much, I wouldn't bother with it.
Yeah. Big brother Australia was my favorite show last year. I too got used to the forum. I thought this year might improve. So I was hopeful.

But, they have taken every single aspect of what I loved about the show last year and completely removed it from the show.

I think it's fair to complain and still watch up to a point as long as you still have hope or still like posting with the crowd on the forums.

I quit once before the first eviction, but I'm not paying attention anymore. I will stick to the post bb thread.

But I hope everyone else enjoys some aspect if the show!
Consuela is a female name and has female display pic but he is a Mr. Not all user names are Christian names ;). Nice to meet you James.
Oh dear... that fact that you had to explain that to me... I'm either really tired or I've watched too much Skye and Travis and my brain dropped down a few gears!
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I hate it how Ben said "I'm Ben from Big Brother" at the start of the episode :)

I hate how much Australia loves Travis. He’s been up week after week and was still most saved this week. It’s a joke.

The audience laughing at Ben annoys me so much. Please get off my screen Ben. We already evicted you.

Aisha’s tears over this annoy me so much because it just means Travis and Aisha will get so much further. Bloody hell. She’s lost someone that “compliments her every day” and “makes her feel special every day”. Self-centred much?

I feel worse for Sandra because Sam isn’t coming back :p At least she doesn’t want him there because he gives her compliments :p

Gosh they are really plugging this Aisha/Travis relationship.

Skye wasted her deadly dozen.. maybe. I don’t know.

Priya is so calculating. Her face watching Skye’s nominations was so interesting. QUEEN PRISUS!

I think Sandra and Ryan are in trouble this week.

Save Sandra & Priya. Sms Sandra or Priya to 199 55 999

To save Sandra call 1902 55 95 14. To save Priya call 1902 55 95 12.

If we save Sandra we may get rid of the fence sitter Ryan. Sandra will go soon enough (sorry @Consuela).